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7 Cards in this Set

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Psychological and physical changes in girls and boys
Girls begin puberty between 9 and 12
boys begin around 11 and 14.
Girls reach their full height by age 18
boys will grow until ages 18-20.
girls become interested in boys before boys become interested in girls. girls start to date older guys, and boys date girls taller than them.
boys and girls grow 2 and 5 inches.
ages of 11 to 13, girls will be taller, weigh more and stronger than boys.
boys  shoulders become wider, and their legs and forearms longer than girls.
Girls begin to grow wider in the pelvic and hip area. Some adolescents have unequal growth during puberty; The head, hands, legs and feet grow first leaving the other parts to come later. This may result in motor awkwardness and clumsiness.
explain secular trend
People are growing  taller and bigger than they did a century ago. They also reach sexual maturity and their adult height faster now than they did in the past. The tendency toward increasing size and earlier achievement of sexual maturity is called secular trend. The trend has Europe and Japan, This suggests that an increased standard of living, along with better health care, and nutriton, is related to the trend. A 14 year old boy is 5 inches taller than a boy of the same age in 1880.
give advice on masturbation
Masturbation is a normal part of adolscence, there is no need to feel ashamed or embarrassed. And no, your hands will not fall off if you do not quit. Masturbating is not harmful, it is a normal way to relieve sexual tension and other stress that you may have.
explain the differ in sexual activity of various groups
African American teenagers are more likely to have sexual intercourse than their white and hispanic peers. The average age for African American youths to have sexual intercourse is 15, whites 16, Hispanics 17, and Asian Americams 18. African Americana and Hispanic youth often live in less affluent enviroments than their white counterparts. It's been found that African American adolescents raised in affluent homes are more likely to abstain from sexual relationships than those raised in poorer enviorments
Describe the rate of sexual activity occuring during adolescence. Discuss and compare the long-term effects for both males and females who become teen parents.
25 Percent of males and 26 percent of females have had sexual intercourse by age 15; 69 percent of males and 77 percent of females have had sexual intercourse by age 19. Teen mothers are less likely to finish high school than their peers who are not mothers. Later in life, they are more likely than their peers without children to be unemployed or underemployed. There are potentially serious impacts on the mental health and daily functioning of young mothers
4 reasons why teens dont use birth control
1. Some teens are embarrassed to find and purchase contraceptive apparatus or are concered about confidentiality.
2. Others may feel uncomfortable talking to partners about sexal matters or lack of assertiveness to do so.
3. They feel like sex feels better without a condom
4.  They are invulnerable to getting pregnant, it will not happen to them
Discuss the pros and cons of providing sex education in the public schools.
"Absitence-only programs emphasize aabstienence from all sexual behaviors, and they typically do not provide information about contraception or disease prevention". Supports say that this approach drives home the point to young people that there is no choice when it coms to nonmarital sexuality. Recent research indiciates that absitenence-only-before-marriage programs failed to fulfill their sole purpose-namely, increasing the rates of sexual abstienence. When compared with students in other programs, students in abstinence-only-before-marriage programs had their first sexual experiences at similar ages, had a similar number of sexual partners, and used condoms with similar frequency Numerous "sexuality education experts" believe "that strictly abstinence-only-programs may do more harm than good. They often fail to provide necessary factual information, and they support many myths and stereotypes about various topics in human sexuality such as sexual asualt, gender differences, sexual orientation, pregnancy options, and STIs" (Carroll, 2007, p. 246) Comprenhensive sexuality education empowers young people by teaching them "about both abstienence and ways to protect themseleves from STDs, HIV, and unintended pregnancy" (SIECUS, 2005e). l