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32 Cards in this Set

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A thermoreceptor in the skin converts heat energy to nerve impulses. This conversion is called _____.
sensory transduction

The conversion of sensory energy to a change in membrane potential is sensory transduction.
Sensory receptor cells convert a stimulus
into potential energy stored by the membrane.
The receptor potential is the
membrane potential produced in the receptor cell by sensory transduction.
Sensory transduction occurs in the
plasma membrane of sensory cells.
Which of the following is an example of sensory adaptation by a receptor?
You no longer feel the ring you put on your finger this morning.
Which of the following options incorrectly pairs a class of sensory receptor with one of the stimuli it detects?
thermoreceptors = touch
Which of the following classes of sensory receptors is the most diverse?
Which of the following options correctly lists the order in which structures within the ear transfer a sound wave during hearing?
auditory canal, eardrum, hammer, anvil, stirrup, oval window
Where is the organ of Corti?
Which of the following structures is involved in the human sense of balance?
the utricle
The semicircular canals
are arranged in three perpendicular planes
Which of the following choices lists structures involved only in the sense of hearing?
oval window, basilar membrane, organ of Corti
Which of the following statements about the focusing of light by the eyes is true?
Mammals focus by changing the shape of their lenses.
Which of the following options correctly lists the order of structures through which light must pass on its way to the retina of the human eye?
cornea, aqueous humor, pupil, lens
Which of the following are changes that happen when your eyes focus on faraway objects?
ciliary muscles relax, choroid moves away from the lens
In order to accommodate near vision, the ligaments that are attached to the lens _____, which causes the lens to _____.
slacken … become thicker and rounder
As light passes into the human eye, it goes through which of the following first?
Which of the following components of the human eye forms the iris?
Astigmatism is due to _____.
a misshapen cornea or lens
A person whose eyeball is shorter than normal suffers from
Which of the following statements regarding rods and cones is true?
Rods are more sensitive to light than cones.
"Supertasters" are individuals who
typically have more food dislikes
Which of the following sequences represents the path by which sound waves travel through the ear?
External auditory canal, eardrum, oval window, cochlea
Which of the following statements about the human ear is true?
The brain interprets input from different regions of the basilar membrane as different pitches.
True or false. Sound waves that enter the human ear are transmitted in fluid only in the inner ear.
The _____ is the region of the eye where photoreceptors are most highly concentrated.
What name is given to the tough layer that forms the "white" of the eye?
The _____ changes shape to focus light on the retina.
What name is given to the opening that allows light into the interior of the eye?
Which of the following statements about photoreception is true?
The brain combines signals from the different types of cone cells to differentiate the colors of the visible spectrum.
Which part of the eye contains the densest concentration of cone cells?
True or false. The lens is the only structure in the vertebrate eye that focuses light onto the retina.