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25 Cards in this Set

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4 factors effecting Enzyme rate

1. [Enzyme]: high rate with high [ ]

2.[Substrate]: high [s]=high V

3. T: ~50C (>50 denatures protein)

4. pH: specific to enzyme

Formula for Enzyme Velocity

from Substrate to product

V= -- Change in [S]/ change in t

=Change in [P]/ change in t

Shape of Velocity vs. Substrate

Hyperbolic curve indicates:

- high enzyme act. in low [s]

- Enzyme saturation with high [S]

-Informs speed of E

What does Michaelis Menten Eqt show

It's the rate equation for enzyme catalyzed description of Hyperbolic curve

Km in curve Indicates

How efficient an E selects its substrate and coverts it to product. It's the [S] when E is 1/2 saturated.

Vmax on graph indicates

Max reaction velocity when there's high [S] and E becomes saturated

To determine Km

Vmax must be known

= [S] at 1/2 Vmax

Catalytic Rate (K cat) constant determines

how quickly an enzyme can act.

Eqt for Kcat

Vmax/ [E] total

Meaning of high Kcat

Enzyme converts substrate to product right away

What determines catalytic efficiency

The value of K cat/ Km represents enzyme's overall ability to convert substrate to product than values alone.

What does the Lineweaver Burk Plot do

Linearizes Michaelis-Menten Kinetics data.

Takes the reciprocal

Lineweaver Burk Equation

1 = (Km) 1 + 1

___ __________ ___

V (Vmax) [s] Vmax

Y= m X + b

Types of enzymes that don't fit the Michaelis Menten Model

1) Multiple substrate Reaction ( O-R , tranfarase rxn)

2)Multistep reactions

3) Nonhyperbolic reaction ( In oligomeric enzymes with multiple act. site)

Irreversible Inhibition

Any reagent that COVALENTLY modifies an AA side chain

*Suicide substrate: enter enzyme act. site and begin to react just as normal substrate would

Competitive inhibitor

Bind to the active site of the enzyme resembles substrate in size and chemical properties so it binds to enzyme but lacks electronic structure that allows it to react

*high [s] reverses inhibitor

Effects of Competitive inhibitors on Km and Vmas

-Increase K: inhibitor prevents substrate from reaching act. site and decreases affinity .

-Doesnt effect Vmax: Inhibitor binds reversible, allows E to occasionally enter act. site.

Transition state analogs

Compound mimics transition state and can take advantage of features in act. site in the ways the substrate can't.

*Better inhibitors than substrate analogs

Noncompetitive inhibitors

Binds to sire on the enzyme OTHER THAN act. site. Creates a conformational change that affects structure or chemical properties of act. site

Effects of Vmax, Kcat and Km with NONCOMPETITIVE inhibitors

Kcat and Vmax: Kcat is affected so Vmax is lowered to the same degree

-Km lowered to the same degree

Uncompetitive inhibitors

Bind to ES complex in multisubstrate Rxn. Prevents reaction from continuing and yielding product

Effect of Uncompetitive inhibitors on Vmax and Km

Vmax is decreased

Km is unchanged

Allosteric regulation

can inhibit or enhance enzyme activity in oligomeric enzymes (multiple Act. site)

Allosteric feedback inhibition

When high [I] = shuts down its own synthesis by blocking earlier step

the Negative effector

A substance that diminishes an enzyme's act through allosteric inhibition