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30 Cards in this Set

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Effective change starts with...
Effective change starts with actions not solutions.
Previous Change Formulas and the Current Organization
Don't expect formulas - solutions that have worked in the past and are imposed on the current situation- to work for your organization.
The process by which individuals receive data from the external environment, analyze their data, and adjust their thinking and behaviors based on that analysis.
Most Effective Change
The most effective change implementation starts with a diagnosis that is shared by many employees at multiple organizational levels.
The process of learning about the dynamics of the organization in order to take action intended to improve performance.
When to use Diagnosis
Use diagnosis as the preliminary stage in implementing change.
Diagnositic Framework
A road map to analyzing alignment that makes explicit both the key elements of an organization that need to be aligned and the interconnections and interdependencies among those elements.
Diagnosis and Implementation
In order to set the stage for effective implementation, diagnosis can do more than target-specific elements of the organization; it can focus on the entire organization.
Organizational Framework in Practice
Use a common organizational framework to shape mutual engagement and shared diagnosis.
A structured, collected discussion among two or more parties with no predetermined conclusion.
Dialogue in Practice
Creating a dialogue offers the opportunity for an open and honest conversation among employees.
Passive Acceptance and Agreement
Don't confuse passive acceptance with agreement.
Organizational Silence
The lack of truthful dialogue in organizations caused by the widespread assumption on the part of employees that candid feedback and the open exchange of ideas will have either no positive impact or negative consequences to the individual or both.
Leaders and Climate of Silence
Leaders can take an active role in overcoming the "climate of silence."
Power Distance and Openness
A large power distance between parties in a dialogue inhibits openness and risk taking while distorting communications.
Psychological Safety
A belief on the part of employees that the organizational climate is conducive to taking personal risks especially around dialogue.
Consultant Role
Leaders can call a consultant to introduce and teach skills required of mutual engagement and diagnosis.
An individual possessing a broad range of diagnostic and developmental skills who contracts with the organizations leaders to facilitate an intervention.
Diagnostic Flow
Make sure that the diagnosis flows from valid data about the organization.
Self-administered paper and pencil data collection forms often stressing areas of behavioral interaction such as communications, goals, and coordination.
Diagnositic Interviews
A form of data collection in which a trained diagnostician meet with an employee or small groups of employees, to solicit information pertaining to the performance of the organization.
Questionnaire Warning
Be careful about the overuse of employee questionnaires in collecting data about organizational effectiveness. They can be useful for measurement purpose but do not create mutual engagement.
Diagnostic Interviews in Practice
Use diagnostic interviews and behavioral observation to collect rich and valid data about how employees behave and how the organization functions.
Behavioral Observation
A form of data collection in which a trained diagnostician can watch actual behaviors of employees.
The process of analyzing and making sense of data that has been collected as part of an organizational diagnosis.
Mutual Engagement and the Discovery Stage
Mutual engagement in the discovery stage will help both to ensure the validity of the conclusions and build commitment to corrective actions.
The process of receiving information focused on the effectiveness on one's actions and performance.
Enhancement of Mutual Engagement
Mutual engagement can be enhanced when top management feeds back to employees what it has learned from the diagnostic process and uses that feedback as an opportunity to generate more learning.
After-Action Review (AAR)
An organized, disciplined approach to shared diagnosis and mutual dialogue in the immediate aftermath of a specific action or event.
AAR in Practice
After-action reviews provided an opportunity for a sharply focused and timely mutual engagement that can lead to quick corrections.