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53 Cards in this Set

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adapted to high salt concentrations, which are required for growth
extreme halophile
the general term used for organisms capable of growth at 0 degree C
capable of growth at high temperatures; optimum of 50-60 degree C
used in media to neutralize acids
a phenomenon that occurs when bacteria are placed in high salt concentrations
term used in text for organisms that grow well at refrigerator temperatures; optimum growth is @ temperatures of 20-30 degree C
microbes that grow better @ high CO2 concentrations
members of the archaea w/ an optimum growth temperature of 80 degrees C or higher
considered a synonym for psychotroph by some microbiologists
facultative pscyhoPHILE
an enzyme acting upon hydrogen peroxide
Rhizobium bacteria do this in symbiosis w/ leguminous plants
nitrogen fixation
requires atmospheric oxygen to grow
obligate aerobe
does not use oxygen, but grows readily in its presence
does not use oxygen andusually finds it toxic
obligate anaerobe
important source of energy, carbon, nitrogen and sulfur requiremetns in complex media
breaks down hydrogen peroxide w/o generation of oxygen
formed in cytoplasm by ionizing radiation
hydroxyl radical
an enzyme that converts hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water
the toxic form of oxygen neutralized by superoxide dismutase
superoxide free radicals
a component added to some culture media that makes the Petri plate into a self-contained anaerobic chamber
isolation method for getting pure cultures; uses an inoculating loop to trace a pattern of inoculum on a solid medium
streak plate
a device for maintaining bacteria in a logarithmic growth phase
used to increase the numbers of a small minority of microorganisms in a mixed culture to arrive at a detectable level of microorganisms
enrichment culture
preservation method that uses quick-freezing and a high vacuum
accumulations of microbes large enough to see w/o a microscope
microbes added to initiate growth
new cell #'s balanced by death of cells
stationary phase
no cell division, but intense metabolic activity
lag phase
a logarithmic plot of the population prouduces an ascending straight line
log phse
used to grow obligate an aerobes
reducing media
designed to suppress the growth of unwanted bacteria and to encourage growth of desired microbes
selective media
generaly contain ingredients such as sodium thioglycolate that chemically combine w/ dissolved oxygen
reducing media (?)
nutrients are digets or extracts; exact chemical composition varies slightly from batch to batch
complex media
Agar is a ____ derived from a marine alga.
polysaccharide (solidifying agent)
A few bacteria nd the photosynthesizing ______ are able to use gaseous nitrogen directly from the atmosphere.
_______ are the most common microbes; their optimum temperatures are 25-40 degrees C.
osmotic effects are roughly related to the _____ of molecules in a given voluem of solution.
a complex medium in liquid form is called a nutrient ______.
for preservation by _______, a pure culture of microbes is plased in a suspending liquid and quick frozen at -50 - -95 degrees C.
deep freezing
bacteria usually reproduce by _____.
binary fission
turbidity is recorded in a spectrophotometer as _______.
absorbance (optical density)
the growth of filamentous organisms such as fungi is often best recorded by means of _______.
dry weight
____ anerobes grow more efficiently aerobically than they do anaerobically.
facultative anaerobes
____ halophiles do not require high salt concentrations, but they are able to grow at salt concentrations that may inhibit the growth of many other bacteria.
examples of buffers are ______ salts, peptones and ____ found in complex media are also buffers.
phosphate salts, amino acids
any nutrient material prepared for the growth of bacteria in a lab is called a ______.
culture medium
agar melts at the boiling point of water but remains liquid until the temperature drops to about ______.
40 degrees C
dilutions of a bacterial mixture are poured into a petri dish and mixed w/ melted agar. This plate counting method is called the _______.
pour plate method
partially digested protein products used in complex media are called ______.
in order to grow obligate intracellular parasites such as rickettsias and chlamydias, it is usually necessary to provide _____.
living host cells
the general term for tests that estimate microbial growth by the time required for them to deplete oxygen in the medium is _____ tests.
the _______ growth temperature is that at which the organism grows best.
when a single colony arises from a clump of bacteria, it is recorded as a ______.