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15 Cards in this Set

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Behavior modification is based on the assumption that

A. the use of positive and negative reinforcement will increase desired behaviors


B. inappropriate student actions can be discouraged through the use of punishment

Telling a student how you feel about a problem situation and inviting the student to change is

D. sending an "I-message"

Which routine for ending the class is most appropriate

A. The teacher should dismiss the class

Research suggests that a more positive classroom atmosphere will result from a

C. democratic leadership style

Sally has started her first day of student teaching and finds that her cooperating teacher is consistently aware of what is happening in the classroom, constantly monitors students' behavior, and responds to problems before they escalate. How would you describe Sally's cooperating teacher?


Classroom rules work best when

A. they are consistently enforced

B. there are few general rules

C. students are informed of the consequences of breaking them


D. they are discussed and taught to the students

Which of the following is true of Kohn's beyond discipline view of classroom management?

A. Beyond discipline questions the assumptions that all discipline problems are the fault of students

B. Kohn suggests that teachers develop a sense of democratic classroom community


C. Kohn suggests that discipline approaches that are based on reward and punishment are only short-term solutions

Two indispensable elements in maintaining good discipline are

C. Consistency and fairness

At the beginning of the school year, effective managers will

B. explain and review the rules

Research carried out by Frederick Jones suggests that

B. most management problems result from student massive time-wasting

When a problem is defined, ideas generated, solutions listed and selected, strategies implemented and assessed, the method used is

A. Gordon's no lose strategy

Reality therapy is at the core of the discipline program outlined by

B. Glasser

Classroom management is the process of

D. organizing and conducting the business of the classroom

During the first few weeks it is usually most effective to

D. use whole-class activities

The best guard against problem classroom behavior is

B. a well-planned lesson