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29 Cards in this Set

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scientific study of the interactions between organisms and their environment
scientific study of the interactions between organisms and their environment
basic unit of ecological system
basic unit of ecological system
group of individuals of the same species living at the same time
group of individuals of the same species living at the same time
consists of all organisms that inhabit a particular area; assemblage of populations of different species
consists of all organisms that inhabit a particular area; assemblage of populations of different species
includes all biotic and abiotic factors within a specific area
includes all biotic and abiotic factors within a specific area
biotic factors
living components of an ecosystem
living components of an ecosystem
abiotic factors
non living components of an ecosystem 
rocks and soil
non living components of an ecosystem
rocks and soil
global ecosystem; sum of all the planets ecosystems- life and where it lives
global ecosystem; sum of all the planets ecosystems- life and where it lives
movement of individuals away from their area of origin or from centers of high population density
-contributes to global distribution of organisms
movement of individuals away from their area of origin or from centers of high population density
-contributes to global distribution of organisms
natural range distribution
organisms reaching an area on their own in which they did not previously exist
organisms reaching an area on their own in which they did not previously exist
species transplant
intentional or accidental release of species to areas where they were previously absent 
-species must survive and reproduce 
-usually detrimental to native species
intentional or accidental release of species to areas where they were previously absent
-species must survive and reproduce
-usually detrimental to native species
preferences that may limit a species ability to disperse into other habitats
-dietary preferences of koalas and pandas limit their ability to disperse
long term, prevailing weather conditions in a particular area
-major components of climate:
climate patterns on the local, regional, and global level
-determined by input of solar energy in planets movement in space
-suns warming effects on planets result in:
temperature variations
air movement cycles
water evaporation
factors of macroclimate
-affects local temperature and rainfall
-influences specie distribution
-proximity of bodies of water
-ocean currents influence climate along coasts heating/ cooling air
-coastal climates tend to be moister than inland climates
seasonal variation of macroclimate
axis of earths rotation and revolution around the sun affects:
day light
solar radiation
- unusual occurrences in wind and ocean currents could result in el nino or la nina
fine climate patterns encountered by a community of organisms
factors affecting microclimate
trees casting shade
open areas exposed to sunlight
low lying areas tending to be moister
features such as logs and large stones
global climate change
increase in temperature and change in weather patterns around the planet, mostly due to increasing CO levels from burning of fossil fuels
-form of long term climate change
-terrestrial temperatures increase
-aquatic temperatures increase
-changes in precipitation
major terrestrial or aquatic life zone, characterized by vegetation type and physical environment
characteristics of marine biomes
-impact global climate, carbon cycles
-oceans=75% of earths surface
-marine biomes= 3% salt content
stratification of marine biomes
narrow layer of abrupt temperature change, separating warmer upper layers from colder lower layers
semiannual (spring/fall) mixing of water due to changing temperatures resulting in OXYGEN RICH WATERS DESCENDING and NUTRIENT RICH WATERS ASCENDING
stratification of freshwater biomes
distribution of different populations of species- in both marine and freshwater based upon certain parameters
-form of aquatic biomes in general
-depth of water
-degree of light penetration
-distance from shore
-distance from surface
characteristics of terrestrial biomes
determined by climate, altitude, and latitude
-usually named for climate features or predominant vegetation (also microorganisms, fungi and animals)
-affected by weather patterns (consistent or inconsistent)
-affected by annual mean precipitation
-affected by annual mean temperature
event that changes a community by removing organisms and altering resources availability
-human activities
-severe weather patterns
-natural disasters
*disturbances are essential to the survival of the community-especially dominant plant wildfires
stratification of terrestrial biome