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88 Cards in this Set

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Tight Junctions

Close space between cells by fusing cell membranes

Ex: Cells found in small intestine


Binds cells by forming "spots welds
between cell membranes

Ex: Cells in outer skin later

Gap Junctions

form tube like channels between cells for exchange of substances

ex: muscles cells in heart and digestive tract

found on simple columnar epithelia for the purpose of increasing surface area of membrane to absorb.
glandular glands
specialized cells that produce/secrete substances

secrete products into ducts/ open surfaces of skin/dig tract (leave body eventually)

by use of sweat, salivary, Lacrimal (tear ducts) apparatus


secrete fluid into tissue fluid or blood stream

by hormones, pituitary/ thalamus

single gland
communicates w/ the surface by use of a duct & does not brand before reaching glandular cells
compound glands
has a duct that branches repeatedly before reaching secretory portion.
alveolar glands
terminal portions form saclike dilations (gland)
tubular glands
epithelial lined tubes
merocrine glands
a type of glandular secretion- secretes fluid (sweat gland, pancreas, salivatory G, fluid product)
Aprocrine gland

a gland that's a cellular product, pinches off a piece of itself to secrete fluid., found in mammory glands and ceruminous glands (portions of cells)

holocrine galds
a gland where the cell gets destroyed to release product.* (secretory product)
connective tissue

provides support, protection and fills spaces between tissues

Fibroblasts cells

a cell that has a nonliving matrix, produces fibers

most common

mast cells

a cell that helps swelling occur for protection against injury

releases heparin

macrophages cells

a cell that protects against pathogens/damage

collagen fibers
thick threats, tensile strength, abundant in dense CT - found in TENDONS and LIGAMENTS (hold structures together)
Reticular Fibers
thin collagenous fiber, highly branched, provide support (not like collagen) keeps organs in place (spleen)

Elastic fiber
a fiber can return to original shape. Made of bundles of microfibrils embedded in elastin (protein). found in vocal cords &airways of respiratory
areolar connective tissue
a tissue that has thin, membranes in body/ made of fibroblast, keeps skin attached to bones
adipose tissue
tissue of adipoctyes cells, insulates the body, found beneath skin, behind eyes, around heart & kidneys
Reticular CT

tissue made of Reticular fibers

provides support for internal organs & keeps them separated (spleen & liver)

cell contains fiborblasts

Dense regular CT
connective tissue packed collagenous fibers, binds body parts. (tendons, dermis, ligaments) avascular, so its slow healing (Achilles tendon)

Elastic CT
tissue abundant in elastic fibers, found between vertebrae, holds together walls of aeorta. some collagenous fibers, and fibroblasts.

has a rigid matrix, contains chondrocytes for cells in lacunae (chondroblasts make chondrocytes)

three types: hyaline, elastic and fibrocartilage.

tissue has solid matrix, supports & protects. attaches of muscles to bone and allows movements. Red marrow forms blood cells in bones. osteocytes are found in the lacunae.
Hyaline Cartilage
Most abundant* found in ends of long bones, soft part of nose, attaches ribs to sternum, makes up fetal skeleton. It is made up of collagen fibers.
Elastic cartilage
flexible, extracellular matrix has dense network of elastic fibers. provides framework of external ears ∧ part of larynx, damaged easily
tough tissue, acts as a shock absorber for structures subjected to pressure ex: intervertebral discs, pads in knee
has a fluid matrix: plasma. function: transport, defend (WBC), clot (platelets). Functions in the heart, and through blood vessels.
serous membrane

The epithelial membrane that lines a body cavity that lacks an opening to the outside is called a _________

mucous membrane

The structure that lines a cavity or tube which opens to the external environment is called a _______


This membrane contains goblet cells that secrete _____ to help trap particles and protect the underlying cells.

cutabeous membrane
The membrane that is composed of stratified squamous epithelium and dense connective tissue is called ________
synovial membrane

composed of CT, secrete synovial fluid for lubrication. found in knees, elbow, fingers, toes, shoulder

composed of CT, found in dorsal cavity over brain and SC. protects CNS
Muscle Tissue

contains muscle cells called muscle fibers (which are elongated) that contractile. when they contract, cells pull apart and pull at attached end moving body parts.

3 types: skeletal, smooth, cardiac.

skeletal muscle
attaches to bones, nultinucleated and striated cell, voluntary and involuntary
Smooth Muscle tissue

IV. found in walls of organs- stomach, urinary bladder. Not striated (smooth)surrounded by other tissue

Cardiac Muscle

involuntary, striated and highly branched cell with intercalated disc. Found in cardiac region.

Nervous Tissue

found in brain, spinal cord. contains neurons that carry electro chemical signals and neuroglia that support neurons


The membranous layer that covers the surface of an organ in a body cavity is called the _____ layer of the membrane.


The layer that lines the wall of the body cavity is called the ____ layer.

Smooth muscle

What type of muscle tissue is found in the wall of blood vessels?


On the cellular level, the first type of nervous cell, the_____, are responsible for carrying electrical signals throughout the body.


The second cell type, the ____, support and bind the components of the nervous tissue.

extracellular matrix, Ground Substance

This tissue consists of a collection of cells surrounded by _______, which is composed of thread-like protein fibers and ________which varies in consistency.

two or more tissue types working together.

the skin is classified as an organ, meaning that skin is comprised of:

hardening of cells; occurs in epidermis

What is keratinization and where does it occur?

basement membrane

Anchoring the epidermis to the superficial dermis is a thin layer called the:


The dermis extends upward between ridges of epidermis. These dermal extensions are called dermal:


The epidermal cells called ______ are responsible for producing the pigment found in the skin.


A pale skin tone can occur with _____ of dermal blood vesselsdilation of dermal blood vesselsjaundicecyanosis.


Flushed or red skin will occur with ____ of dermal blood vesselsconstriction of dermal blood vesselscyanosisjaundice.

region of growth

structure of the skin that is the deepest part of the hair.

hair shaft

structure of the hair that extends above the skin/ dermis is the

hair papilla

in the structure of the hair what provides blood flow and supports hair growth?

Sebaceous glands Hair Dermal papillae

structures that are missing from the skin of the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands, but found elsewhere in the skin of the body

nail bed

the strucutre underneatht the nail plate is the ___

hair bulb

Name the area where hair growth occurs.


secretes watery substances at at skin surface

subaceous gland

oily secretion assoc. w/ hair follicle, releases sebum


ducts open in hair follicles

Ceruminous Gland

Secrete ear wax into external ear canal

Merocrine Gland

Function to lower body temperature


Near hair follicles in armpit and groin


Open onto skin surface of forehead, neck, and back

To shift position of hair follicles.

What is the function of the arrector pili?


Vasoconstriction of blood vessels in the dermis of the skin is a response to a(n) ______ in body temperature.

full thickness

What type of burn involves the destruction of the epidermis, dermis, and accessory structures of the skin?

Superficial partial-thickness burn

What type of burn involves injury to only the epidermis?


The collagen matrix of granulation tissue is produced by cells called:

production of new blood vessels

Define angiogenesis.


Scars consist of:

overgrowth of scar tissue

Keloids are the result of:


The stage called _____ results in formation of a blood clot as well as vasodilation of vessels, allowing the leakage of white blood cells into the injured tissue.


The tissue that fills the gap in the skin during healing is called _____ tissue.

inflammation, proliferation, remodeling

The phases of wound healing, in the correct order, are:


_____ burns involve only the epidermis.

Fluid leaks out of capillaries. reducing blood volume

Shock occurs with severe burns. Why does hypovolemic shock develop?

smooth muscle

What type of muscle tissue is found in the wall of blood vessels?

serous membrane

What type of membrane lines body cavities that do not open to the external environment, such as the thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity?

stratified squamous epithelium

Skin is exposed to friction and has a protective function.

pseudostratified columnar epithelium

epithelial tissue is found lining the upper respiratory passageway and is able to move mucus?


tissues are found covering or lining body surfaces or organs.


What type of tissue forms glands?