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21 Cards in this Set

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- When trends spread from a hearth of culture (usually a large city such as Milan, Paris) to smaller cities and eventually to rural areas
What is hierarchal diffusion?
- Things this way; fashion, music
- Or, designers are the hearth – fashion houses – celebrities and socialites – trendsetters buy those clothes at Bloomingdales or the designer stores – eventually Wal-Mart or Target makes a copy and everyone has it.
Where does it start?
What things spread through hierarchal diffusion?
Is when a trend spreads out from its hearth easily from person to person
What is Contagious diffusion?
Some illnesses spreads this way
Give an example of something that spreads through contagious diffusion?
Some music trends spread this way – Phish the band spread this way
Which type of diffusion spreads through word of mouth?
a wide-raging group of heterogeneous people who embrace cultural traits such as music, dance, and clothing and food preferences that change frequently and are everywhere on the cultural landscape
What is popular culture?
A group of people in a particular place who see themselves as a community and who share the same unique experiences, customs and traits.
What is local culture?
Ex. Amish, Hutterites, Hasidic Jews in Manhattan, Makah tribe
What are some examples of local culture?
When something that is normally not an idea that would be bought or sold becomes a product on the world market
What is commodification?
- Ex. Selling the right to name your kid on ebay
- When a buisiness uses a name of a group to increase their profit ( Fighting Irish, Seminoles)
What is an example of commodification?
- This is what happens when a group’s culture is commodified.
- Instead of really gaining an understanding of the culture, people copy the image of it.
What can happen when a groups culture is commodified?
- The center of a trend
- The place where diffusion occurs from
What is a Hearth?
- Milan, Paris and New York are heaths of fashion and other parts of popular culture
What are some examples of Hearths?
- The blending of cultures
- When local cultures give up their uniqueness to become part of the group
What is Assimilation?
- The US encouraged/forced this at one time
What is an Example of Assimilation?
Same-Rural areas, separate from popular culture, limit technology, Anabaptists
Different- Hutterites will use technology for farming, the Amish will not use it at all Hutterites- west- Dakkota, Amish- PA, NY
Compare the Hutterites to the Amish.
- Isolate themselves
- Create rules to keep other groups out and to their own culture in.
- Restart or continue their traditions.
What might a group do to strengthen their local culture?
- Popular Culture
- Stereotypes
- Assimilation
- Commodification
What threatens local cultures?
- Isolate themselves
- Create rules to keep other groups out and to their own culture in.
What do local cultures to do lessen the threat from outside forces?
Hirarchal diffusion- an idea spreads through advertising
Describe how something can become part of popular culture.