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112 Cards in this Set

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Chocoholic Ice Cream Completes an annual study of consumers to determine the customers brand awareness and satisfaction with the product. These studies demonstrate what type of marketing research strategy?

Project strategy

The most important step in the research process is

formulating the problem

after you have determined the research design, the next two steps in the research process are

design the data collection method and forms; design the sample and collect data

after determining the research design the next step in the research process is

prepare the research proposal

after formulating the decision problem, the next two steps in the research process are

determine the research design; design the data collection method and forms

the sample design stage of the research process includes specifying

a. the population from which the smaple elements will be drawn

B. The sampling frame

C. the type of sample

D. The sample size

E. all of the above

The sampling frame deals with

the list of population elements from which the sample will be selected

Which of the following is TRUE?

Increasing the sample size is a sure way to reduce total error since it reduces sampling error, which is an important component of total error.

Which of the following is NOT part of the data analysis and interpretation stage of the research process?

deciding the number of points on a measurement scale

Data analysis generally involves a series of steps. In correct order, the first three of these steps are

Editing, coding, and tabulating

The process of checking data-collection forms for completeness, consistency, and adherence to instructions is known as


Which of the following statements is FALSE?

B and D are false

B. Sampling error is the key error associated with a research project

D. Revision of the decision problem is not possible after data have been collected

The marketing problem should be defined clearly so that

Research can be designed properly

Which of the following is TRUE

A researcher should not worry about the decision alternatives as decision makers typically will provide researchers with a complete list of them.

Research Problems arise from

E. A, B, and C

A. Unanticipated change in the marketing environment

B. A firms planned change of a marketing variable.

C. Customer complaint letters

New ideas as a source of marketing research problems arise from

E. All of the above are sources of new ideas

Customer complaint letters, salespersons call reports, comments in trade publications, customer calls to toll-free service assistance centers

Which of the following is TRUE?

The key difference between the decision problem and the research problem is the decision problem focuses on what action needs to be taken while the research problem focuses on what information to provide and how that information can best be secured.

Which of the following factors should NOT affect the design of a marketing research project?

E. All of the above should affect the design of the research.

The decision makers environment, the corporate culture, the consequences of alternative actions, the objectives of the decision maker

Which of the following are involved in the basic decision situation?

D. All of the above

Outcomes, a choice among differentially desired and unequally probable alternatives, an individual operating within some environment

Which of the following statements is FALSE? Decision problems are more complex when

the courses of action provide an equal rahter than unequal chance of attaining the desired outcome

Which of the following is TRUE?

The researcher's written statement describing his or her understanding of the decision problem is called the research request statement

Which of the following would be considered part of a firm's project strategy?


Personal interviews in national consumer studies, mail questionnaires in a brand tracking study, telephone interviews when measuring brand awareness

Which of the following is a method of exploratory research ?


Reviewing published data, interviewing knowledgeable people, conducting focus groups, investigating trade literature

A research request statement includes all of the following items EXCEPT

The scales for the measures

Each of the following is part of a typical research proposal EXCEPT

Hypothesized results

The following techniques are useful in order to ensure that the purpose of the research is agreed upon before the research project is begun EXCEPT

Data sources and research methodology

Which of the following is false:

Research design may be modified after data analysis

Comparing data from Web-surveys to paper-pencil surveys, which of the following is

data from Web-surveys need to be coded

A research proposal need not contain which of the following:

Indication of understanding of the clients marketing problem

Research Designs

D. A and B

Should be relevant to the decision problem

should use economical procedures

Which of the following is FALSE

It is impossible to do research without a research design

Which of the following is FALSE

Exploratory research investigates hypotheses

The descriptive study

is concerned with determining the frequency with which something occurs

A causal research design is typically concerned with

The determination of cause-and effect relationships

Which of the following is capable of providing more convincing evidence of causal relationships ?

an experiment

Research designs

Should not be modified to suit specific purposes

Which of the Following is TRUE?

E. They are all true.

a. In exploratory research, the major emphasis is on determining the frequency with which the phenomenon occur together, eg. sex of driver with frequency of accidents

B. A study aimed at making predictions such as the number of college students who are likely to go on to graduate school is an exploratory......

The manager of Capitol Brewing Inc. states that he is very concerned with the continuing decline in sales of the company's major product, a dark lager. The manager has asked for your assistance in finding the reasons for the sales decline. The most appropriate way to begin would be with

exploratory research

Which research design(s) is (are) typically guided by an initial hypothesis?


Which of the following statements is FALSE?

Marketing research studies employing the exploratory strategy generally have as a starting point a hypothesis specifying relationships between variables

The three basic designs can be looked at as stages in a continuous process. This process:

Represents the investigation of a more detailed statement of the problem at each stage of the problem.

Exploratory research begins with

vague topics of interest

The major emphasis in exploratory research is on :

The discovery of ideas and insights

A Hypothesis

is a conjectural statement about the relationship between two variables that are measurable or potentially measurable.

Exploratory research can be used to

E. A, B and C

A. increase the analysts familiarity with the problem

B. clarify concepts

C. establish priorities in dealing with explanations of problems.

An exploratory study is not productively used to

describe the characteristics of certain groups

A literature search most closely resembles which type of research?


One of the quickest and most economical ways to discover hypotheses is

through a literature search

An experience survey

should contact all people who possess some knowledge of the general subject.

An experience survey

should contact all people who possess some knowledge of the general subject

In an experience survey

the emphasis is not on demonstrating that an explanation is the primary explanation.

The experience survey is a procedure most appropriate for

exploratory studies

An experience survey

requires interviewing only those people with a great amount of experience or knowledge.

A focus group

is not useful for testing hypotheses

focus groups are useful for which of the following purposes

E. A, B, and C

A. generating hypotheses

B. generating information helpful in structuring questionnaires.

C. Gathering background information on a product category

Which of the following is FALSE

individuals who have previously participated in a focus group are particularly valuable to researchers because they will have a more relaxed attitude than first-time members.

Focus groups are useful for all of the following purposes EXCEPT

Testing cause-effect relationships

Which of the following statements is TRUE of focus groups?

Coding, tabulation, and analysis of response is difficult in comparison to a written survey.

Focus groups consist of eight to twelve members because

E. B and C

B. smaller groups are often dominated by one or two members

C. In larger groups, individuals have to wait to speak.

Firms conducting a focus group

D. A and C

A. attempt to develop relatively homogeneous groups.

C. heavily recruit previous focus group members.

Focus group moderators need to possess all the following characteristics EXCEPT

being a expert on the topic

Benefits of focus groups include

E. A, B and C

A. ideas can drop "out of the blue"

B. snowballing of ideas

More spontaneous responses than in one-o-one interviews

Focus group weaknesses include

D. A and B

A. Difficult to moderate the session

B. responses are not representative of general population

Benchmarking is an example of what kind of research ?

analysis of selected cases

Using different ads in different geographic areas and investigating which ad generated the highest sales is an example of _____ research


you are product manager for Brand X coffee, a nationally distributed brand. Brand X has been declining in absolute level of sales for the last four consecutive months. You ask the marketing research department to do a study to determine why sales have declined. The most appropriate research strategy would be

An exploratory study

Exploratory studies

are characterized by flexibility

Which of the following is not an advantage of individual dept interviews?

E. All of the above are advantages of individual depth interviews.

- interview can delve deep into a topic, allow more candid discussion on the part of the interviewee, essential for certain situations where competitors would otherwise be placed in the same room, eliminate the negatives that group influences have in a focus group.

Which of the following is a limitation of individual depth interviews

They are typically much more expensive than groups

Insight-stimulating example research exhibits which of the following features??

E. All of the above are features of the analysis of selected cases.

- Investigator has a receptive attitude to new explanations of a phenomena, needs to possess good integrative abilities, attempts to explain both the unique and common features of each case, cases reflecting extremes of behavior are particularly productive.

In the analysis of selected cases, it is generally true that cases that are most useful are cases that

E. All of the above are useful types of cases.

-reflect abrupt changes, reflect extremes of behavior, reflect the order in which events occurred over time, reflect striking features.

Which of the following is NOT true of depth interviews as opposed to fixed-alternative questions?

Will allow more respondents to be interviewed.

In a descriptive study, the researcher should delay data collection until

D. items A through C should all be determined before data collection begins

-made clear judgements with respect to the questions of W,W,W,W, and how of descriptive research. clear determination of how the data items are to be analyzed. Has specified the statistical tabulations and significance tests that will be used ot uncover the relationships....

Descriptive research is NOT productively used

To develop a profile of the "average user"

Which of the following is TRUE?

a good descriptive study presupposes much prior knowledge about the phenomenon studied

You would like to determine the demographic characteristics of owners of recreational vehicles. The appropriate research strategy would be

descriptive research

you have been called in as a consultant for the purpose of advising what sales volume quotas for Brand A mouth wash should be established for each of ten sales districts that collectively cover the continental United States. The quotas are to be set for the next calendar year. This is PRIMARILY a(n)

descriptive study

You are a senior analyst in the marketing research department of a major steel producer. You have been requested to make a forecast of domestic automobile production for the forthcoming calendar year and, for this forecast, to make a forecast of the total tonnage of steel that will be used by the automobile manufacturers. This is primarily a(n)

descriptive study

A descriptive study

requires a clear specification of the research problem

dummy tables

are complete tables except for filling in the actual numbers.

which of the following statements about dummy tables is FALSE?

A researcher should specify variables and categories in a dummy table after the data have been collected.

The following are true of cohort analysis EXCEPT

spacing between surveys corresponds to the arbitrary divisions created by the researcher.

Which of the following does NOT represent a type of descriptive study?

literature search

Question not in book

the cross-sectional study

The panel in a longitudinal study

has members that are measured repeatedly

Which of the following is TRUE

A panel is a permanent or fixed sample of members from whom information is obtained continuously or at intervals over a period of time.

Which of the following statements about panels is FALSE?


True longitudinal analysis

Can only be performed using panels that rely on repeated measurements of the same variables.

Another name for a turnover table is

a brand switching matrix

chapter 5 question 18

can only be performed when there are repeated measures over time on the same variables for the same subjects

Which of the following is TRUE?

Turnover analysis can be used to look at changes in the behavior of individuals

Which of the following is TRUE?

The objective of cross-classification analysis is the establishment of categories such that classification in one category implies classification in one or more other categories

Which of the following is FALSE? Longitudinal studies

allow turnover analysis when the panel reflects one-time measurements of different variables.

Working for the Allstate insurance Company, you gather data on the following characteristics for a representative sample of 10,000 drivers:age, sex, miles driven/year, and number of accidents during the past five years. This is an example of:

A descriptive research using field SURVEY approach

based on Data given:

Which brand was the most popular at time, T0?


Based on Data given:

How many people switched brands between time t0 and t1?


Based on data given

Which brand(s) had the highest brand loyalty?


Which of the following is FALSE?

data based on longitudinal analysis (employing consumer panels) permit the researcher to observe aggregate differences but not individual changes.

Which of the following is TRUE?

sample surveys are expensive in terms of both money and time

Which of the following is TRUE?

exploratory research can be helpful in choosing whether to attend graduate school

Interviewer-interviewee interaction errors

occur because interviewer and respondent reflect distinct personalities and different social roles.

Panels reduce interviewer-respondent interaction bias through

E. all of the above reduce interviewer-respondent interaction biases.

- repetive contact, rapport between the individuals, the use of open-ended questions

The main disadvantage of panels is that they

are nonrepresentative

Better on-going panel operations

determine prospective participants very systematically

A cross-sectional study

typically involves a sample of elements from the population of interest.

Cross-classification analysis

has as its objective the establishment of categories such that classification in one category implies classification in one or more other categories.

Which of the following statements is true?

The objective of cross-classification analysis in the field survey method is to establish categories such that classification in one category implies classification in one or more other categories.

Sample surveys have the following disadvantages

E. A, B, and C

- they require a good deal of technical skill, they are expensive in both time and money, they sacrifice breadth for depth

Which of the following is FALSE?

Project strategy addresses the question of what types of studies the firm should conduct and for what purposes

Which of the following is FALSE?

A program strategy and a project strategy are identical

Which of the following is TRUE?

A program strategy specifies the types of studies to be conducted and for what purposes

Which of the following is TRUE?

A research project may have one objective or several objectives.