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64 Cards in this Set

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Class Scyphozoa
"jelly fish"
-Medusa is dominant generation
-Know life cycle of "moon Jelly Fish" genus **Aurelia
Jelly fish
Medusa sexual form
(Diecious-seperated sex)
Most coastal scyphozoans
go through a small polyp stage during their life cycle
scyphozoans that live in the open ocean generally lack the polyp stage completely.
Upside Down Jellyfish
Arctic Jellyfish or Lion's mane or Sea Blubber
(6' wide, huge)
Genus and species ****
Cyanea capillata arctica
Life cycle of Aurelia
(Class Scyphozoa, Phylum Cnidaria)
-Female and Male external fertilization
1) Planula (ciliated Larva)
attaches " Scyphistoma"
2) Scyphistoma undergo transverse fission to become
" Strobila"
3) Strobila undergo Strobilation to be Ephyra(immature medusa)
4) Ephyra is grown up to be Jelly fish (Adult medusa)
ciliated Larva form in life cycle of jellyfish
(class Scyphozoa)
name of polyp form in life cycle of jellyfish
(class Scyphozoa)
Immature medusa form in life cycle of jellyfish
(class Scyphozoa)
Class Cubozoa
(phylum Cnidaria)
"Box jelly fish"
-have a box–shaped medusa stage
-are often equipped with highly toxic cnidocytes
** Chironex fleckeri
(class Cubazoa)
"The sea wasp"
- one of the deadliest organisms on Earth
-highly vernomons (poison)
Class Anthozoa
(phylum Cnidaria)
-Sea anemones and corals
-* No Medusa stage
;exist only polyp
-live as solitary or colonial forms and secrete a hard external skeleton(coral) of calcium carbonate.
Reef building corals
Phylum Ctenophora
" Comb Jelly" Or Sea Walnut
-Exclusive marine
-** Diploblastic radiata
( has two germ layer & radiate from the center)
-* only one species that has stinging cell
Comb Jelly' Structures
(Phylum Cnetophora)
1) * 8 comb rows
(fused cilia-for locomotion)
2) retractable tentacles
3) Bioluminescent(light)
4) Colloblasts
(sticky stucture)
-adhering structure of comb jelly (Phylum Cnetophora)
Example of Phylum Cnetophora
** " Venus Girdle"
genus Cestum ***
Are Phylum Platylhelminthes and Phylum Nematoda are Protostome or Deuterostome
-Phylum Platyhelminthes are in Class Lophotrochozoa
-Phylum Nematoda is in Class Ecdyzoa
only Phylum Echinodermata and Chordata are Deuterstome
Phylum Platyhelminthes
(Note: Plat=flat, helminth=worm)
-" Flatworms"
-Acoelomates (No Coelom)
-It is Protosome coz it's in clade Lophotrochozoa
-* do have distinct organs, organ system ** true muscles
(note: Phylum Cnidaria has no true muscle)
- Has gastrovascular cavity (GVC)/ Incomplete Digestive System
-Over 20,000 + sp.
3 Main Characteristic of Phylum Platyhelminthes
1) Bilateral Symmetry
2) Moderate Cephalization
(concentration of sensory structure on the head)
3) Triploblastic
(3 germ layers:ecto,meso,endo)
An example of Phylum Platyhelminthes
Planaria genus ** Dugesia
has 3 major structures
1)Eye spot called " Ocellus"
(photo receptive)
2)Olfactory receptors called
3) Brain part called
"Cerebral ganglion"
Gastrovascular Cavity
or Incomplete Digestive System
-** having only one opening
(Mouth or Anus)
Note:Complete Digestive System ->Having mouth and Anus
Class Turbellaria
(phylum Platyhelminthes)
" Planarians" genus**Dugesia
-Mostly marine, free living(not parasitic)
Anatomy of Planarian
1) Ganglia- version of brain
2)A pair of Cerabral ganglia& a pair of Ventral nerve cord
3)GVC- very fine branching GVC to distribute nutrient over body
Class Tubellaria (cont.)
(Phylum Platyhelminthes)
-Gas exchange by diffusion
(**No organ for respiration)
-Get rid of excess water
(Osmoregulation) by ****
"Flame cell Excretory system (Protoneplaridia) "
-give off Nitrogenous waste to Ammonia, and Ammonia to toxic
Nitrogenous waste
(Class Turbellaria)
-Diffuse directly from cell to water coz. they have no secrete organ
-become Ammonia, but Planaria dont want to poison itself or dilute ,so it produces
"Ammonia Toxic Dilute"
Terrestrial (non-toxic)
-preserve water
-> Urea acid->urea
Locomotion in Planarians
take place because they have these two structures
1) Cilia
2) Muscular Undulations
Planarians can also regenerate too
- Regeneration depends on
-> The further away from ganglion, the less likely we are going to get a whole new planaria
Class Turbellria (cont.2)
(Phylum Platyhelminthes)
-Planarians also have
" simple learning"
-Asexual reproduction
-Sexual reproduction by cross fertilization
Asexual reproduction of Planarians is called
" Mid Body Construction"
and pull apart to get a new planaria
Class Trematoda
(Phylum Platyhelminthes)
" Digenetic Flukes"
(has two or more hosts)
-*Exclusively parasitic
Ex. 1)Sheep Liver Fluke
2)Human Liver Fluke
3)Blood Fluke
Type of host
1) Definitive Host
or Primary Host
2) Intermediate Host
or Secondary Host
"Defenitive Host"
or primary host
where animal undergoes sexual reproduction
(Mature Parasite found here)
Ex. Liver's Sheep called
"Liver Rot"
"Intermediate host"
where larva form and asexual reproduction
Ex. snail
"Sheep Liver Fluke"
(tell genus and species)
** Fasciola hepatica
"Human Liver Fluke"
or Chinese Liver Fluke
(tell genus and species)
** Clonorchis sinensis
(got from the ingestion of raw fish)
" Blood Fluke"
(genus and Species)
***Schistosoma mansoni
(infected about 2 millions ppl worldwide)
Class Monogenea
( Phylum Platyhelminthes)
-" Monogenetic Flukes"
(one host)
-*Exclusively parasitic
-Many are Ectoparasitic on fishes
-some are Endoparasitic
Example of Class Monogenea
Genus** Gyrodactylus
got wild attachment organ called "Opisthaptor"
(large&small hook)
Example of class Monogenea
Found in Toads
Genus ** Polystoma
Class Cestoda (Cestoidea)
(phylum Platyhelminthes)
1)attachment organ(scolex)
(Hermophroditic, monoecious)
**lack a gastrovascular cavity, no digestive system
attachment organ which is armed with suckers and often hooks that lock the worm to the intestinal lining of the host
( found in Tapeworms)
A long ribbon of units (posterior to the scolex) is called
(reproductive segment)
-> are little more than sacs of sex organs.
"Mature proglottids" or
"Gravid proglottids", loaded with thousands of eggs(ova), are released from the posterior end of a mature tapeworm and leave the host′s body in feces
Example of class Cestoda
,phylum Platyhelminthes
1)**genus Human tapeworm
2)Dog and cat Tapeworm
"Dog and Cat tapeworm"
Genus and Species ***
**Taenia pisiformis
-> Intermediate host**=Flea
(Flea will ingest eggs inside the tapeworms,then they will hatch. But if we get rid of flea, the cycle of life will be cut off.)
Phylum Nematoda
"Round worms"
-over 90,000+ sp.
free living & parasitic
(*many are Argicultural pest)
(false body cavity)
-**Clade Ecdysozoa
(collagenous cuticle)
-complete digestive tract
(has mouth and anus)
Collagenous cuticle
A tough coat that covers the body of phylum nematoda
Phylum Nematoda(cont.1)
-Unsegmented, tapered ends
-" whipping movement"
-having *longitudinal muscles but has no circular muscles
Sexuality of phylum Nematoda
-Dioecious(seperated sex)
-"Sexually Dimorphic"-> male and female look diff.
Ex. Genus *Ascaris
and has hook tail
-Strictly sexual reproduction
-Female can produce 100,000 eggs a day(resistant eggs)
In Phylum Nematoda, Having a constant number of cells or nuclei in adult species is called
Example of Phylum Nematoda
" Vinegar Eel "
(free living forms)
Genus and Species
** Turbatrix Aceti
(Aceti= Acetic-> vinegar)
"Human roundworm"
Genus and species
**Ascaris lumbricoide
(Parasitic Nematodes (1))
-eggs found in Intestine
-Larvae can travel in circulatory system: lung
What is " Trichinosis" disease caused by?
Under cooked pork
(Encyst in skeletal muscles)
Which Parasitic Nematode is caused Trichosis disease?
( tell genus and Species)
Trichinella spiralis
Which Parasitic nematode is called "Human Pinworm"?
(Give Genus and Species)
Enterobious vermicularis

( found in kids who scatch his butt-> spread eggs to others via touching)
Which Parasitic nematode is called "Hook worm"?
(Give Genus and Species)
Necator americanus

(larvae can penetrate/ get into skin).In the oral cavity , it has **Cutting plates used for cutting into intestine and suck blood.
Which Parasitic nematode is called "African Eyeworm"?
(Give Genus and Species)
Loa loa
( has subcontanous layer)
Which Parasitic nematode is called "Fiery Serpent" or
"Guninea worm" or
"African worm"?
(Give Genus and Species)
Dracunculus medinensis
( found in west Afr.)
Which Parasitic nematode is called "Filaroid"
or "Filarial worm"?
(Give Genus and Species)
Wuchereria bancrofti
What disease that is caused by Filarial worm or Wuchereria bancrofti?
" Elephantiasis"
1)biting by insect(mosquito).
2)it forms first stage larvae known as
3)Larvae moves to Lymphatic system
4)cause "Edema" (Swelling due to an abnormally large amount of fluid in body tissues)
What is Elephantiasis disease
-characterized by the thickening of the skin and underlying tissues, especially in the legs and genitals