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36 Cards in this Set

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Who were the scientists who contributed to the atomic model?

John Dalton (1808), J.J. Thomson (1897), Hantaro Nagaoka (1904), Ernest Rutherford (1911), Niels Bohr (1913), Edwin Schrodinger (1925), James Chadwick (1932)

7 people

John Dalton (1808)'s discoveries?

- all elements are composed of atoms

- atoms of the same element are identical

- atoms cannot be broken down any further

- two or more elements combined make up molecules and compounds

J.J Thomson (1897)

- atoms were a solid, pudding-like body with a positive charge

- negatively charged electrons particles were scattered throughout the pudding-like positive body

Hantaro Nagaoka (1904)

- Atoms have a center sphere that is positively charged

- negatively charged electrons orbit the positively charged center

- Atom model looked a bit like a solar system or a planet with a ring

Ernest Rutherford (1911)

- able to prove atoms a positively charged nucleus

- proposes atoms are mostly filled with empty space and have electrons orbiting the nucleus in random patterns

Niels Bohr (1913)

- determined that electrons move in definite orbital levels (energy levels or shells) around the nucleus

- electrons can move from one shell to another by giving off or absorbing energy

Edwin Schrodinger (1925)

- proposes electrons orbit the nucleus in a wave shape rather than perfectly circular orbits (thus creating a cloud of electron activity around the nucleus)

James Chadwick (1932)

- discovered the neutron (neutral particle in the nucleus of an atom)

How did Mendeleev arrange the first Periodic Table of Elements?

Eventually arranged by order of atomic mass and bonding power

Family 1

Alkali metals: Most Reactive

all have 1 valence electron

Family 2

Alkaline earth metals: not as reactive

Family 3

Boron: 3 valence electrons

Family 4

Carbon: gain, lose, or share 4 electrons when reacting

4 valence electrons

Family 5

Nitrogen: 5 valence electrons

Tend to share electrons when they bond

Family 6

Oxygen: share electrons when they bond

combines with almost all elements

Family 7

Halogen family: most active non metals

never found free in nature

react with alkali metals to form salts

Family 8

Noble gases: all are gas at room temp, extremely unreactive

What do the groups show?

each group has elements that share similar properties

Names of groups in order

Alkali metals, Alkaline Earth Metals, Transition metals, rare-earth metals, Metaliods or semi-metals, non metals, halogens, nobel or inert gases,

What is the general name for the columns in the periodic table?


What is the general name for the rows in the periodic table?


How can u tell the number of valence electrons in an element?

Its the same number as its family

How can you tell the number of energy levels in an element?

Its the same number as its period

What elements are gas at room temp?

all of the inert gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn) and H, N, O, F, Cl


What elements are liquid at room temp?

Br (Bromine) and Hg (Mercury)

What are the natural elements?

elements 1-92

What are the man-made elements?

elements 93+ (and up)

What are the radioactive elements?

elements 83+ (and up)

Alpha decay

not a very harsh damage done to living organisms

release of 1 alpha particle

decreases atomic number by 2 and mass number by 4

can be blocked by paper

alpha particle: consists of 2 protons and 2 neutrons

Beta decay

medium damage done

release of 1 beta particle

mass number stays the same but atom number increases by 1

can be blocked by aluminum sheet

beta particle: a fast moving electron given off by a nucleus

Gamma decay

severe and harsh damage

gamma radiation is the release of high energy waves

atomic number and mass number stay the same

can barely be blocked by concrete wall

What is mass?

a measure of how much matter is in an object

What is volume?

the amount of space that matter occupies

What is density?

The ratio of the mass of a substance to its volume

What is the equation for density?

Denisty= Mass/volume

If you know that the density of water is 1g/cm3, how can you determine if an object will float if you are not allowed to place the object in water?

If it has a lower density, meaning it is less dense, it will float

if it has a higher density, meaning it is more dense, it will sink