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146 Cards in this Set

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THe ductus deferens develops from the ___ of the embryo.
mesonephric duct
The protein that clots and causes the stickiness of semen is ___.
the expulsion of semen occurs when the bulbospongiosus muscle is stimulated by ___
somatic efferent neurons
prior to ejaculation, sperm are stored primarily in ____
the epididymis
the penis is attached to thepublic arch by crura of ___
the corpus cavernosa
the first hormone secreted at the onset of puberty is ___
gonadotropin-releasing hormone
when it is necessary to reduce sperm production without reducing testosterone secretion, the sustentacular cells secrete____
four spermatozoa arise from each ____
type B spermatogonium
the point in meiosis at which sister chromatids separate from each other is ____
anaphase II
blood is forced out of the penile lacunae by contraction of the ____ muscles
under the influence of androgens, the embryonic ____ duct develops into the male reproductive tract
spermatozoa obtain energy for locomotion from ____ in the semen
the ____, a network of veins in the spermatic cord, helps keep the testes cooler than the core body temperature
pampiniform plexus
all germ cells beginning with the ___ are genetically different from the rest of the body cells and therefore must be protected by the blood-testis barrier
secondary spermatocytes
the corpora cavernosa as well as the testes have a fibrous capsule called the ___
tunica albuginea
Over half of the semen consists of secretions from a pair of glands called the ___
seminal vesicles
the blood-testis barrier is formed by tight junctions between the ___ cells
the earliest haploid stage of spermatogenesis is the ___
secondary spermatocyte
Erection of the penis occurs when nitric oxide cause the ___ arteries to dialate.
a sperm penetrates the egg by means of enzymes in its ___
The male scrotum is homologous to the female____
labia majora
___ cannot develop at core body temperature
_____ stimulates the testes to secrete testosterone
Luteinizing hormone
the primary sex organ of the male is the ___
a high testosterone level makes a fetus develop a male reproductive system, and a ______ level makes it develop a female reproductive system
low testosterone
most of the semen is produced by the ___
seminal vesicles
the pampiniform plexus serves to...
keep the testes from overheating
prior to ejaculation, sperm are stored mainly in the
Erection is caused by parasympathetic stimulation of the ___
penile arteries
another name for androgen-insensitivity syndrome is...
testicular feminization
what structure develops from the genital tubercle?
the head (glans) of the penis
The urogenital folds fuse to ______ in the male embryo
close the urethra, joining the phallus to form the penis
The labrioscrotal folds fuse to form the ___ in a male baby
THe descent of the testes
starts near the kidneys, passes between internal and external abd. oblique muscles, into scrotal swelling, through the inguinal canal into the scrotum
Why does enlargement of the prostate gland interfere with urination?
because the prostate gland completely surrounds the prostatic urethra
the prostate gland weighs about 20 grams by age__
About age ___ the prostate begins to grow again
by age 70, over 90% of men show some degree of ____
benign prostatic hyperplasia
Prostate cancer is the second most common CA in men (after lung cancer) affecting about __% of men by age 50
prostate cancer is very uncommon in what ethnic group?
prostate CA
about 80% of men survive when it is detected and treated early; only 10-50% survive if it spreads beyond the prostatic capsule
why is it important that the corpus spongiosum remain less engorged with blood than the corpus cavernosa during erection?
the corpus spongiosum surrounds the urethra which allows for expulsion of semen
two muscles that help regulate the temp of the testes
-the cremaster muscle (closer to testis than the other; pulls testes closer to body when cold)
-the dartos muscle (outside of the cremaster muscle; contracts when cold to make the scrotum taut and wrinkled)
3 different types of cells found in the testes
-intersitial (leydig) cells- source of testosterone
-germ cells
-sustentacular (Sertoli) cells- protect germ cells and promote their development;secrete inhibin
path of sperm
leave the testis; efferent ductules; duct of the epididymus; vas deferens; ejaculatory duct where vas deferens and seminal vesicle meet; through prostate gland; emptied into urethra
the increasing number of male wildlife has been attributed to chemical pollutants called
endocrine disruptors or estrogen mimics
How many chromosomes does a cell have?
46 chromosomes (23 pair)
Conclusion of Meiosis I
2 haploid cells
Conclusion of Meiosis II
4 haploid cells
stages of speratogenesis
*hopefully this is right!
spermatogonium; primary spermatocyte; secondary spermatocyte; spermatids; spermiogenesis; spermatozoon
3 Major Parts of the Spermatozoon
1. HEAD: contains nucleus, acrosome, flagellar basal body
2. MIDPIECE of tail: contains numerous large mitochondria that coil tightly around axoneme
3. PRINCIPAL PIECE of tail: constitues most of tail; consists of the axoneme surrounded by a sheath of fibers
3 bacterial STD's
chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis
3 viral STD's
genital herpes, genital warts, hepatitis
___ is the most common bacterial STD in the U.S. with 3-5 million cases per year
What is the most common STD (viral and bacterial combined) affecting 20-40 million with 500,000 new cases each year
genital herpes
what is the most rapidly increasing STD?
genital warts.. comes from 60+ viruses collectively known as HPV
Sterility may result from uncorrected ___, or undescended testes.
Spermatozoa are produced in minute ducts called ___
seminiferous tubules
Testosterone is secreted by ___ cells of the testes.
interstitial (Leydig) cells
The ___ is a countercurrent heat exchanger that keeps the testis cool.
pampiniform plexus
Until ejaculation, most sperm are stored in ___
about 30% of the semen is produced by the ___, a medial gland that encloses part of the urethra
THe blood-testis barrier is formed by tight junctions between the ___ cells of the testis
sustentacular (sertoli)
erection results largely from vasocongestion of the two ___ on the dorsal side of the penis
corpus cavernosum
a sperm penetrates an egg by means of enzymes from its ___
the first haploid cell produced in spermatogenesis is the ___
secondary spermatocyte
Are primary spermatocytes haploid or diploid?
THe ___ of the vagina would be harmful to sperm if it were not neutralized by the semen.
does the corpus cavernosum or the corpus spongiosum become more vasocongested in erection
corpora cavernosa
Testosterone has no effect on spermatogenesis unless _____ hormone is present
follicle stimulating hormone
Sperm heads are embedded in the ____ cells until the spermatozoa are mature.
sustentacular cells
the embryonic prescursor of the male reproductive tract is ___
the mesonephric duct
secretions from the ____ constitute 60% of the semen.
seminal vesicles
the inability to produce __ would result in impotence.
nitric oxide
The ___ form the blood-testis barrier
sertoli (sustentacular) cells
male secondary sex characteristic:
the cord that guides the descending testes into the fetal scrotum
spermatic cord
the muscle that elevates and lowers the scrotum
after age fifty, FSH and LH levels rise significantly and this is known as
male climateric
minute blood sinuses in the erectile tissues of the penis is known as
Inhibin that selectively suppresses its secretion is known as ____
Follicle-stimulating Hormone
the final cellular transformation in the production of spermatozoa is called ____
when all sexually reproducing species of animals are considered, the one characteristic that most defines a female is ____
production of the larger gamete
what is a female secondary sex organ?
the genetic sex of a child is determined by
the sperm
mullerian-inhibiting factor causes
regression of the paramesonephric ducts
testis-determining factor is found in or on
the Y chromosome
Hypospadias is a birth defect that results from
urethral opening on the side of the penis
testosterone is an example of an
the germinal epithelium of the testis consists of germ cells and
sustentacular cells
to get fromthe testis to the epididymus, sperm must pass through
efferent ductules
men have only one ___ but have two bulbourethral glands, ejaculatory ducts, seminal vesicles and corpus cavernosum
prostate gland
the heat exchanger that prevents afferent blood from overheating the testes is the
pampiniform plexus
mitochondria are found in the ___ of a spermatozoon
the foreskin of the penis is called
the prepuce
the smooth muscle layer in the wall of the scrotum is called
the tunica dartos
until ejaculation, sperm are mainly stored in
the epididymus
vasectomy, a procedure for surgical sterilization of the male, entails removal of part of the
ductus deferens
fibrinogen, a clotting protein, is found not only in the blood but also in the secretion of
the seminal vesicles
the cell in spermatogenesis that undergoes meiosis I is
a primary spermatocyte
a spermatozoon secretes enzymes from its ___ to penetrate the egg
the energy for sperm motility comes from
one of the major processes that transforms a spermatid into a spermatozoon is
the loss of excess cytoplasm
most of the semen consists of the secretion from
the seminal vesicles
the lacunae of the corpora cavernosa receive blood directly from
the helicine arteries
the cell that migrates from the outside to the inside of the blood-testis barrier is ___
a type B spermatocyte
the peristalic propulsion of sperm along the ductus deferens is called ___
penile cancer has been linked to human papilloma cancer. what other conditions is this cancer related to?
non-retractable foreskins
the penis of a male embryo develops from
the phallus
the testes receive a poor oxygen supply mainly because
the testicular artery has a very low BP
the bulbocavernosus muscle does not play a role in ___
thermoregulation of the testes
Seminiferous tubule is NOT a
spermatic duct
at what stage does a developing sperm cell begin to grow a tail?
half of the penis, called its ___, is internal and normally cannot be seen.
the forcible expulsion of semen in ejacuation results from spasmodic contractions of ___
the bulbocavernosus muscle
the first hormone to trigger the changes of puberty is
gonadotopin-releasing hormone
what is a hormonal change that contributes to male clinacteric
elevated secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone
in gametogenesis, the genetic composition of each chromosome is changed by the process of
when a cell divides by meiosis, it ultimately produces ___ daughter cells
the most important role of meiosis in sexual reproduction is
to prevent the chromosome number from doubling in each generation
contractions of the female reproductive tract may be stimulated by ___ in the semen
the male penis is homologus with the ___ of the female
the saclike extension of the peritoneum that covers the anterior and lateral surface of the testes is called
tunica vaginalis
the creaster muscle
is a skeletal muscle that draws the testes closer to the body to keep them warm
the optimal temp for sperm production is
35 degrees celsius
Secretions from the seminal vesicles empty into the
ejaculatory duct
secretions from the __ lubricate the head of the penis and neutralize acidity from the residual urine in the urethra.
bulbourethral glands
which hormone stimulates the interstitial cells to secrete testosterone
luteinizing hormone
correct order of spermatogenesis:
spermatogonium; primary spermatocyte; secondary spermatocyte; spermatids; spermatozoa
Meiosis II is the process by which ___ become ___
secondary spermatocytes becomes spermatids
Viagra prolongs erection by
inhibiting degradation of cGMP
The excitement phase is NOT charactized by
decreased BP
the excitement phase of the male sexual response is stimulated by
efferent parasympathetic signals from the sacral region of the spinal cord
the orgasm-emission phase of the male sexual response is sitmulated by
efferent sympathetic signals from the lumbar region of the spinal cord
the parasympathetic division does not cause
peristalsis of the ductus deferens
persons with androgen-insensitivity syndrome have all of the following except
ovaries, vagina and uterus
type B spermatogonium gives rise to
two secondary spermatocytes
in the process of spermiogenesis ___ become ___
spermatids; spermatozoa
the erectile tissue of the penis that passes along the ventral side of the penis and encloses the penile urethra is the
corpus spongiosum
High levels of testosterone will inhibit the
what hormone directly stimulates the development of male secondary sex characteristics?
a normal sperm count is
50-120 million sperm/ml semen
a sperm count lower than ___ is usually associated with infertility
20-25 million sperm/ml semen
sterility refers to the
inability to fertilize an egg
semen does not contain
dilation of ___ cause the lacunae to fill with blood and the penis becomes erect.
deep artery