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42 Cards in this Set

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anything that takes up space and has mass
the study of MATTER and and how matter CHANGES
physical property
a characteristic of a substance that can be:
*WITHOUT changing the substance into another substance
chemical property
a characteristic of a substance that describes the its ability to
CHANGE into another substance
the substance that that undergo change in a chemical reaction
the new substances formed by the reaction
is a SOLID that formsfrom solutionduring a chemical reaction
endothermic reactions
the total making & breaking of bonds results in a
net ABSORBTION of energy

***energy is absorbed as heat from nearby matter
exothermic reactions
the total making & breaking of bonds results in a

net RELEASE of energy
example of endothermic reaction
baking soda & vinegar

the surrounding become cooler as energy os absorbed
example of an exothermic reaction
fuel & oxygen in an airplane
releases heat into nearby matter
Chemical equation
is a short easy way to show a chemical reaction using
instead of words
conservation of matter
during a chemical reaction matter isneither created or destroyed
** the total mass of reactants=
total mass of products
open system
matter can ENTER or ESCAPE
to surroundings

burning match
closed system
matter is not allowed to enter or leave

pear decaying under glass
a number in front of a chemical formula in an equation that indicates how many molecules or atoms of each reactant and product are involved
a chemical reaction in which 2 or more simple substances combine to form a new more complez substance
a chemical reaction
that breaks down compounds to
simpler products
a reaction
in which 1 element
REPLACES another in a compound or when 2 elements in different compounds trade places
what information does a chemical equation contain?
use chemical formulas and symbols insteas of words to
summerize a chemical reaction
How is matter conserved during a chemical reaction
a chemical equation must show the same number of each type of atoms on both sides of the equation
3 types of chemical reactions
1. synthesis
2. decompositon
3. replacement
Conservation of Atoms
in chemical reactions the # of atoms stays the same no matter howthey are arranged
* mass stays the same
Activation Energy
the MINIMUM amount of energy needed to get a chemical reaction started
the amount of of one material in a certian volume of another material.
ex. 5g of salt in 100ml of water
= 5% salt
a material that increases the rate of a reaction by lowering the activation energy
a BIOLOGICAL catalyst that lowers the activation energy in
a material that decreases the RATE of the reaction.
a rapid reaction reaction between OXYGEN & FUEL
= FIRE!!!
How is activation energy related to chemical reactions?
all chemical reactions require a certain amount of activation energy to get started
What factors affect the rate of a chemical reaction?
1. Surface area
2. Temperature
3. Concentration
4. presence of catalysts or inhibitors
How do you think an inhibitor affects the the rate of a chemical reaction?
Decreases it
In what type of reaction do the reactants have less energy than the products?
Endothermic reaction
Why may an increase in temperature affect the rate of a chemical reaction?
may allow the particles to have more energy so they are more likely to come into contact with each other and to reac the activation energy.
a materialthat releases energy when it burns
What are the 3 things necessary to maintain a fire?
1. Fuel
2. Oxygen
3. Heat
Why should you know about the causes of fire and how to prevent a fire?
to know how to prevent fires in your home and what to do if it starts you are more prepared to take action and NOT DIE!
Physical Change
is any change that alters the form or apperance but does not change the substance into anther substance
Chemical Change
a change in matter that produces one or more substances
How can changes in matter be descibed?
changes in matter can be described in terms of
How can you tell when a chemical reaction occurs?
Chemical changes occur when bonds break and new bonds form
4 examples of physical change
melting, freezing, boiling, condensing