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12 Cards in this Set

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Louisiana Purchase
Americans bought the entire Louisiana Territory from the French for $15 million. It doubled the size of the US and provided them with access to the Gulf of Mexico.
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Jefferson sent Meriwether Lewis to explore the Missouri River to see if it was good enough for trade, to explore the Far West, and to look at the flora and fauna found there. William Clark helped in the preparation of this expedition.
Barbary War
The North-African Barbary States of Tangier, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli, were blockaded by Jefferson's army. The war cost a lot of money and did not lead to any good. It was ended by a treaty in 1805.
Embargo Act (1807)
During the war between France and England, the United States tried to claim their neutrality. However, neither Britain nor France respected this. To solve the problem, Jefferson passed the Embargo Act, by which the United States would stop all trade with both countries.
War of 1812
A war fought by the small army and navy to kick the British out of Canada. The Republicans underestimated the British and failed to provide the necessities. The British ended up giving up on the operation.
Hartford Convention (December 15, 1814)
A group of New England moderate Federalists met in Hartford to express their anger against Madison, because he did not pay enough attention to New England's financial interests. They wanted changes in the Constitution.
Rush-Bagot Agreement (1817)
It limited US and British naval forces on the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain. It made sure the Britain would never try to invade the US from Canada, and that the US would never try to take Canada from the British.
Anglo-Convention of 1818
Set the border between the lands of the Louisiana Purchase and Canada, and gave the US and Britain joint occupation of Oregon.
Adams-Onis Treaty (1819)
Florida was given to the US by the Spanish in return for the assumption of $5 million of the financial claims of American citizens against Spain. Spain also had to give up its claim to the Pacific coast north of California.
Era of Good Feeling
A myth of national harmony that occurred after the War of 1812, where one party dominated politics. However, in reality, there were many politicians fighting for what they thought was right and because their voice wasn't heard, they started losing their interest in politics.
American System
Named so by Henry Clay of Kentucky, the American System was a high protective tariff to stimulate industrial growth and provide a market for the Western farmers
Missouri Compromise
Missouri was admitted by the Senate as a slave state, and Maine was admitted as a free state.