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52 Cards in this Set

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what does economic growth mean
rise in the standard of living
what is the most straightforward way to measure living standards
real gross domestic product per capita
formula for real gdp per capita
GDP / population
why isnt real gdp per capita a good way to measure standard of living
- leisure time and other things not counted in the gdp have different value
- gdp might only be distributed to some people
what is the rule of 70
if a variable is growing by X percent per year, the variable will double in 70/X

ex: gdp per capita rises by 2% a year, gdp per capita will double in 70/2= 35 years
what countries have recently experienced a lot of growth
south korea
what must happen for real gdp per capita to grow
real gdp must grow faster than population
what are the determinants of real gdp
1. productivity
2. average hours
3. EPR
4. size of pop
d: productivity
the output produced by the average worker in an hour

total output / total hours worked
productivity formula
total output / total hours worked
average employment formula
number of hours worked / total employment
d: employment population ratio (EPR)
percentage of the population that is working
EPR formula
total employment / population
economy's growth equation
(real gdp per capita long equation)
%Δreal gdp per capita = %Δproductivity + %Δ average hours + %ΔEPR
EPR increases only when...
total employment rises at a faster rate than population
ways the government can increase labor supply
1) decrease income taxes
2) decrease transfer payments bc they provide disincentives to work
3) raise the retirement age
ways the government can increase labor demand
1) offer subsidies for education and training
to have sustained economic growth the EPR must...
continue to increase each year
what is the driving force in increasing living standards
increases in productivity
d: capital per worker
total capital stock / total employment

a rise in this causes productivity to rise
the production function shifts upward when...
the capital stock increases
what determines how fast the capital stock rises
the rate of planned investment spending in the economy
the capital stock will rise when...
investment is greater than depreciation
how does the government make investment spending more profitable for firms (increase the demand for loanable funds, increase planned investment)
1) reduce the corporate profits tax
2) elimination of investment tax credit (subsidizes corporate investment)
3) decrease the budget deficit would increase planned investment
d: corporate profits tax
tax on the profits earned by corporations
d: investment tax credit
a reduction in taxes for firms that invest in new capital
government policies used to increase saving
1) decrease capital gains tax (the less people have to pay on the gains for bonds the more willing they are to buy them)
2) use a consumption tax
3) decreasing transfer payments since they provide a safety net, this would increase the need to save
d: capital gains tax
tax on profits earned when a financial asset is sold for more than its acquisition price
d: consumption tax
tax on the income that households spend (savings isnt taxed, so this form of taxation increases spending)
a decrease in the budget deficit would...
increase planned investment
ways to increase physical capital
1) decrease in the budget deificit would lower IR and allow for more people to borrow money for college
2) income tax reductions
how does diminishing returns limit growth from more capital
if you give someone more technology on how to farm when they already have a lot of technology, the increase in output wont be as significant if you give a backhoe to someone that only uses a shovel to farm
how does depreciation limit growth from more capital
a greater and greater share of the capital stock is needed to replace the amount of capital that depreciates every year
how does human capital depreciate
when workers retire and are replaced by new workers
d: technological change
the invention or discovery of new inputs, new outputs or new production methods
two effects on the production function when a piece of capital stock w new technology is introduced
1) increase in production (shift upward) through the increase in capital
2) boost to production because of the new productivity enhancing technology
the faster the rate of __A___, the greater the growth rate of __B__, the faster the rise in __C__
A) technological change
B) productivity
C) living standards
what does making use of a new technology also require
production of new physical capital
d: discovery based growth
economic growth primarily in advanced countries based on technological change from new discoveries
where does increases in technology/capital stock come from in rich countries
discovery based growth
does economic growth based on discoveries suffer from depreciation
no, ideas cant depreciate
where do funds for research come from
loanable funds market (planned investment)
how do you increase R&D (research and development) spending
any policy that will increase investment spending
1) lower capital gains taxes
2) lower corporate profits taxes
3) reduce budget deficit

government can also directly fund research
ways the government can influence the pace of technological change
1) enact policies that increase invesment spending for R&D projects or directly fund R&D projects
2) provide institutional infrastructure that encourages innovation (laws)
how can poor countries catch up to rich countries
can adapt new technology from rich counties without making new discoveries themselves
d: catch up growth
economic growth in less advanced countries based on icnreasing capital per worker from low levels and adopting technologies already used in more advanced countries
how have some poor countries been able to experience catch up growth whereas other countries have not
the government has a lot to do with it
stable legal system that protects prop rights, honest government, stable financial situation, international openness, and access to education
d: supply side effects
fiscal policy can change total output by altering the quantity of resources available for production

effects on total output
can fiscial policy affect demand through changing total spending
no fiscal policy has no demand side effects
does fiscal policy have supply side effects
yes, the government can change how many resources are available for production having supply side effects
the more capital goods we have the...
less consumption goods we have
list barriers to catch up growth in the poorest countries
1) extremely low output per capita
2) high population growth rates
3) poor insitutions