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69 Cards in this Set

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In Japan, the Meiji Restoration resulted in the

modernization of the nation’s industry

Commordore Mathew Perry

(1794-1858) Commodore. United States Navy officer who is responsible for opening Japan to trade and imperialism

Before Commodore Matthew Perry’s expedition to Japan in 1853, Japan was most influenced by

China’s religion, art, and writing

An immediate result of Commodore Matthew Perry’s visit to Japan in 1853 was

the development of trade between Japan and the West

The arrival of Commodore Matthew Perry in Japan in 1853 signaled the end of Japanese

policies of isolationism

A major goal of the Meiji government in Japan was to

establish Japan as an industrial power

The modernization of Japan during the Meiji Restoration resulted in

the rise of Japan as an imperialistic nation

A primary purpose for building the Suez Canal was to

increase trade between the Middle East, Europe and Asia

Which is an accurate statement about the partitioning of Africa by European imperialist nations during the 1800’s?

the cultural and ethnic diversity of the African people was disregarded

After 1880, European nations sought colonies in Africa primarily because the Europeans were

competing of raw materials and markets

The 19th century term “White Man’s Burden” reflects the idea that

Europeans had a responsibility to improve the lives of the colonial peoples

The Sepoy Mutiny in India, the Boxer Rebellion in China, and the Islamic Revolution in Iran were similar in that they

resisted foreign influence in these countries

During the 19th century, Europeans were able to divide China in Spheres of Influence mainly because the

Europeans had technologically superior military forces

The Boxer Rebellion of the early 20th century was an attempt to

remove foreign influences from China

British control over South Africa, French control over Indochina, and Spanish control over Mexico are examples of


In the past, European nations have conquered other lands, made them into colonies, and controlled their economies.


During the 1840’s, China signed “unequal treaties” with Western nations mainly because

Western nations had superior military technology

The borders that were established for many African nations during the late 1800’s were based primarily on

territorial claims of colonial rulers

In 19th-century China, the Opium War resulted in


One result of British colonialism in India was that India

adopted a parliamentary system of government

During the 18th and 19th centuries, Europeans improved roads and bridges and built railroads in their colonies primarily to

obtain raw materials needed for industrialization

The results of the Opium War (1839-1842) indicate that China was

not strong enough to resist Western demands

Both the French and the British were interested in controlling Egypt in the mid-19th century because Egypt had

a strategic location

During the 18th and 19th centuries, increased contact between European and the continents of Africa, Asia, and South America resulted in

the exploitation of the labor and resources of these continents

Other than gaining land, what other motives were for Europeans?

natural resources, improve economy, and spread beliefs

French government imperializing motives-

status, convert people to their religion, "civilize" people, prove superiority, expand land, natural resources

How did colonial governments use their power to their advantage?

they would often take land without anyone's consent

Three cultural motives of imperialism?

(1) convert people to religion (2) "civilize" people (3) adventure

What did western technology "prove" for Americans and Europeans?

superiority of western ideas, customs and culture

How many Sudanese solders died at the Battle of Omurdurman and how many British soldiers died? What did this illustrate?

Eleven thousand Sudanese soldiers died, and at a much smaller amount, forty eight British solders died due to the Battle of Omurdurman

Define protectorate.

a state that is controlled and protected by another

Battle of Omdurman

Forty thousand Sudanese attacked an Angelo-Egyptian expedition that had come up the Nile and six steamers and four boats. Example of how Europeans used their more advanced weapons on less advanced countries with only muskets of spears to defend themselves

Why was the Aswan Damn built?

Britian was eager to develop Egyptian culture, and they wanted cotton which was Egypt had an abundance of

"Scramble" for Africa

Sudden wave or conquests in Afriva by European powers in the 1880s and 1890s

Where did the most abuses take place (on Africans)?

Congo Free Estate

Congo Free Estate

Where a rubber boom lasting from 1895 to 1905 made it profitable for private companies to coerce Africans to collect latex from vines that grew in the forest

Why did Southern Africa attract Europeans?

It had good pastures and farm land, and its abundance of diamonds, gold, and coper as well as coal and iron ore.

Native Land Act

Assigned Africans to reservations and own land elsewhere

What happened to Islam in Africa as a result of imperialism and industrialization?

Islam long predominant in northern and eastern Africa spread Southward as muslim teachers established Muslim brotherhoods

What attracted 200,000 Russians to Kazakhstan?

The fertile agricultural land

South East Asia's value toward Europe?

fertile soil, constant warmth & heavy rains

Last independent state in SE Asia in the late 19th century?

Islam (Now Thailand) however it lost several border provinces

Four (4) reasons Europe avoided taking colonies in Latin America?

(1) overextended in Africa (2) unnecessary because Latin America provided the political backing for he economic arrangements (3) LA had shown themselves capable of resistance (ex. Mexico v. France) (4) US itself claimed to defend the entire western hemisphere against all outside intervention

Three (3) lands gained by US as a result of Spanish-American war

(1) Philippines (2) Puerto Rico (3) Guam

Obstacle for US in building the Panama Canal? How did they overcome this obstacle?

Columbia refused to give US a piece of its territory/ In 1903 US government supported Panamanian rebellion against Columbia

What did Hevea trees proved? Where were they found?

Rubber originally came from latex of Havea trees/ Grow wild in the Brazilian rainforest

White Mans Burden

Basically Europeans complaining about having to "fix" or "civilize" the other countries around the world

New Imperialism

late 1800s- early 1900s- Europeans dominate African and Asian life styles politically, economically and socially

Berlin Conference

(1884) European countries meets to divide up Africa (without any African consent)


1600-1800 Japanese policy- don't want any outside influences on their culture, wanted to keep traditional culture

What is the problem with ethnocentrism?

countries aren't up to date with the military, easy to take over

Why did Japan decide to modernize?

US forced Japan to open up its ports for coal

Who helped Japan modernize/ industrialize/ westernize?

Germany- Schools

Great Britain- Navy


Meiji Restoration good or bad?

Good- allowed them to advance in education, industrialize, and build a navy

What ended Japans isolation and began the Meiji Restoration?

US told Japan to open up its ports for coal

What was a negative of the Meiji Restoration?

It changed traditions and views of the world

Why would GB want to take over India?

Natural resources (land) large population, location-trade, *spices

Why was india called the "crowned jewel" in the British empire?

Its spices

Who ruled India?

Mughals had been ruling but were pushed out by French and GB forces

Set key trading ports?

Benghal, Calatta, Madras, and Bombay


british rule

Why did British show tolerance towards Indians?

Large Population- feared rebellion

Major export of 1800s?


Sepoy Mutiny

India stands up to GB- 200,000 Sepoys get upset and rebel

What did the Sepoy Mutiny spark?

Nationalism in India

Why did the Sepoy Mutiny start?

Guns required cow/pig fat to move bullets through quickly, went against religion

Sepoy Mutiny Results

-protection of religious freedom -respect for Indian royalty -India civil service


deaths from water/ sewers


Take over land because of its Geographic location and political impact (ex: Suez Canal- trade)