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15 Cards in this Set

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What improvement most dramatically increased the speed and lowered the expense of commerce in the first half of the nineteenth century?
canals and steamboats
What was the significance of Robert Fulton?
His work in designing steamboats made upstream commerce possible.
set up farms on unoccupied land.
The first industry to be shaped by the large factory system was:
What problem with cotton did Eli Whitney solve by inventing the cotton gin?
Removing seeds from the cotton was a slow and painstaking task, but Whitney made it much easier and less labor-intensive.
What was the most important export from the United States by the mid-nineteenth century?
How did the market revolution affect the lives of artisans?
Gathered in factories, they faced constant supervision and the breakdown of craftsmanship into specialized tasks.
In Gibbons v. Ogden, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that:
New York could not grant a monopoly on steamboat navigation between New York and New Jersey.
According to John O’Sullivan, the “manifest destiny” of the United States to occupy North America could be traced to:
a divine mission.
Henry David Thoreau believed that:
genuine freedom lay within the individual.
Because an English law forbade the export of machinery blueprints, Samuel Slater memorized the plans for the power-driven spinning jenny before immigrating to America.
Expanding westward was connected to American freedom.
Irish immigrants tended to be more skilled than the German immigrants arriving around the same time.
The Second Great Awakening both took advantage of the market revolution and criticized its excesses.
One significant way that blacks were able to enjoy economic independence was by settling in the West on federally provided public land.