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105 Cards in this Set

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The bones that comprise the palm are
The three bones that fuse to form the hip bone (coxal) bone are
ilium, ischium, and the pubis.
The portion of the bony pelvis that is inferior to the pelvic brim is
is the true (lesser) pelvis.
The portion that is superior to the pelvic brim
brim is the false pelvis. (greater)
The anterior joint formed by the two coxal hip bones is
the pubic symphysis
Although the joints of the pectoral girdle are not very stable
they allow free movement in many directions
When the forearm is extended, the olecranon fossa
recieves the olecranon.
The Trochlea articulates with
the trochlear notch.
The head of the ulna articulates
the ulnar wnotch of the radius
The Talus is the most superior of the tarsals and articulates
with the distal end of the tibia
The lateral border is also known as
the axillary horder.
The acromion process articulates with
the clavicle.
The scapular notch does not arccomodate
the head of the humerus
The coracoid process is utilized for
muscle attatchment.
When the forearm is flexed it does the radial fossa does not receive
the coranoid process.
A decrease in the height of the medial longitudinal arch does not create a condition known
The transverse arch is formed by
navicular, cuneiforms, and bases of the five metatarsals.
The longitudinal arch has medial and lateral parts, both of which originate
at the calcaneus.
Arches help absorb
Arches enable the foot to
support the body’s weight.
The lateral condyle of the Tibia is involoved with
knee joint.
The greater sciatic notch is located
located on the ilium.
Large , triangular, flat bone- posterior pt. of thorax
- S shaped bone lying horizontally in the superior and anterior part of the thorax
Humerus articulates
proximally with the scapula and distally with the ulna and radius
is located on the lateral aspect of the forearm
Ulna- -
located on the medial aspect of the forearm
the longest, heaviest, and strongest bone in the body.
larger , medial bone of the leg.
smaller , lateral bone of the leg
heel bone
Calcaneus is the largest and strongest tarsal bone
sesamois bone that articulates with the femur and tibia.
is the most medial bone in the distal row of carpals, has hook shaped projection anterior surface
articulates with the metatarsals I-III and cuboid.
located in the proximal row of carpals; moon shaped
Trapezium .
is most lateral bone in the distal row of carpals.
largest carpal bone
are generally classified as proximal, middle, and distal.
most lateral bone in the proximal row of carpals.
Talus articulates with
the tibia and fibula.
Triquetrum located in
located in the proximal row of carpals- three cornered
Cuboid lateal bone
lateal bone that articulates with the calcaneus and metatarsals IV-V
Trapezoid articulates with
articulates with the metacarpal II
Navicular boat shaped bone that articulates with the talus.
Navicular boat shaped bone that articulates with the talus.
Olecranon fossa
Greater Trochanter-
Medial Malleolus
Acromial end
Capitulum- Humerus
Radial tuberosity-
Hip bone
Lateral Malleolus-
Glenoid cavity-
Coronoid process-
Linea Aspera-
Anterior border-
Anterior Superior Iliac Spine-
Hip Bone
Fovea Capitis-
Greater tubercle-
Trochlear Notch-
Obturator Foramen
Ulna & Radius
Styloid Process-
Ulna & Radius
The pectoral girdle attatches the upper limbs to
the axial skeleton.
The weakest part of the clavicle
is the midrgion at the junction of the two curves
The acromion of the scapula
high point of the shoulder.
Each free upper limb has
30 bones.
The radius articulates at the
elbow with the capitulum and the redialfossa of the humerus
The ulna articulates at the
elbow with the Trochlea, Coronoid fossa, and Olecranon fossa of the humerus.
The olecranon is
the elbow part of the ulna.
The radius and Ulna form the
proximal and distal radioulnar joints. Their shafts are also connected by the interosseous membrane
The scaphoid
is the most frequently fx wrist bone.
The bony pelvis attaches the
attaches the lower limbs to the axial skeleton and supports the backbone and pelvic viscera.
Most of the skeletal system arises from
embryonic mesoderm.
The femur
the acetabulum of the hip bone.
The Sacrum
articulates with the auricular surface of the hip bone.
The pelvic axis is
the course taken by a baby’s head as it descends through the pelvis during childbirth.
Each lower limb has
30 bones.
The angle of convergance of the femurs is greater in females than males because
the female pelvis is broader.
The patella is classified as a sesamoid bone because
it develops in a tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle of the thigh.
The tibia is the
weight bearing bone of the leg.
The Talus is .
tarsal bone that articulates with the Tibia and Fibula.
Because the arches are not rigid, they yeild when weight is applied and spring back when weight is lifted,
allowing them to absorb the shock of walking.
brachialis attaches to
coronoid process under the biceps
Radius provides stability to
the radius against distal dislocation with the annular ligament
annular ligament
orbicular ligament- encircles the head of the radius bone and retains it in contact with the radial notch of the ulna
brachialii & Biceps are
radial tuberosity is located
medial-biceps and is responsible for thesupination & flexion of the elbow
olecranon is located at the
proximal end
radial tuberosity articulates with the
lateral side of the humerus
ulnar with
trochlea of humerus
radius with
neck of the radius is known as
the quadrate ligament
at the proximal end of the ulna is the
the olecranon forms the
anterior projection called the coronoid process articulates with
the trochlea of the humerus
trochlear notch
large curved area between the olecranon & coronoid process that forms part of the elbow joint
ulnar tuberosity is inferior to
coronoid process where the biceps brachii muscles atttatch
distal end of the ulna
consists of a head that is seperated from the wrist by a disc of fibrocartilage
styloid process is located
on the posterior side of the ulnas distal end
styloid process provides attatchment for the
ulnar collateral ligament to the wrist
Clawfoot is
a condition in which the medial longitudinal arch is abnormally elevated.

diabetes- lesions lead to the atrophy of muscles of the foot
the bones composing the arches of the foot are held together by
ligaments and tendons
When the height of the medial longitudinal arch decreases or falls this causes what condition?
flat foot