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36 Cards in this Set

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What are two types of cell division?



What is Mitosis?

Mitosis is the process in which a eukaryotic cell nucleus splits in two, followed by division of the parent cell into two daughter cells. The word "mitosis" means "threads," and it refers to the threadlike appearance of chromosomes as the cell pre...

Mitosis is the process in which a eukaryotic cell nucleus splits in two, followed by division of the parent cell into two daughter cells. The word "mitosis" means "threads," and it refers to the threadlike appearance of chromosomes as the cell prepares to divide

* used in asexual reproduction

What is Meiosis?

Meiosis is a process where a single cell divides twice to produce four cells containing half the original amount of genetic information. These cells are our sex cells – sperm in males, eggs in females.

What are the similarities and differences between Mitosis and Meiosis?

Similarities: Meiosis and mitosis are both preceded by one round of DNA replication

Differences: meiosis includes two nuclear divisions. The four daughter cells resulting from meiosis are haploid and genetically distinct. (think unique)

The daughter cells resulting from mitosis are diploid and identical to the parent cell. (think clone)

What are the Parts of the cell cycle?

1. Interphase- divided into G1 phase (cell growth), S phase (DNA replication), and G2 phase (preparation for mitosis)

2. Mitosis-nuclear division phase; separation & duplication of chromosomes

3. Cytokenisis-physical division of cell into two parts

What is Cell Cycle Regulation?

The cell cycle or cell-division cycle is the series of events that take place in a cell leading to its division and duplication of its DNA (DNA replication) to produce two daughter cells.

What is a chromosome?

How is it packaged?

Where is it in the cell?

A Chromosome are thread-like structures located inside the nucleus of animal and plant cells. Each chromosome is made of protein and a single molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

Chromatin in turn forms larger loops and coils to form chromosomes. DNA is tightly packed in the nucleus of every cell. DNA wraps around special proteins called histones, which form loops of DNA called nucleosomes.

It is located in the nucleus.

Why do Cells divide?

1. to reproduce organisms

2. to grow and repair multicellular organisms

What are Daughter cells?


What does Cell division involve?

Tthe transfer of genetic information from parent to daughter cells

Roles of Cell division in a picture on back.

What are the two types of cell dividion called?

1. Asexual reproduction – offspring geneticallyidentical to the parent

2. Sexual reproductioncombines genetic informationtwo individuals of opposite mating typesoffspring similar, not identical, to parentsgenetically diverse population better able to adaptto changing environments

What are the types of Types of Cell Division

What is binary fission used by?

Used by most bacteriaand archaea

Used by most bacteriaand archaea

Overview of Mitosis in picture on back

What is Meiosis Is Necessary for?

Sexual Reproduction

Meiosis – results in gametes (sex cells)

* females- mature into eggs

* males –sperm

* Reduces genetic information by half

Somatic (body) cells

* diploid = haploid + haploid

* reproduce by mitosis

Gamete (sex cell) –

* haploidOne set of chromosomes

Mitosis in humans in picture on back

Life cycle of a cell in picture on back

The Cell cycle in two phases in picture on back

Name some facts of the G 0 phase?

* nondividing phase called G0.

* can last from a few days to thelifetime of the organism.

* Liver cells stay in G0 phasemuch of the time but divideonce a year on average.

* Neurons stay in G0 phase fortheir entire life span.

* The G0 State Represents a “Safe Haven”Against Progression to Cancer

Cell control in picture on back

What are the steps during cell death?

apoptosis (main type of programmed celldeath in humans):

* Mitochondria and proteins degrade

* DNA fragments

* Cell shrinks; engulfed and digested inside immune cells

What are the Chromosomal Organizationof Genetic Material?

* Each DNA double helix packaged with specialproteins to form chromatin

* Chromatin further compacted to formchromosomes

* One chromosome = one DNA strand

* Chromosomes average 4 cm in length.

DNA Pacakging image on back

Structue on a replicated Chromosome image on back.

What are homologous chromosomes?

* two copies of each chromosome

* Humans 46 chromosomes divided into 23homologous pairs

* One pair (sex chromosomes) determinessex of an individual animal

* Other pairs #1 - #22 (autosomes) basedon length.

Human karyoype image on back

What is Mitosis and Cytokinesis?

mitosis is –

* separate sister chromatids

* distribute one of each chromosome into eachdaughter cell


* divide parent cytoplasm into two

* animal cells- microfilaments form, contract

* plant cells- a new cell wall is erected

* last step in cell cycle

Mitosis Image on back

Mitosis image 2 on back

Cytokinesis Image on back

Cell division in plants Image on back

Descibe Meiosis two stages?

Two stages:--

Meiosis I –homologous pairseparated,reduces chromosome setsfrom 2n to n.--

Meiosis II –separates sisterchromatids into twodifferent daughter cells

Produces four daughter cells with half the DNA (n)

What does Meiosis and FertilizationContribute to?

* Genetic variation – basis for evolution

* Means of genetic variation

* Randomness of fertilization

* Crossing over

* Independent assortment – 8.4 million possiblecombinations

* Mutations-permanent change in the DNA

what is Fertilization and its details?

*Merging of Male and FemaleGamete to Produce a Zygote

* somatic cell - diploid set of genetic information (2n)

* gamete - haploid set (n).

* embryo divides mitotically as it develops

MItosis and Meiosis in humans Image on back