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26 Cards in this Set

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sequence of behaviors that requires no learning, does not vary among individuals, and once started runs to completion
Fixed action pattern

sequence of behaviors that requires no learning, does not vary among individuals, and once started runs to completion

examples: egg retrieval in geese and aggressive displays and attacks by stickleback fish

Innate behavior
present in all individuals in a population and do not vary much from one individual to another

Sign stimulus

an external signal that triggers the innate behavior called a fixed action pattern

a monkey quickly learns to fear snakes if it sees another monkey express such fear

Altruistic behavior
a behavior that comes at a cost to the individual preforming it and benefits another

Kin selection
strategy by which one individual assisting another can compensate for its own decrease in fitness if it is helping a close relative in a way that increases the relatives fitness

Reciprocal altruism
the individual performing the act is likely to get something of value from the recipient at a later time

Inclusive fitness
the sum of an individuals indirect and direct fitness

Direct fitness

Indirect fitness

Reproductive investment
energy and material expended by an individual in the growth, feeling and care of offspring
Paternity uncertainty
b/c it is possible for a female to mate with multiple males, any of whom could be the father

system in which some individuals attract multiple mates while other individuals attract none

individual males mate with multiple females

individual females mate with multiple males

most individuals mate and remain with just one other individual

Mating systems
polygamy and monogamy

Sexual dimorphism
when the sexes of a species do differ in size or appearance, mating system tends to polygamy, one parent invests more in caring for the offspring

Sexual monomorphism
the sexes are distinguishable, mating system tends towards monogamy, both parents invests equally in caring for the offspring
an action or signal on the part of one individual that informs or alters the behavior of another individual
Chemical communication

pheromones released by one individual and detected by another

ex: silkworm moth airborne chemical release for mating, territory markers such as urine


molecules released by an individual into the environment that trigger behavioral responses in other individuals

ex: silkworm releases bombykol into the air


sounds that trigger behavioral responses are abundant in the natural world

ex: songs of birds, whales, crickets, frogs, territorial howling from wolves


individuals often display visual signals of threat, dominance, or health and vigor

ex: male baboon showing its teeth and male peacock showing its feathers

Waggle dance
when a honeybee scout returns to the hive after locating a food source, she preforms a set of maneuvers on a honeycomb, she wiggles her abdomen. The bees observe her dance and leave the hive to locate the food source