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34 Cards in this Set

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“A dynamic process which is reflected in the tendency for a group to stick together and remain united in the pursuit of its instrumental objectives and/or for the satisfaction of member affective needs”. Feelings of interpersonal attraction and sense of belonging to a group by its members


Degree to which group allows individualto reach desired goal

Social cohesion

Degree to which team andindividuals reach respective goals

Task cohesion

1. Group integration

2. Individual attraction to team

Parts of Perception

Collective perception =how do I perceive cohesionas a whole team

Group integration

- How do I relate to group on a social level or task level

- Individual purpose (why you're doing what you’re doing)

- Personal feelings towards the group

Individual attraction to the team

Howa person perceivestheir relationshipwith their group

Group Integration-Social (GI-S)

Howa person perceives ateam as a wholecoping together to achievea task

Group Integration-Task (GI-T)

Do I connect with a group who believes there an attraction there? Am I there b/c my friends are there? = higher attraction. High social focus

Individual Attraction-Social (IA-S)

Individual attraction to achieve a goal

Individual Attraction-Task (IA-T)

1. Group Size

2. Interaction among group members

3. Clarity of group goals

4. Clarity of role

5. Acceptance of group goals

6. Shared perceptions

7. Geographical Proximity

8. Warmth of group atmosphere

9. Personal sacrifice/overcoming adversity

10. Leader's appreciation of members' performances

Factors influencing cohesion

Larger groups; less chance for task/social cohesion. Size dependent on type of task

Group size

Sports requiring more interaction (soccer, rugby) – success directly linked to the ability to coordinate.

Co-acting sports (rowing, synchronized diving) – requirement of team cohesion not as great

Interaction among group members

- Challenging and agreed upon goals

- Ability to measure goal achievement

- Focus for performance strengthens cohesiveness

Clarity of group goals

- Goals only as effective as group’s agreement with them

- Cohesion ↑ with acceptance

- Everyone needs to agree on goals to increase cohesion

- Goal setting participation = ↑ cohesion

Acceptance of group goals

Leadership style that balances need for authority with humanistic, respectful approach ↑ cohesion

Warmth of group atmosphere

Understanding and acceptanceof position

Clarity of member role

Physical proximity of group members ↑ cohesion (player positions, interaction)

Geographical factors

- Giving up something of personal value (time & energy in training & travel at expense of personal life)

- Losing team member or overcoming hardship -brings the team together when someone leaves/dies

Personal sacrifice/overcoming adversity

- Share attitudes, beliefs and motives

- Time, common experiences

Shared Perceptions

- Recognition is a basic social need

- Providing positive feedback

- Recognition for contribution to team and individual performance

Leader's appreciation of members' contributions

- Group’s belief about member competence

- Senseof collectivecompetence shared among individuals when allocating, coordinating, andintegrating resourcesin successful concerted responseto specific situational demands (a team's sense of competence when respondingto specific situational demands)

Group efficacy

- Set challenging yet realistic goals

- Possess high group performance expectations

- Perceive group skills as sufficient to meet goals

- Give 100% personal effort

How to anticipate success

1. Shared beliefs

2. Coordinative capabilities

3. Collective resources

4. Situational specificity

4 components of group efficacy

- Members should have same beliefs in group’s ability to meet goals & expectations of success

- Everyone on the same page

Shared beliefs

- Members ability to interact and complete functions in timely, planned manner to lead to successful outcome

- Trust competencies of teammates

Coordinative capabilities

- Belief of each member that team has resources/skills necessary to be successful

- Causal attributions – how members attribute causes for success (or failure)

Collective resources

- Instances in which team has strong belief about its competence in some (not all) aspects of performance (i.e., defense vs. offence)

Situational Specificity

-A relationship can be described as one of the “glues” that holds a team together

- Coaches who know how to build good relationships with their athletes find their players are more receptive to their ideas

Coach-Athlete relationship

1. Closeness

2. Commitment

3. Complementary

4. Co-orientation

4 dimensions of C-A relationship

Emotional bond (trust, care, support)


Desire to maintain relationship


Cooperative and affiliated interaction


Congruency of relationship perception
