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59 Cards in this Set

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individual who believes there's something out there but not sure what
doesn't not believe in the existence of God
having close spiritual relationship with oneself, others, and God or another spiritual being
set of beliefs and a way of relating to self, others, and a supreme being
pertaining to a whole; considering all factors
gives an individual a motivation and the resources to achieve
sense of authentically connection to one's inner self
Spiritual distress
state of being out of harmony with a system of beliefs, a supreme being, or god
complex, unique to the individual
the belief that there is force outside of and greater than the person that exists beyond the material world.
Spiritual well-being
an interconnectedness between god or a higher power and other people
associated with a specific system of practice associated with denomination, sect, or for of worship
Spiritual distress
impaired ability to experience and integrate meaning and purpose in life through connecting to self, art, music, nature, power greater then ones self
angry with God
Spiritual health
represents a balance
increase awareness of meaning, purpose, and life values
change a person grows and develops
Acute illness
sudden, unexprected
will go away
longer then 6 months will be a chronic illness
ex. flu, cold
Chronic illness
threatens a person's independence
will not go away
ex. diabetes, COPD
Terminal illness
uncertain about death
near death experience
close to clinical death
or recovers room declining health
Actual loss
loss of an object, persons body part or function, or emotion that is over and easily identifiable.
Ambiguous loss
type of disfranchised grief
occurs when the lost person is physically but not psychologically avaliable
ex. severe dementia, severe brain injury
Anticipatory grief
grief response in which the person begins the grieving process before an actual loss
response of loss through death. a subjective experience that a person suffers after losing a person with whom there has been a significant relationship
Complicated grief
a person has a prolonged or significant difficult time moving forward after a loss
Disenfranchised grief
also known as magical or unsupported grief
when their relationship to the deceased person can not be shared, or a seems of lessor significance.
persons loss or grief do not meat the norms of grief
sorrow involving the person's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors That occurs as responds to an actual loss
family-centered care designed to help terminally Ill person be comfortable and maintain a satisfactory lifestyle throughout their illness
Maturational loss
loss, usually of an aspect of self, resulting from the normal changes of growth and deveopment.
process of grieving
necessary loss
part of life
Normal (uncomplicated) grief
complex emotions, congnitive, social, physical, behavioral, and spiritual responses to loss and death
Palliative care
designed to relieve or reduce intensity of uncomfortable symptoms but not to produce a cure. care relies on comfort measures and use alternative therapies to help person beco,e more at peace doing end of life
Perceived loss
loss that is less obvious to the individual experiencing it.
some grief process as an acute loss
Situational loss
loss of a person, thing, or quality resulting from a change in a life situation, including changes related to illness, body image, environment, and death.
Yearning and searching (separation anxiety)
emotional outburst of tearful sobbing and active distress
Kubler - Ross stages of dying
Worden's grief task model
4 tasks
task 1 - accept the reality of the loss
task 2 - experience the pain of grief
task 3 - adjust to life with out the deceased one
task 4 - emotionally relocate the deceased, move on with life
Socioeconomic status
no life insurance, family must pay for funeral
Adventitious crises
man made disasters, crime of violence
earthquares, oil spills, robbery, rape
situational crises
external crises occurs
job change, motor vehicle crash, death, severe illness
developmental crises
occurs as a person moves through the stages of life
alarm reaction
mobilization of the defense mechanisms of the body and mind to cope with a stressors
Allostatic load
chronic arousel with the presence of powerful hormones causes excessive wear and tear on the person
how people interpret the impact of the stressors on themselves or on what is happening and what they are able to do about it.
result of chronic stress
making a effort to manage stress
transition for better or worse in the course of a disease, usually indicated by a marked change in the intensity of signs and symptoms
Developmental crises
crises associated with normal and expected phases of growth and development
response to menopause
Ego - defense mechanisms
regulates emotional distress and thus gives a person protection from anxiety and stress
Exhaustion stage
phase that occurs when the body can no longer resist the stress
when energy necessary to maintain adaptation is depleted
total physiological response to stress that occurs during the alarm reaction stage of the general adaptation syndrome. massive changes in all body systems prepare a human being to choose to flee or remain and fight the stressor
recollection so strong that the individual thinks that he or she is actually experiencing the trauma again
General adaptation syndrome (GAS)
generalized defence response of the body to stress
consists of 3 stages: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
begins when a person experiences, witnesses, or is confronted with a traumatic event and response with intense fear or hoplessness.
ex. motor vehicle accident, natural disasters, violent personal assult, military combat
Primary Appraisal
Evaluating an event for its personal meaning related to stress
Resistance Stage
3rd stage of the stress responce, when a person attempts to adapt to the stressor. the body stabilizes; hormone levels stability; and heart rate, blood pressure, and cardiac output returns to normal.
Secondary Appraisl
evaluating ones possible coping strategies when confronted with stressor.
is symptoms of stress persist beyond the duration of the stressor
Chronic stress
occurs in stable conditions and results from stressful roles
Acute stess
time-limited events the threaten a person for a relatively brief period