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16 Cards in this Set

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Defineunconditioned reflex. Give 2 examples of an unconditioned reflex.

An unconditioned reflex isa stimulus-response sequences in which a stimulus elicits a response withoutprior learning or conditioning. An example is light & pupil constriction. Thelight is the stimulus, and the pupil constriction is the response to thestimulus. Another example is high temperature that elicits sweating. The hightemperature is the stimulus, and the sweating is the response.

Define conditioned reflex, anddescribe the example of a conditioned reflex illustrated in the case of Susan,the figure skater at the beginning of Chapter 3.

Conditioned reflex is astimulus-response sequence in which a stimulus elicits a response because thestimulus was paired with a different stimulus that elicited that response. Theexample with Susan: When Susan approached take-off position for her doubleaxel, she felt fear. The fear is the reflex that has been conditioned from herprevious fall (her previous fall made her feel fear).

What are 2 other names for respondentconditioning?

Other names for respondent conditioning are: Classical Conditioning and Pavlovian conditioning,

State the procedure and result ofrespondent conditioning.

Procedure: Pairing a neutral stimulus (NS) with an unconditioned stimulus (US) which elicits an unconditioned response (UR), and the result that the NS becomes a conditioned stimulus (CS), that elicits a conditioned response (CR). An example to help understanding this is the example with Susan the figure skater:

Describe the details of how Susan,the figure skater, was helped to overcome her fear of attempting the doubleaxel jump in Chapter 3 (If you prefer, you can simply diagram this example ofcounterconditioning).

When Susan was getting ready to practice her double axel, she was asked to practice a deep breathing exercise for several breaths, each time telling herself to “R-e-l-a-x” while exhaling. She was then told to approach take-off position, to take a deep breath, and tell herself to “R-e-l-a-x” on the exhale, but not to actually attempt the jump. She was told to repeat this 5 times. After this relaxation technique, Susan felt relaxation instead of fear when approaching her double axel.

In respondent conditioning, what doeseach of the following stand for: NS, US, UR, CS, and CR?

NS = neutral stimulus,

US = unconditioned stimulus,

UR = unconditioned response,

CS = conditioned stimulus,

CR = conditioned response.

In a sentence each, briefly state 5variables that influence the development of a conditioned reflex.

-US: A stimulus that elicits a response without prior learning (ex, food).

-UR: A response elicited by an unconditioned stimulus (ex, salivation).

-NS: A stimulus that alone has no impact on a response (ex, tone).

-CS: A stimulus that did not originally elicit a response, but has come to do so through appropriate pairings with a stimulus that did elicit that response (ex, tone).

-CR: A response elicited by a conditioned stimulus (ex, salivation to tone).

Describe the procedure and result ofpositive reinforcement.

Procedure: presentation of a reinforcer immediately after a behaviour. Result: behaviour is strengthened. Quick example for understanding, Procedure: Stimulus (end of baseball practice) → Response (boy helps coach clean up) → Consequence (coach thanks little boy for helping). This shows that the response is immediately followed by the reinforcer.

Result: The boy is more likely to help the coach clean up after practice. This shows that the response is more likely to occur in similar situations.

Define conditioned reinforcer.Describe two sport examples of conditioned reinforcers that are not in thechapter

A conditioned reinforcer is a stimulus that acquires reinforcing value.

-When a basketball makes the basket and makes the “swish” sound

-Scoring a goal in soccer

Distinguish between a naturalreinforcer and a deliberately-programmed reinforcer. Illustrate each with asport example that is not in this chapter

A natural reinforcer immediately follows behaviour in the normal course of everyday living. An example of this would be the cheering of a crowd making the athlete feel good. A deliberately-programmed reinforcer is deliberately manipulated in order to change behaviour. An example of this would be for the prize of a winning athlete being, say a million dollars.

What are two differences between theeffects of continuous versus intermittent reinforcement? -

(1)Individuals work much more consistently on certain intermittent schedules of reinforcement than on continuous reinforcement.

(2) A behaviour that has been reinforced continuously is likely to extinguish quicker than a behaviour that has reinforced intermittently.

Define fixed-ratio schedule ofreinforcement, and give a sport example that is not in this chapter

Reinforcement occurs after a fixed number of a certain response is emitted. Such as a runner taking 30 secs of rest after running for two minutes.

Define variable interval schedulewith a limited hold and give a sport example that is not in this chapter

Variable interval schedule with a limited hold is a type of schedule that requires only one response, but that response must occur at an unpredictable period of time. E.g. At unpredictable intervals, a basketball coach can check to see if players are on track(with goals) during practice.

Define avoidance conditioning andgive a sport example that is not in this chapter

Avoidance conditioning involves learning behaviours that prevent unpleasant events from occurring at all e.g. A basketball player learns to take a proper stance when making a free throw, in order to avoid bad shot.

List three differences betweenoperant behavior and respondent behavior (any three of the differences listedin Table 3-2.)

Three differences between operant behaviour and respondent behaviour

(1) Operant behaviour is controlled by consequences while Respondent behaviour has automatic responses to prior stimuli.

(2)Operant behaviour is referred to as voluntary behaviour while respondent behaviour is referred to as reflexive or involuntary.

(3)Operant behavior is said to be emitted by an individual while respondent behaviour is said to be elicited by prior stimuli.

Describe the procedure and result ofboth operant and respondent extinction

Operant: * Withholding of a reinforcer following a previously reinforced response. Result is that response decreases in frequency when reinforcement for that response stops occurring.

Respondent: * Repeatedly presenting conditioned stimulus by itself, without further pairing with an unconditioned stimulus. Result is that the conditioned stimulus loses its ability to elicit a conditioned response.