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194 Cards in this Set

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the combined form angi/o means?
blood vessel.
the combined form aort/o means?
the combined form arter/o, and arteri/o mean?
the combined form atri/o means?
the combined form cardi/o means?
the combined form coron/o means?
crown or circle, heart.
the combined form my/o and myos/o mean?
the form pector/o means?
the combined form valvul/o means?
little valve.
the form vas/o means?
blood vessel.
the combined form vascul/o means?
little blood vessel.
the combined form ven/o means?
the combined form ventricul/o means?
little belly, ventricle.
name 3 functions of the cardiovascular system.
1. propulsion of blood by the heart.
2.transport of blood to all body tissues by the blood vessels.
3.exchange of materials between the blood and body tissues.
the prefix a- means ?
without or absence of.
the prefix dys- maeans?
bad, abnormal, painful, or difficult.
the prefix brady- means ?
tachy- means?
the combined form cyan/o means?
pect/o and pector/o mean?
the combined forms rhythm/o and rrhytm/o mean?
sten/o means ?
the suffix -a means?
the suffix -algia and -dynia mean?
condition of pain.
the suffix -genic means?
pertaining to producing; formation.
the suffix -ia means?
condition of.
the suffix -osis means?
condition of.
the suffix -plegia means?
the suffix -sis means?
state of.
the suffix -spasm means?
sudden involuntary muscle contraction.
what is angina pectoris?
the primary symptom of an insufficient supply of oxygen to the heart.
define angiospasm.
spasms of the smooth muscles forming in vessel walls.
what is angiostenosis?
the narrowing of a blod vessel.
what is arrythmia?
a oss of the normal rhythm of the heart.
define bradycardia.
abnormally slow heart rate.
what is cardiodynia?
pain associated witht the heart.
define cardiogenic.
it refers to a symptom or sign that originates from a condition of the heart.
what is cardioplegia?
paralysis of the heart muscle.
what is cyanosis?
a blue tinge is seen in the skin and mucous membranes.
what is palpation?
the pounding, racing, or skipping of the heartbeat.
define tachycardia.
rapid heart rate.
the prefix endo- means?
the prefix epi- means?
upon, over, above, or on top.
the prefix hyper- means?
excessive, abnormally high, or above.
the prefix hypo- means?
deficient, below, abnormally low.
the prefix peri- means?
the prefix poly- means?
the combined form ather/o means?
the combined form hem/o means?
the combined form isch/o means?
hold back.
the combined form pleb/o means?
the combined form scle/o means?
thick or hard; sclera.
the combined form sept/o means?
wall or partition; putrefying.
the combined form tampon/o means?
the combined form tens/o means?
the combined form thromb/o means?
the combined form varic/o means?
dialated vein.
the suffix -ac means?
pertaining to.
the suffix -ade means?
the suffix -al means?
pertaining to.
the suffix -ar means?
pertaining to.
the suffix -emia means?
condition of blood.
the suffix -ic means?
pertaining to.
the suffix -ion means?
the suffix -itis means?
the suffix -megaly means?
abnormally large.
the suffix -oma means?
the suffix -osis means?
condition of.
the suffix -pathy means?
what is an aneurysm?
an abnormal bulging of an arterial wall.
what is angiocarditis?
inflammation of the heart and blood vessels.
define angioma?
a tumor rising from a blood vessel.
what is aortic sufficiency?
when the left ventricle is forced to work harder due to failure to close properly during ventricular diastole.
what is aortic stenosis?
the narrowing of the aorta.
define aortitis.
inflammation of the aorta.
what is arteriopathy?
disease of an artery.
define arteriosclerosis.
the thickening of an arterial wall and it loses elasticity resulting in a reduced flow of blood to tissues.
define athersclerosis.
a form of arterioslecosis in which one or more fatty plaques form along their inner walls.
what is atrial septal defect?
a failure of the foramen ovale closure at birth leaving an opening between the two atria.
what is atriomegaly?
dialated atria or enlarged atria.
what is atriomegaly?
atria are extremley large and dialated.
define atrioventricular block.
it is an injury to the AV node which normally recieves impulses from the SA node and transmits them to the ventricles to stimulate ventricular systole.
what is cardiac arrest?
the cessation of heart activity.
define cardiac tamponade.
acute compression of the heart due to the accumulatiopn of fluid within the pericardial cavity.
define cardiomegaly.
abnormal enlargement of the heart.
what is cardiomyopathy?
the general term for disease of the myocardium of the heart.
define cardiovalvulitis.
in flammation of the heart valves in the heart.
what is coarctation?
a congenital defect characterized by aortic stenosis.
what is congestive heart failure?
a chronic form of heart disease characterized by the failure of the left ventricle to pump enough blood to supply systemic tissues and lungs
what is cor pulmonale?
a general term for a disease that afflicts the coronary arteries supplying the heart.
what is coronary occlusion?
blockage within a coronary artery.
what is an occlusion?
a blockage.
define embolism.
a blockage or occlusion that forms when a blood clot or other foreign particle moves through the circulation.
what is endocarditis?
inflammation of the endocardium.
define fibrillation.
a condition of uncoordinated, rapid contractions of the muscle forming the ventricles or atria.
what is heart block?
a block or the delay of the normal electrical conduction of the heart.
what is a heart murmur?
an abnormal soft, gurgling or blowing sound heard during auscultation of the heart.
what are hemorrhoids?
dialated or varicose veins in the anal region.
Wat is hypertension?
persistantly high blood pressure.
what is hypotension?
a condition of abnormally low blood pressure.
what is ischemia?
an abnormally low flow of blood to tissues.
what is a myocardial infarction?
death of a portion of the myocardium.
what is myocarditis?
inflammation of the myocardium of the heart.
define patent ductus arteriosus.
a congenital defect caused by an opening between the two pulmonary arteries and the aorta.
what is pericarditis?
inflammation of the membrane surrounding the heart.
what is phlebitis?
inflammation of a vein.
what is polyarteritis?
simultaneous inflammation of many arteries.
what is septicemia?
a bacterial infection of the bloodstream.
what is tetralogy of fallot?
four heart defects present at birth. (right ventricular hypertrophy, incorrect position of the aorta, ventricular septal defect, and pulmonary stenosis.)
what is thrombosis?
the presence of stationary blood clots within one or more blood vessels.
what is varicosis?
an abnormally dialated vein.
what is ventricular septal defect?
a congenital disease in which an opening in the septum seperating the right and left ventricles is present at birth.
the prefix endo- means?
the combined form ech/o means?
the combined form embol/o means?
man/o means?
pulmon/o means?
son/o means?
sphygm/o means?
the suffix -ac means
pertaining to.
the suffix -ary means?
pertaining to.
the suffix -ectomy means?
surgical excision or removal.
the suffix -gram means?
a record or image.
-graphy means?
recording process.
-lytic means?
pertaining to loosen or dizzolve.
-meter means?
-metry means?
process of measuring.
-plasty means?
surgical repair.
-rrhapy means?
-scopy means?
process of viewing.
-stomy means?
surgical creation of an opening.
-tomy means?
incision or to cut.
what is angiography?
a diagnostic procedure taking images of blood vessels after injection of a contrast medium.
what is angioplasty?
the surgical repair of blood vessels.
define angioscopy.
the use of a flexible fiber-optic instrument or endoscope to observe a diseased blood vessel and to asses any lesions.
what is angiostomy?
the creation of an opening into a blood vessel , usually for insertion of a catheter.
what is angiotomy?
the surgical incision into a blood vessel.
define aortography.
a procedure that scans images of the aorta.
what is arteriography?
a procedure that obtains an image of an artery.
what is arteriotomy?
an incision into an artery.
what is auscultation?
the process of a physical examination that monitors internal sounds.
what is cardiac catheterization?
the insertion of a narrow flexible tube called a catheter through a blood vessel leading into the heart.
what is a cardiac pacemaker?
a battery powered device that is implanted under the skin and wired to the SA node.
define cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
artificial respiration that is used to restore breathing by applying a combo of chest compressions and artificial ventillation. Commonly known as CPR.
define coronary artery bypass graft.
a surgical procedure that invloves removing blood vessels and grafting them for coronary circulation.
what is a coronary stent?
a artificial scaffold used to restore blood flow in coronary arteries.
what is defibrillation?
an electric charge that may be applied to the chest wall to start and stop the chest.
what is Doppler sonography?
an ultrasound procedure that evaluates blood flow in an effort to determine the cause of a localized reduction in circulation.
what is ecchocardiography?
ultrasound procedure that detects sound waves through the heart to observe heart structures in effort to evaluate heart function.
what is electrocardiography?
when electrodes are placed on the skin to detect and record electrical events of the heart. Commonly called a EKG or ECG.
what is an embolectomy?
the surgical removal of a floating blood clot or embolus.
define endartectomy.
the removal of the inner lining of an artery to remove fatty plaque.
what is a Holter monitor?
an EKG monitor for a 24 hour period of time.
what is nitroglycerin?
a drug that is commonly used as an emergency vasodialator as a treatment for sever angina pectoris or myocardial infarction.
what is a phlebectomy?
the surgical removal of a vein.
define phlebotomy.
a puncture into a vein to remove blood for sampling or donation.
What does PET scan stand for?
positron emission tomography scan.
what is sphygmomanometry?
a common procedure that measures arterial blood pressure.
what is thrombolytic therapy?
treaqtments to prevent and dizzolve unwanted blood clots.
what is a treadmill stress test?
exercise under a EKG examination.
what is valvuloplasty?
the surgical repair of a heart valve.
Knowing the Statute of Limitations for debt collection is important because the debt may be...
uncollectable if the statute has run.
It is illegal to ask if an employee candidate has ever been convicted of a crime.
Wording of an employee handbook needs to be cautious because, if not stated clearly, the courts could construe that a contract has been formed.
Cancer of lymphatic tissue is known as Hodgkin's or non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
The combining form blast/o is defined as "germ" or "bud."
What is the definition of the combining form aut/o?
What is another term for "blood poison?"
The first antibiotic, discovered in 1926 by Sir Alexander Fleming, is called penicillin
A section of COBRA, the __________ deals with patient dumping, a slang term for transferring emergency patients from one hospital to another, if the patient does not have health insurance or is unable to pay for services.
A disease caused by a neurotoxin released by the bacterium Clostridium tetani is called
A disease capable of transmission from one person to another is called an autoimmune disease
The National Labor Relations Act gives employees the right to form and join unions, to bargain collectively, and to strike for better benefits and working conditions.
The suffix -lysis is defined as
The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 protects
persons 40 years or older
A chemical agent that reduces the clotting process in the blood is called an anticoagulant
The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits employment discrimination of the
handicapped worker
Title VII is a strongly worded act that employers can not refuse to hire, unlawfully discharge, or otherwise treat unfairly based on five criteria. Which of the following is NOT one of the five criteria covered under Title VII?
Sexual orientation
An employer does not have a legal obligation to make accommodations so employees can practice their religious observations
If a patient's blood work shows enlarged red blood cells that vary in shape and a reduction in number along with a deficiency of folic acid, the patient would be diagnosed with pernicious anemia
A viral disease caused by the vaccinia virus is known as
what is ethnocentric?
believing that their cultural background is better than any other.
what is a bias?
an unfair dislike or preferance against someone.
what is stereotyping?
negative generaltities concerning specific characteristics about a group are applied unfairly to an entire population.
what is autonomy?
independence or self beliefs.
what is the principle of double effect?
a principle that can have two effects; one good and one bad.
in most situations, federal laws preempt or overule what?
state laws.
what soes employee at will mean?
it means that employment can take place at the will of either employer or the employee.
what does title VII of the civil rights act of 1964 prohibit?
what is the EEOC?
equal employment opportunity commission and it monitors title VII
wrongful discharge suits fall under what law?
civil rights act of 1991.
what does the OSHA stand for?
occupational safety and health act of 1970.
what is vesting?
it refers to a certain point in time.
what is garnishment?
it refers to a court order that requires an employer to pay a portion of an employees paycheck directly to one of the employees creditors until the debt is resolved.