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55 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following statements best describes the fluid mosaic model of the plasma membrane?

a lipid bilayer with protein molecules dispersed within it

Which item below is NOT a function or role performed by proteins found in the plasma membrane?

synthesis of proteins

In which stage of mitosis do the chromosomes align along the cell equator?


Lysosomes perform which of the following cellular functions?

intracellular digestion

Which of the following organelles produces secretory vesicles?

golgi apparatus

Which type of membrane transport process uses ATP as a source of energy?

primary active transport

Which of the following organelle maintains cell shape, supports cellular structures, and generates cell movements?


Which of the following organelles is responsible for generating most of the energy the cell uses to perform work?


Which of the following organelles possesses oxidase enzymes that function in neutralizing harmful free radicals?


Which of the following organelles serves as the site of protein synthesis?


Which of the following molecular components of the lipid bilayer of the plasma membrane possesses a charged polar "phosphate" head and uncharged nonpolar fatty acid "tails"?


Which nucleic acid molecules are involved in transcription but not translation in the synthesis of a particular polypeptide?


The mRNA start codon, AUG, matches up with a tRNA anticodon,


Which of the following cell structures are involved in propelling substances across cell surfaces?


Which of the following cell structures is the largest organelle in the cell and functions as the control center of the cell?


Which of the following is the correct sequence for the stages of mitosis?

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

Which of the following transport mechanisms specifically involves the movement of water?


Cells may said to be "sugar-coated" because of the presence of


Proteins in the cell membrane that bind hormones and relay messages into the interior of the cell

perform a function known as signal transduction

Definite changes in the ___________ of the cell membrane can be seen in a cell that is becoming cancerous


All of the following cells are considered "footloose", as they lack cellular junctions, EXCEPT

epithelial cells

Which of the following are considered anchoring junctions?


Simple diffusion is best described as substances

moving passively down a concentration gradient

Crenation takes places when a cell is placed in a(n)

hypertonic solution

Vesicular transport is involved in all of the following transport processes EXCEPT

solute pumps

The resting membrane potential is mainly determined by

the differential permeability of the plasma membrane to K+ and other ions

All of the following are functions of membrane receptors EXCEPT

cell adhesion

Cristae are found in which of the following cell organelles?

the mitochondria

The underlying cause of Tay-Sachs disease is

the lack of the enzymes needed to break down a glycolipid abundant in nerve cell membranes

Which of the following types of RNA contains regions that act as a switch to turn protein synthesis on and off for the protein they code for?


The basic structural and functional unit of living organisms is the


The outer boundary of a human cell is the

plasma membrane

Which of the following would NOT be found in the plasma membrane of a human cell?


Tight junctions

prevent molecules from passing through the extracellular space between adjacent cells


anchor junctions found in areas subjected to pulling forces

Gap junctions

important for cell communication

Water can pass via osmosis through the lipid bilayer


Osmosis is

the diffusion of water across a semi-permeable membrane

Which of the following is a correct match regarding active/passive transport processes?

exocytosis: active membrane transport process

A cell will swell, and likely burst, if it is placed in __________ solution

a hypotonic

Primary active transport is driven by secondary active transport


Pinocytosis is a type of


Cells of the body mainly use _________ for the selective endocytosis of most macromolecules

receptor-mediated endocytosis

At rest, the plasma membranes of most body cells are NOT polarized


The primary site of cellular ATP production in most cells is the


Ribosomes are found

in the cytosol and on the rough endoplasmic reticulum


synthesizes proteins


synthesizes ribosomes

Endoplasmic reticulum

fold, package, and modify proteins


neutralize dangerous free radicals


support cellular structures


contain digestive enzymes

DNA is replicated during the __________ phase of the cell cycle


A gene is best defined as

a segment of DNA that carries out instructions for the production of one polypeptide chain

During transcription,

DNA is used as a template to make RNA