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36 Cards in this Set

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A migratory bat species pollinates agave plants in northern Mexico on its way to the southwestern United States where it spends the summer eating insects and reproducing. Farmers spraying pesticides affect these bats, which eat the insects and also feed them to the baby bats. This could be the start of a story about ________.

threats to a keystone species

A population of birds is found on a remote island. Which of the following information is most important in deciding if the birds all belong to a single species?

Whether the matings produce viable eggs or offspring of some matings are sterile.

A species of lizard has gone extinct. This could be due to any of the following reasons except ________.

increased genetic diversity within the species

Bullfrog tadpoles are often sold as fish bait, even in areas where they do not occur naturally. When people buy 10 of them and don't use them all, they often dump the remainder into the lake or river. This is an example of ________.

introduced species

Changes in habitat have tremendous effects on the organisms that depend on them. These effects are ________.

generally negative; organisms are already adapted to the habitats in which they occur and any change is likely to render the habitat less suitable

Contrary to popular belief, the Endangered Species Act allows ________.

landowners to harm a protected species in one area if they protect it in another

In 2011, the Endangered Species Act of 1973 is ________.

generally supported by the public but is criticized as putting wildlife before people

European rabbits were introduced into Australia and quickly spread, reproduced, and became a terrible pest. They eat up to $600 million worth of food and pasture crops annually, and have damaged the populations of many native plants and the populations of animals that eat the plants. Twice in the past 50 years, rabbit diseases have been introduced to try to control the population, with some success. This is a case where ________.

an invasive species has reduced the genetic diversity of indigenous species

In general, successfully introduced non-native species experience ________.

competitive success against native species

Paleontologists and ecologists agree that ________.

99% of all species that have ever existed are now extinct

Removal of which of the following species will always result in the greatest changes in an ecological system?

a keystone species

The Convention on Biological Diversity has goals ________.

that require biodiversity be used in a sustainable manner

The IUCN's Red List is ________.

an updated list of species facing unusually high risk of extinction

The causes of the current (sixth) mass extinction include all of these, but not ________.

earthquakes, tsunamis and forest fires

The country of Belize depends on lobster for a major portion of its income, along with fishing and tourism. Over the past 30 years the average size of an individual lobster has dropped, even as increasing numbers of Belizeans buy boats, build lobster traps, and enter the industry. This is an example of ________.


The extinction of a particular population from a given area (but not the entire species globally) is called ________.


The greatest diversity (numbers of different species) of organisms can be found in ________.


The wood thrush makes its nest in woodlands in the northern and eastern United States. As patches of woods become smaller, increasing numbers of wood thrush nests have eggs laid in them by the brown-headed cowbird. Cowbirds live in open fields and are nest parasites; the female cowbird flies up to an unattended nest, quickly lays an egg in another bird's nest, and leaves the host parents to raise their "adopted" young. Wood thrushes are decreasing in numbers because ________.

habitat fragmentation makes it easier for cowbird parasitism to occur

Direct consequences of biodiversity loss are ________.

loss of sources of medicines

Loss of aesthetic and spiritual ties with nature would be less if we ________.

decreased the rate of habitat alteration and destruction

More greenhouse gas emissions will indirectly lead to ________.

loss of ecosystem services

A complete definition of biodiversity

includes the diversity of species-their genetic diversity and the diversity of their communities and populations.

The equilibrium theory of island biogeography is a tool used by conservation biologists. Island biogeography theory says that

small and isolated patches of habitat are more likely to suffer extinction events than are larger patches.

An umbrella species is important because

if an umbrella species is protected, many other species that require the same habitat will also be protected.

If conservation biologists wanted to try to stop the largest cause of species extinction, on what should they focus?

habitat alteration

The sixth mass extinction event

is ongoing and has been caused by human disturbance.

Arguments for protecting biodiversity include

all of the above.

the financial gain in tourism dollars from people coming to view nature (ecotourism).

the potential new food sources that can be more productive in environments where current crops are difficult to grow.

protecting each species simply because every species has an intrinsic value and a right to exist.

the removal of pollutants from the air and water performed by diverse and healthy ecosystems.

CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) tries to prevent the extinction of species by

asking countries to stop the importation of organisms or parts of organisms (like tiger bones) if they are endangered species.

Captive breeding and cloning are techniques that can be used in the effort to save species from extinction. What is the main criticism of focusing effort on these strategies?

These programs will not be useful if no quality habitat exists into which the species can be reintroduced.

Global biodiversity exists in a number of patterns. The largest and most obvious of these is that biodiversity is

greatest at the equator and drops as you move farther north or south.

How have humans influenced the rate of extinction?

The current rate of extinction is between 100 and 1000 times higher than the historical background extinction rate.

The scientific name of the tiger is Panthera tigris. Panthera is the ______________ to which the tiger belongs.


As a benefit of biodiversity, ecotourism

can create economic opportunities for the people who live in places that have maintained their ecosystems in a healthy state.

How is community-based conservation different from more traditional approaches to conservation?

In community-based conservation, local people are involved with protecting the habitat, allowing them to still benefit from its resources.

One major cause of extinction is the introduction of invasive species into new habitats. Which of the following statements about invasive species that lead to extinction of native species is not true?

They have all been introduced accidentally.

The loss of a single species can negatively impact humans because

All above

people will travel around the world to observe a species in its natural environment adding money ot the local economy.

some species act as keystone species, which means the loss of even one may cause the collapse of an ecosystem and the loss of its services.

in particular environments, some plants and animals can grow more productively and provide a better-quality food source than the food that is currently being grown.

many drugs come from natural sources, and scientists are discovering new drugs by looking at the chemicals in living things.