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39 Cards in this Set

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What structures make up integumentary system

Hair, skin, nails, sweat glands, sebaceous glands

Two alternate words for skin

Integument, cutaneous membrane

Purposes of the skin

Protecting, housing nerve receptors, secrete fluids, regulate body temperature

Functions of the sensory receptors

Detect temperature, pain, touch and pressure

Two ways for the skin to make fluid

Sebaceous and sweat glands

Functions of the sebaceous glands

Produce oil that lubricated the skin surface

Functions of the sweat glands

To cool the body by evaporating sweat

One of the bodies main functions to conserve or expend heat is by doing what

By constricting or allowing blood flow to the surface of the body

What are the three layers of skin

Epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layer

Describe the epidermis

The thin, outer membrane layer

Describe the dermis

Middle fibrous connective tissue layer

Describe the subcutaneous layer

Inner most layer containing fatty tissue

What type of cell structure makes up the epidermis

Stratified squamous epithelium

Describe the stratified squamous epithelium

Type of epithelial tissue consisting of flat scale like cells arranged in overlapping (stratified) layers

The deepest layer in the epidermis

Basal layer

How does the epidermis regenerate

Old cells starting at the basal layer get pushed closer to the surface of the skin

What happens to the cells as they get closer to the epidermis

They shrink, die, and become filled with a protein called keratin.

Specialized cells in the basal layer


What is the pigment name and color produced by melanocytes

Melanin, black

Function of melanin

Protect against uv light

Another name for the dermis


Fibers that Make up a portion of the dermis that are made from a strong, fibrous protein present in connective tissue

Collagen fibers

What does the dermis contain

Hair follicles, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, blood vessels, lymph vessels, sensory receptors, nerves fibers and muscle fibers

8 parts

Another name for subcutaneous layer of skin


What is the subcutaneous layer composed of

Fat cells called lipocytes

Define lipocyte

Fat cells that protect deeper tissue in the subcutaneous layer and also act as insulation

Fiber that makes up hair


Define hair root

Deepest part of the hair located in the dermis

Define hair shaft

Structure composed of older keratinized cells that got pushed up from the hair root

Hair follicle

Place from which the hair grows

Define arrector pilli

Muscle attached to hair in the follicle that, when it contracts, makes the hair stand up

Define nail body

Flat plate of keratin that covers the ends of the fingers and toes

Define nail bed

Tissue where the nail body connects underneath on the fingers and toes

Define nail root

Place from which the nail grows from

Define free edge

Edge that is trimmed when nails become too long


Light colored half moon at base of the nail

Where are the sebaceous glands located

In the dermis

Define sebum

Oil secreted from sebaceous glands that lubricate the skin and hair

Where is sebum secreted

Directly into follicles