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20 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following is true of secondary apnea in newborns?
This condition requires ventilatory assistance.
Which of the following is an appropriate beginning dosage of dopamine per minute for a 5 kg neonate?
25 mcg
Which of the following is the correct dosage of epi in neonatal resuscitations?
0.1 to 0.3 ml/kg of a 1:10,000 solution
Which of the following statements regarding the viability of preterm infants is true?
An infant delivered at 23 to 24 weeks gestation can survive
Which of the following terms refers to babies during the first few hours of life?
Which of the following terms refers to babies during their first month of life?
Based solely on a 1-minute APGAR score of 7, which of the following actions should you take?
Dry, Warm, position, suction, stimulate, give oxygen as needed, reevaluate
You have just delivered a newborn who was initially apneic and cyanotic. After suctioning, drying, warming and stimulating the infant and administering blow by oxygen, you find that the infant has a respiratory rate of 35 with signs of resp distress, a weak brachial pulse of 70, and contiuing central cyanosis. Which of the following should you do next?
Perform ventilations with a bag valve mask device and supplemental oxygen
You have been dispatched with the neonatal resuscitation team to an outlying hospital to stabilize and then transport a 30-week-gestation newborn to a neonatal intensive care unit. Which of the following methods should you use to maintain this newborns body temperature?
Wrap the newborn in receiving blankets, covering the body and head but leaving the face exposed, and place 104 degree hot water bottles next to him
At 90 seconds after birth, based on the following findings, which newborn does NOT require resuscitative efforts beyond routine care?
HR 100, RR 30 peripheral Cyanosis, APGAR 8
You have arrived at a residence just as a 30 year old woman has delivered her first baby 6 weeks before her due date. Assessment of the newborn reveals central cyanosis, apnea, and absence of a brachial pulse. Which of the following should you do next?
Suction the newborn's mouth and nose with a bulb syringe and stimulate him by drying off with a towel from the ob kit
You are caring for a newly born infant delivered approximately 8 mins ago. The infant had a 1 minute apgar of 6, which improved to 7 at 5 mins. Despite drying, warming, suctioning, and stimulating the infant, he continues to have central cyanosis. His heart rate 132, and his resp are 50. Which of the following is the best action in this situation?
Administer blow by oxygen
Which of the following endotracheal tubes described is appropriate for a full-term infant weighing over 3000 grams
4.0 uncuffed
Which of the following conditions may result in persistant fetal circulation?
Which of the following statements concerning functional residual volume in newborn resuscitation is true?
You should maintain 2 to 4 centimeters of water of PEEP with ventilations to maintain adequate functional residual volume
You are assessing a newborn who presents with resp distress, heart sounds auscultated over the right chest, and a small, flat abdomen. Which of the following is appropriate in his care?
Elevation of the head and chest, endotracheal intubation
Which of the following is an intrapartum risk factor for newborn distress?
Prolonged labor
Which of the following sets of vital signs is normal for a newborn?
HR 175, RR 60
Which of the following in NOT an antepartum or intrapartum risk factor for newborn distress?
Maternal age between 16 and 35 years
In which of the following situations would the administration of epi be indicated in a newborn?
HR less then 60 after ventilations and chest compressions