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40 Cards in this Set

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Wilhelm Wundt

One of the founding fathers of psych

First modern psychology lab

Explaining behavior (Wundt)

Sum of three structures or components

-Perceptions, ideas, emotions

-Need to get to the basic components


The state of being which is to be the matter of psychology... can become an object of immediate knowledge only through introspection of self-awareness

Introspection (Definition)

"Looking within"

Describe mental processes through self-report

Introspection problems

Introspection is biased

-How can accuracy be measured?

-too subjective

John B. Watson and Behaviorism

Useless to study mental processes

Behaviors are more important

-Can be observed and measured

-More objective


Result of repeated exposure

-Repetition = familiarity

-Weakens response

Simplest form of learning

-All animals will habituate

Unconditioned Response (UCR)

A response that doesn't have to be trained; innate

-Dog salivating for food

Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)

Something that sets off an untrained or innate response


Conditioned Stimulus (CS)

Neutral Stimulus that doesn't produce the innate response

-Metronome, footsteps, etc.

Conditioned Response (CR)

The response you want to produce caused be the Conditioned Stimulus

Little Albert

Caused child to fear all fluffy animals, anything fluffy, and animal like things

-Affects entire life after childhood

Application of Classical Conditioning

Marketing and advertising

-Apply classical conditioning to get you to buy

B.F. Skinner - Operant Conditioning

Behavior result of rewards and punishment

Associate a response w/its consequence

-Repeat or avoid behavior

-Depends on consequence

-Law of effect

Cognitive Learning (Edward Tolman)

-Learning developed from bits of knowledge and cognitions about environment and how organism relates to it

-Different than strict stimulus - response idea

-Rats in maze did not always behave as predicted

Social Learning (Albert Bandura)

-The learning of voluntary, goal - directed behavior through observation and imitation of others

-Requires some cognitive processes and interaction of the person w/the environment of influence behavior

Is social interaction necessary? (Terry-cloth mother experiment)

Baby monkey went to cloth-mother of wire mother

-Even when wire mother had food, would always return to cloth

Social Learning (Definition)

Process of altering behavior by observing and (possibly) imitating the behavior of others

Observational Learning (Bandura)

set stage for social cognition theory

Two primary modes of learning




Follow the leader: the behavior of others increases the chances that we will do the same thing

-clapping, looking out the window, etc

Vicarious reinforcement - other get rewarded, so you copy behavior

Observational Learning (Definition)

Watch someone else perform a behavior, then be able to perform the behavior yourself

Mirror Neurons

Fire both when performing actions and when observing another doing so

Social Cognitive Theory

Assumptions for learning

-Humans are the product of their learning

-Have a capacity for symbolism (Language)

-Humans influenced by 3 factors

-Environment, behavior, personality

Social Cognition

Bandura developed the concept of reciprocal determinism to account for human behavior

Environments (Bandura)

Imposed, Selected, Created

Imposed (Environments)

Thrust on individual



Selected (Environments)

What you select from environment to experience

-Musical world

-Sports World

Created (Environments)

Constructed through behavior

-Like soccer, so join the soccer team, environment surrounds players

Social Learning Theory (Bandura)

Human being have specific abilities and that only reciprocal determinism can explain their operations and interaction:

-Model and imitate


-Regular own behavior


Expressed in the concept of self-efficacy


The believe in one's capabilities to organize and execute the sources of action required to manage perspective situations

Self-Efficacy impacts:

-Choices we make

-Effort we put forth

-How long we persist when we confront obstacles

-How we feel about ourselves, others, the task

Influenced by: mastery and vicarious exp, psych states, social persuasions


Has several subfunctions


-Self-observation and monitoring

-Performance judgeent and eval

-Self-reaction e.g., self-satisfaction/worth/distress

Cognitive processes

Needed in order for learning to occur






notices something in the environment


remembers what was noticed


produces an action that is a copy of what was noticed


Consequence changes the probability the behavior will be emitted again

Doll experiment

Children exposed to adults displaying aggression towards doll

-Children did the same, even with toys around them

Application of social Learning

Bad news - antisocial models may have antisocial effects on children

Good news- prosocial models can have prosocial effects

Social learning plays a large role

-Parents are extremely powerful models