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33 Cards in this Set

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Mind = Computer

Hardware - Brain and nervous system

Software - mental rules and strategies

Information Processing Studies:

Flow of information

-Input -> output

-Mental operations in between

Components of the memory System

-Sensory Memory

-Working memory

-Long-term memory

Sensory memory

-Receives all available information (Sight, sound)

-Held in raw form until identified

-If attended to, pass on through system

-Sensations overlap


A fleeting mental image or visual representation


After a sound is heard, a brief continuation of the sound in the auditory system

Sensory memory in infants

Recognize mother's face compared to strangers face

-Tested with sucking

-suck = next image

-stop sucking when see mom

Working Memory

Capacity to retain information for seconds or minutes

-Use info to plan,perform a task/solve problem

Working memory in Children

Tested using a delayed response task

-Show to objects, one that is new and one that is old

Long-Term Memory (Explicit)


-Facts, knowledge, events

-includes autobiographical memory

Starts devel. at around 18 months, done at 5

Long-Term Memory (Implicit)

Non-declarative and procedural

Begins devel at birth, done at 5

Types of long-term memory


-Episodic memory



Semantic (LTM)

Store of general factual knowledge about the world

Episodic Memory

Store of past experiences (Could be from another source)

Declarative memory

Knowing what

Procedural memory

Knowing how

Autobiographical Memory

-Specific type of episodic memory

-Emerges w/language development and sense of self

-Facts about the self

-Memory of past experiences

What do people remember?

20-30 highest memory before 70

-Many things happening

What do people have infantile amnesia? (Rubin et al)

-Immature memory systems in brain

-Lack of language to structure memories


Processing Capacity (Changes)

-Reaches adult-like levels by 12

-Children cannot cope w/as much information as adults; capacity increases w/age

Speed of Processing (Changes)

-Reaches adult-like levels by 12

-Kids do get faster w/age

Changes in Hardware

Processing capacity increases w/age

Speed of processing increases w/age

Efficiency of processing Increases w/age

Information Processing

-Depends on strategies

-Goal oriented operations

-Help recall and contribute to memory development

-Ex: Rehearsal, chinking, etc

Strategies in Children

-Variability vs Consistency

-Multiple vs. Single Use

-Attention vs Distraction

-Impact of social and culture (Peers/adults)

Attention vs. Distraction EX

Doors + Animals

-Non-animals behind some doors

-Only remember order of animals

Impact of Social and Culture EX

Positive reinforcement causes repeated strategy behavior

-Negative decreases that strategy behavior


-Memory Recall

-Aided by increased knowledge and organization

-Need both to help form strong associations


Aspect of meta cognition

-One's knowledge about memory and memory processes

-Increases w/age

-Contributes to development and individual differences in memory

Selective Attention Process

Information not attended to will be lost (~20s)

-Children < 7 bad at ignoring irrelevant info


Children are increasingly able to inhibit irrelevant information of any kind

-Can't leave this info out of working memory

Fuzzy Trace Theory

We work at getting the gist of a problem, rather than a verbatim representation

-Young children tend towards verbatim

-Older, not so much

Production System

Other model of cognitive processing

-Models problem solving w/a series of if-then rules

-Recognizes rule, acts accordingly (Turn on heat if <62 degress)


Other model of cognitive processing

-Parallel circuits are activated at different strengths

-Connect to other units

-Continuous activation = stronger connection