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163 Cards in this Set

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The main function of the urinary system is to maintain homeostasis via ____ ____ by regulating water, ions, and non-ionic solutes and elimination of ___ and ___ ___.

osmotic regulation;

nitrogenous; other wastes

Nitrogenous wastes are from ____ of ___ ___ and ___ ___.

catabolism; nucleic acids; amino acids

Nitrogenous wastes

Amino acid uses include





protein synthesis

ATP synthesis


fat synthesis

Nitrogenous wastes

For ___ synthesis, ___, and __ synthesis, ___ (-NH2) must be removed from amino acids.

ATP; gluconeogenesis; fat

Nitrogenous wastes

Amino acids are converted into urea which is the chemical formula: ________


Nitrogenous wastes

Ammonia is formed by ___ groups and ___.

NH2; hydrogen

Nitrogenous wastes

The chemical reaction that takes place to form ammonium hydroxide is... _____. It is very ___.

NH3+ H2O -> NH4+ + OH-(base)


Nitrogenous wastes

Ammonia is secreted by __ and ___.

fish; amphibians

Nitrogenous wastes

Urea is the main nitrogenous waste excreted by ___. It is less___ than ammonia. Synthesis requires significant amounts of ___.

mammals; toxic; energy

Nitrogenous wastes

The liver urea cycle is ______.

CO2 +2NH2 + ATP -> urea and H2O

Nitrogenous wastes

Uric acid is excreted by __, ___, and ___. It is relatively ____. It has low ___-____. Synthesis is ___-___.

birds; reptiles; insects




Nitrogenous wastes

Uric acid is formed by ___ ___metabolism, which is the conversion of ___ (__ & ___) into ___ and ____, which form___ ___.

nucleic acid;

purines (G&A); xanthine; hypoxanthine; uric acid

The components of the human urinary system include 2___, 2___, ___ ___ and ___.

kidneys; ureters; urinary bladder; urethra


___ ___-shaped. Near the center of the concave border is an indentation called the ___, through which the ureter emerges from the kidney along with blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves.

kidney beaned;



Location is ____ and ____; below the _____

paravertebral; retroperitoneal; diaphragm


They are surrounded by three layers: ___ __, ____ ___, and ___ ___.

renal capsule; adipose capsule; renal fascia (inside -> outside)


The inferior displacement or dropping of the kidney is due to ____ of renal fascia and ___ ___, which contributes to the condition ___ (aka ___ __). This condition contributes to ___, when the urine cannot drain from the kidney to the bladder and the kidney swells.

weakening; adipose capsule; nephroptosis; floating kidney; hydronephrosis


Contains three areas

1. ____

2. ___

3 ____ ___

all of which are composed of ___ and ____ ___.

1. cortex;

2. medulla;

3. renal pelvis;

parenchyma (the functional portion of the kidney containing nephrons ); supporting stroma

Kidneys (cortex)

Has ____, ____ and ____ areas. It is composed of ____ ___, which extend between renal pyramids.

granular, outer, juxtamedullary

renal columns

Kidneys (medulla)

It is ___, and located in the ____ ____.
It is composed of __ ___.

striated; middle area;

renal pyramids

Kidneys (renal pelvis)

It is a hollow, inner area for ___ ____ (via ____ ____). It is located within the __ ___ is a fat-filled cavity.

urine collection; minor calyces; renal sinus

Kidney functions include:

1. regulating ___ and ___ electrolytes

2. regulating blood ___

3. regulating blood __

4 removing __ ___ and ___ substances from blood

5. regulating blood __

6. maintaining blood ___

7. producing ___(___, ____=EPO)

8. helps regulating blood ___ via ___, ___, and _____

1. blood; ECF

2. volume

3. pH

4. toxic wastes; foreign

5. pressure

6. osmolarity

7. hormones; calcitriol; erythropoietin

8. glucose; glycogenolysis; glycogenesis; gluconeogenesis

There are about __ million nephrons per kidney.


Nephron components

Renal Corpuscle is made of the

1. ___ __ (aka ___ ___)

2. _____

1. Bowman's Capsule; glomerular capsule

2. Glomerulus

Nephron components (renal corpuscle)

The Bowman's capsule is a ___ structure, which receives ___ ___. It's two layers are the ___ and ____ layer. The space between the two layers of the glomerular capsule, is called the _____ __, through which fluid filtered from the glomerular capillaries enters.

cuplike; glomerular filtrate

visceral; parietal

capsular space (Bowman's space)

Nephron components (glomerulus)

This is the __ ___ surrounded by the __ layer of ____ ___.

capillary tuft; visceral; Bowman's capsule

Nephron components (glomerulus)

The filtration membrane is composed of:

1.___ ___ ___

2. ___ ___ ___

3. ___ ___

1. fenestrated glomerular endothelium

2. glomerular basement membrane

3. slit membrane

Nephron components (filtration membrane)

The fenestrated glomerular endothelium is permeable to ___ ___ including all solutes. ___ ___ are located in this, that regulate the surface area available for ___.

plasma components;

mesangial cells; filtration

Nephron components (filtration membrane)

The glomerular basement membrane, aka ___ ___, is impermeable to ___ ___. The __ ___ prevents the passage of __ into urinary filtrate.

basal lamina; larger proteins; heparan sulfate; albumin

Nephron components (slit membrane)

The slit membrane is supported by ___ __, formed by __ of ___. It is impermeable to medium-sized ___. Albumin may penetrate, if not already excluded by ___ ___ of __

filtration slits; pedicels; podocytes; proteins; heparan sulfate; GBM

Nephron components

The renal tubule contains the





1. proximal convoluted tubule (PCT)

2. nephron loop (Loop of Henle)

3. distal convoluted tubule (DCT)

4. connecting tubule (CT)

Nephron components (renal tubule)

The PCT receives ___ ____ from the ___ ___.

It is made of ___ ___ epithelium with long ___ ___ which increases ___ ___.

glomerular filtrate; glomerular capsule;

simple cuboidal; apical microvilli; surface area

Nephron components (renal tubule)

The nephron loop consists of the ___ and ____ limbs. The _____ limb and _____ ____ portion of _____ limb is made of simple squamous epithelium.

ascending; descending

descending; proximal thin; ascending

Nephron components (renal tubule)

The DCT is also known as the ___ ___. It is made of ___ epithelial cells.

early DCT; cuboidal

Nephron components (renal tubule)

The connecting tubule aka the ___ ___ links the ___ to ___ ___ (CD). There are two cell types: ___ ___ (___-sensitive and ___ ___-sensitive cells) and ____ cells with ____ pumps and play a role in homeostasis of blood pH)

late DCT;

nephron; collecting duct;

principal cells (aldosterone; antidiuretic hormone)

intercalated; H+ - ATPase

Nephron components

The nephron wall is made of ___ epithelium (on basement membrane). It's epithelilal structure/ function varies with site.


Nephron components

The distal thick portion of ascending limb of nephron loop (TAL) is made of ___ / ___ ___ epithelium. The TAL contain ____ ___ where it contacts the __ ___. The wall of the afferent arteriole contains modified smooth fibers called ______ cells that secrete____. Together with the macula densa, they constitute the ____ ____ that regulate ___ ___.

cuboidal/ low columnar;

macula densa; afferent arteriole

juxtaglomerular (JG) cells; renin

juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA);

blood pressure

The nephron reserve capacity is __% of total nephron number. Nephrons show ___ but not ___ when they are injured or become diseased.

60%; hypertrophy; hyperplasia

There are two types of nephrons:

1. ____ ___

2. ___ ___

cortical nephrons

juxtamedullary (J-M) nephrons


The cortical nephrons are made of ____+___ +___+__ in outer third of cortex. They are made of short nephron loops. They contain a ___ ___ network (arises from ___ ___) that surround the loops.

glomeruli + PCT + DCT+ CT;

peritubular capillary network; efferent arteriole


The juxtamedullary (J-M) nephrons enable ____ of ____. They consist of the ___ + ____ + ___ + ____ near the cortical-medullary boundary. Their long nephron loops extend almost to the ___ __. Their loops are surrounded by long ___ __.

concentration; urine;

glomeruli + PCT + DCT + CT; renal papillae;

vasa recta

Collecting ducts (CD) have ___ and ___segments and consist of ___ and ___ cells. Several CTs link to a single ___ in the cortex, which conducts urine to ____ ___ and then to the ___ ___.

corticol; medullary; principal; intercalated; collecting duct; papillary duct; renal pelvis

Renal Pyramids (aka ___ ___) are __-shaped, striated kidney areas. Renal columns are located in the ___ between renal pyramids. Renal pyramids have an ____ pyramid shape. At its apex is the __ ___. In its striations contain nephron loops, CDs, and papillary ducts which converge on a ___ ____ ___.

medullary pyramids; cone; striated;

cortex; inverted; renal papilla

striations; minor renal calyx

Several minor calyces converge on a ___ ___, which open to the ____ __, then the ___, then the ___ ___. The calyces are contained within the ___ ___.

major calyx; renal pelvis; ureter; urinary bladder; renal sinus

The renal lobe is made of the ___ ____ + overlying ____ and half of two ____ ___ ____

renal pyramid; cortex; adjacent renal columns

There are

~___ million nephrons/kidney

~ ___nephrons/ collecting duct

~ _____collecting ducts/kidney

~_____collecting ducts/papillary duct

~___papillary ducts/renal papilla






Nephrons' blood supply

Aorta --> R & L ___ ____--> ___ artery --> ___ aa --> ___ aa --> ____ ___ aa --> afferent arteriole --> glomerulus --> efferent arteriole --> ___ ___ network (including __ ___) --> ___ ___ vv--> ___ vv--> ___ ___--> ___ ___--> R&L renal vein --> inferior vena cava

renal artery; segmental; interlobar; arcuate; cortical radiate;

peritubular capillary network; vasa recta; cortical radiate; arculate vein; interlobar vein; segmental vein

The renal blood flow is ~____mL / min in adults


Urine formation is made of 3 processes:

1. ___ ___

2. ___ __

3. ___ ___

1. glomerular filtration (F)

2. tubular reabsorption (R)

3. tubular secretion (S)

The rate of urine excretion of a solute is in __/min = ___ + ___ - ___


FR + SR - RR (see previous flashcard)

Glomerular filtration occurs when ___ ___ causes small water-soluble molecules to move into ___ ___ as ___ ___.

The afferent arteriole is ___ than the efferent arteriole

hydrostatic pressure; Bowman's space; glomerular filtrate


Glomerular filtration

___ ___ and most ___ ___ are usually excluded from glomerular filtrate by the 3 part ___ _____

blood cells; plasma proteins; filtration membrane

Glomerular filtration

The daily volume of glomerular filtrate is ___-___ liters


Glomerular filtration

Urine volume/day is ___L


Filtration fraction (FF) is the ___ ___ ___ entering ___ ___ that becomes glomerular filtrate. Normal is ___ - ____%. It increases in __________.

% plasma volume; afferent arteriole; 16-20; glomerulonephritis,acute inflammation of the kidney, typically caused by an immune response

Determinants of net filtration pressure (NFP) include




glomerular blood hydrostatic pressure (GBHP)

- blood pressure in glomerular capiillaries, promoting filtration

capsular hydrostatic pressure (CHP)

- exerted against the filtration membrane by fluid already in the capsular space and renal tubule, opposing filtration

blood colloidal osmotic pressure (BCOP)

- due to presence of proteins, opposing filtration

The equation for net filtration pressure (NFP) is ______. Normally,

GBHP = ___ mmHg

CHP = ___mmHg

NCOP = ___mmHg

=> NFP = ___ mmHg






The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the total volume of ___ produced by ___ ____ of the 2 kidneys in __ minute.

It is typically ~ ___mL/min in males; and ~___mL/min in females.

filtrate; renal corpuscles; 1

125; 105

When net filtration pressure (NFP) changes, this produces changes in the ___ ____ ___ as well.

e.g. Glomerulonephritis causes decreased ___, then increased ___ then increased ___.

e.g. hemorrhage or shock ___BP, which ____GBHP, which ___ NFP, which ____ GFR

e.g. Nephrolithiasis can ____CHP; __NFP, ___ GFR

glomerular filtration rate;


decreases; decreases; decreases; decreases

increase; decreases; decreases

Glomerular filtration rate

To maintain homeostasis, GFR should remain ___ ___ over wide ranges of ___ ___. If too fast, essential solutes ____ in ___. If too slow, excess solutes and ___ _____ into ____.

fairly constant; arterial pressures; lost; urine;

solutes; wastes; reabsorbed; blood

The regulation of GFR is made up of ___ ___, ___ ___, and ___ ___.

renal autoregulation

hormonal regulation

neural regulation

Renal autoregulation is the ability of the kidneys to maintain a constant ___ and ___ despite changes in ___ ___ ___.

BP; GFR; systemic blood pressure

There are two mechanisms behind renal autoregulation: ___ ___ and ___ ___.

myogenic mechanism

tubulo-glomerular feedback mechanism

Renal autoregulation

With myogenic mechanism, an increased BP would ___ RBF and GBF which ___ GFR and ___ afferent arteriolar stretch.

_____ occurs which ____ GBF and RBF, which ___ GFR.

increase; increase; increase;

vasoconstriction, decrease, decrease

(and vice versa)

Renal autoregulation

With tubulo-glomerular feedback mechanism, decreased blood pressure ___ NFP and GFR, which ___ tubular flow rate, and causes the ___ and ___ of ___ to reabsorb more salt and water. This causes a decrease in Na concentration in fluid seen by ___ ___ of JGA, which leads to ___ NO release.

____ occurs and there is ___ blood flow; which ___ NFP and GFR, and ___ Na+ concentraiton.

decreases; decreases; PCT & Loop of Henle; macula densa; increased;

vasodilation; increased; increases; increases

Hormonal regulation

Angiotensin II causes afferent artierole ___ which ___ RBF and GBF, which ___ GFR.

This ___ tubular flow rate and ___ salt and water reabsorption in PCT and nephron loop, ___ blood pressure.

vasoconstrict, decreases; decreases

decreases; increases; increases

Hormonal regulation

Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) secretes with increase in blood volume, which leads to ___ atrial wall stretch, and ___ release.

This leads to ___ of mesangial cells, and ___ glomerular surface area.

There is then increased ___ (which leads to salt and water excretion and decreased blood volume)

increased; ANP; relaxation; increased;


Neural regulation

In fight or flight, sympathetic ___ ___ decrease ___ _____ ____ and decreases ___.

This ___ urine output and increases blood to __, __, and __.

Also, decreased GFR decreases __ ___ ___ and PCT and nephron loop reabsorb more __ and ___. This increases causes ___ BP.

vasoconstriction fibers; glomerular blood flow; GFR;

decreases; muscles, heart, brain

tubular flow rate; salt and water; increase

Tubular reabsorption occurs to maintain homeostasis by ____ reabsorbing water, nutrients, ions, etc from ___ ___ into blood. It occurs mostly in the ___, and occurs by __ or ___ transport. There are two reabsorption routes: ___ and ____. PCT cells include ___ ___ and many ___.


urinary filtrate

PCT; active; passive;

transcellular (passing through tubule cell); paracellular (passing between tubule cells);

lumenal microvilli; mitochondria

Selectivity of tubular reabsorption is shown by the use of ____ ___, including _____ transporters (i.e. ATPases) and ___ ___, which include ____ and ____.

carrier molecules;

primary; secondary; symporters; antiporters

Selectivity of tubular reabsorption

- the transport maximum (Tm) is the ___ amount of substance ___ per unit time.

For example, glycosuria in diabetes mellitus leads to ___ ___ (increase in urination rate as a result of certain substances) related to ___.

maximum; reabsorbed

osmotic diuresis, polyuria

There is a dependence of water reabsorption on solute reabsorption shown by the processes of ____, ___ ___ reabsorption, and ___ ___ absorption.

osmosis (all water reabsorption)

obligatory water reabsorption

facultative water reabsorption

Obligatory water reabsorption is when water is reabsorbed with ___ in ___ __ because the water is "obliged" to follow the ___ when they are ___

solutes; tubular fluid; solutes; reabsorbed

Facultative water absorption occurs to 10% of the water, and is regulated by ___ ___ and occurs mainly in the ___ ___.

antidiuretic hormone; collecting ducts

Tubular secretion adds ___-____ wastes to ___ __, including ___, ___, ___ and ____ ___.

non-filtered; tubular fluid;

ions, toxins, drugs, nitrogenous wastes

reabsorption by glucose by ___-______ (e.g. __-___ ____) are used by the "early" ____

Na+ symporters; Na+ glucose symporter


___/____ ______ promote transcellular reabsorption of Na+ and secretion of ___ in the PCT

Na+/H+ antiporters

Na+; H+

____/____ _____ promote reabsorption of bicarbonate ions (HCO3-) in the PCT

Na+/H+ antiporters

The reabsorption of water in "early" ____ promotes reabsorption of ____ (i.e. ___,___,___,___ and ___) in the "late" ___


ions (Cl-, K+, Ca++, Mg++), urea


The PCT and descending limb is very permeable to water due to _____-__


nitrogenous wastes include ___ and ____ (which forms ___ cation)

urea; NH3;


The tubular fluid within the Loop of Henle (Nephron loop) is still ___


The ___ ___ ___ of the nephron loop is permeable to water but impermeable to solute, while __ and ___ ____ ___ of loop are impermeable to water but permeable to solute

thin descending limb;

thin and thick ascending limbs

nephron loop

there are different sites for electrolyte and water reabsorption in the nephron loop, that ____ regulate urinary ___ and urinary ____

independently; volume; osmolarity

the thick ascending limb has a __/___/___ ____ for ___ ____

Na+/K+/2Cl- symporter

simultaneous reabsorption

nephron loop

when ___ leaks back into tubular lumen, interstitial fluid becomes negatively charged, attracting ___,__,___,___ from the lumen into the interstitial fluid


Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+

since the ____ ___ ____ is water impermeable, when it reabsorbs electrolytes, fluid osmolarity ___

thick ascending limb


there is a ____ ____ in the early DCT, to reabsorb Na+and Cl-. The early DCT is also a major site where ___ ____ stimulates reabsorption of ____.

Na+Cl- symporter

parathyroid hormone; Ca2+

There are two types of cells in the convoluted tubule (late DCT) and collecting duct, including

1. ___-____ ___ __

2. ____ ___

1. aldosterone-sensitive principal cells

2. intercalated cells

the aldosterone-sensitive principal cells unequally "exchange" (reabsorb) ___ and secrete ___. This mechanism is faciliated by apical membrane ___ and ___ ___ ____. It is the main mechanism for eliminating excess ___ ions.

The principal cells are also ___-sensitive, to increase ___ ___.

Na+; K+

Na+ and K+ leak channels


ADH; water reabsorption

intercalated cells in the CT and CD reabsorb __ and ____, and secrete ___

K+; HCO3-


an analysis of the volume and physical, chemical, and microscopic properties of urine is called a


blood tests

BUN stands for ___ ___ ___. BUN increases in certain ___ ____

blood urea nitrogen

kidney diseases

blood tests

plasma creatinine comes from the breakdown of ___ ___ ___ ____.

high creatinine could indicate ___ ___ ___

skeletal muscle creatine phosphate

poor renal function

blood tests

renal plasma clearance reflects the ability of ___ to remove a specific substance from blood

its equation is ___

where U= ______

P= ____



UV/P (mL/min)

U= urinary concentration of substance (mg/mL)

P = plasma concentration of substance (mg/ml)

V=urine flow rate (mL/min)

___% of water absorption is obligatory water reabsorption (linked to solute reabsorption)

___ % of water reabsorption is facultative water reabsorption (___-regulated in CT and CD)


10; ADH

the production of a very hypotonic urine is a result of low ___ level (because CT and CD are regulated by ___, and impermeable to water in absence of ___)


the production of concentrated urine (hypertonic) depends on high ___ of ____ in interstitial fluid in the renal medulla, the main contributers being __ ____ ___ (impermeable to water)

high concentrations of solutes

thick ascending limb

when water intake is low and water loss is high, the kidneys are required to excrete a very ___ ___

counter-current mechanism refers to the flow of fluid in _____ tubes in ____ directions.

hypertonic urine

parallel; opposite

the countercurrent mechanisms exist due to ___ ___ (15-20% of nephrons) and the __ ____

juxtamedullary nephrons; vasa recta

because of the countercurrent mechanism, kidneys are able to excrete ____, ___ or ___- urine




countercurrent mechanism

the counter-current multiplier involve the ___ and ___ ____ of nephron loops of ___ nephrons

ascending and descending limbs; juxtamedullary

countercurrent multiplier

permeability characteristics differ in the loop of Henle that allow secretion of different urine concentrations

the thick ascending limb:

- impermeable to ____

- actively transports ___ via lumenal __/___/___ co-porter

descending limb

- permeable to ___, impermeable to ___


NaCl; Na+/K+/2Cl-

water; solutes

countercurrent multiplier steps

1. ___ and ___ are pumped out of the ___ ___ ___ into peritubular fluid

2. osmolarity of peritubular fluid ___ near ____ limb

1. Na+, Cl-; thick ascending limb

2. increases; descending limb

countercurrent multiplier steps p2

3. water flows from ___ ___ to the ___ ___

4. there is ___ solute concentration in the ___ ___

descending limb; peritubular fluid

increased; descending limb

countercurrent multiplier steps p3

5. there is very concentrated solution in ___ ___, which _____ NaCl transport into ____ ____. The medullary concentration gradient from upper to lower is ____ to ____

ascending limb; increases; peritubular fluid

300 ->1200

countercurrent multiplier steps p4

6.____ ____ in deep medulla re-inforces salt gradient

7. ___ ___ arrives at DCT

urea recycling

hypotonic fluid

counter-current mechanism

the medullary concentration gradient is not washed away due to the ___ ___ ____, the process by which solutes and water re passively exchanged between the blood of the vasa recta and interstitial fluid of the renal medulla as a result of countercurrent flow

counter current exchanger

countercurrent exchanger

the ___ ___ are involved.

they are capillaries that run parallel with nephron loops of ___ nephrons

vasa recta


the vasa recta maintain ___ ___ ___, while delivering nutrient blood supply

medullary concentration gradient

the speed of vasa recta blood flow is very ____


vasa recta are __ ___ to water and salt, so there is complete ___ between the blood and interstitial fluid

freely permeable;


since countercurrent flow between the descending and ascending limbs of the vasa recta allows for exchange of soolutes and water between the blood and interstitial fluid of the renal medulla , the vasa recta is said to function as a ____ ____

countercurrent exchanger

as blood flows into the inner medulla, ___ is lost and ___ is gained (300->1200)

water; salt

as blood flows back toward the cortex, ___ is gained and __ is lost (1200->320)

water; salt

removal of solutes and water by vasa recta balances ___ of solute and water reabsorption by __, so the medullary concentration gradient is protected and reabsorbed water/solutes are returned to general circulation



benefits of the counter-current mechanism

1. method for ____ solutes/water before the fluid reaches ___ and __

- prevents life-threatening ___ and ___

2. concentration gradient in medulla allow ___-____ ____ ___ from ___ and ____

1. reabsorbing; CT and CD

hyperkalemia; alkalosis

2. ADH-dependent water reabsorption from CD and CD

ADH increases __ and ___ permeability to water (Due to insertion of ___-_ ____ ___ proteins)

ADH is osmotically driven through these water channels, and would not occur without the presence of the ___ ___ set up in the medullary interstitium by the countercurrent mechanism

CT and CD

aquaporin-2 water channel

salt gradient

if blood osmotic pressure increases, the ___ ___ releases ADH

posterior pituitary

if blood osmotic pressure decreases, no ___ released, and ___ results



__ ___ is a disorder in which the hormone ADH is absent

diabetes insipidus

___ inhibits ADH secretion, leading to diuresis

___ inhibits Na+ reabsorption by renal tubule

diuretic drugs are anti-______, as it increases___ and decreases ___ ___, ___ ___, and ____





blood pressure; blood volume; pressure

some examples of diuretic drugs:

1. furosemide (____) blocks _______ ____ of __ ___ ___

2. thiazides block ___-_________ in __ ____ __

3. IV mannitol blocks ____ ___ -uptake


Na+/K+/2Cl- coporter; thick ascending limb

Na+Cl--symporter; distal convoluted tubule


tubular reabsorption and secretion are regulated by the following hormones




renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system

the juxtaglomerular apparatus is the area of close contact between ___ ___ of ___ __ and neprhon's loop ___ ____ (top of ___)

juxtaglomerular cells; afferent arteriole; macula densa; thick ascending loop

the JGa monitors ____ ___ and ___ ___ within afferent arteriole

blood volume; blood pressure

if blood volume and blood pressure drop, there is a decrease in glomerular filtration rate. The afferent arteriole's ___ cells secrete ___.

- this converts ___ into ____.

juxtaglomerular cells; renin

angiotensinogen; angiotensin I

____ ____ ____ changes angiotensin I to angiotensin II

angiotensin converting enzyme

functions of angiotensin II

1. direct _____ which increases blood pressure and _____ _____ vasoconstriction

2. increased ___ _____ by ____, which increases blood pressure

3. ____ release by adrenal cortex

vasoconstriction; afferent arteriole

Na+ reabsorption; PCT


salt concentration is monitored by the ___ ___

- if there is increased salt concentration in lumen, there is no ___ release

- if there is decreased salt concentration in the lumen, ___ is released

macula densa;



____ may result if the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is defective and is ____ __


continually stimulated

kidney dialysis is treatment of ___ or ___ ___ ___. the two types include


___ ___

temporary; permanent renal failure


peritoneal dialysis

in hemodialysis, a patient's ____ blood is passed through a ___ ___ ___ in contact with ___ which maintains diffusion gradients that remove wastes and adds needed substances to the blood

- substances in high concentration in blood move into ___

heparinized; semipermeable membranous tube; dialysate


___-____g urea can be removed by __-___ hour dialysis treatment

50-250; 4-6

hemodialysis is done ___-__X per week


drawbacks of hemodialysis include

a. ____ use, leading to hemorrhage

b. ___, damage to RBC

c. infection risk and possible ____

d. restriction of dietary __ and __

e. ___ consuming

f. loss of ___, __, etc




fluid; protein


nutrients; hormones

peritoneal dialysis is done when ___ ___ is run into ___ ___. the peritoneal membranes represents the ___ ___.

there are __-__ exchanges per day, with each exchange lasting for __-___ hours.

dialysis fluid; peritoneal cavity

dialysis membrane



one variation of peritoneal dialysis is ___ ___ ___ ___ which can be performed at home/work

continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis

the drawback to peritoneal dialysis is ____

peritonitis (infection)

the mucosa of the ureters include the _____ ___ (aka ____) + ____ ___ + ____ ____

transitional epithelium (urothelium) + goblet cells + lamina propria

the muscularis of the ureters include ____ _____ (inner _____ + outer ____)

- distal 1/3

its function is ____

smooth muscle; longitudinal; circular


the adventia of the ureters is a ____ ___ ____

fibrous outer coat

the function of the ureters is to ____ urine from ___ to ___ via ___ ____

transport; kidney; bladder

peristaltic contractions

the ureters contain ___-____ ____ (between ureters and urinary bladder)

a long intra-mural segment = a ___ valve.

- as bladder fills, ureter compressed closed

a short intra-mural segment = a ___ valve.

if sphincter defective, ascending infection leads to ____

vesico-ureteral sphincters



pyelonephritis (can cause scarring of kidney)

the urinary bladder is a ___ muscular sac behind the ___ ___. its function is to store urine until ____.

distensible; pubic symphysis

micturition (ejection of urine to outside)

the urinary bladder contains two ___ (ureters) and 1 ___ (internal urethral orifice) which form a ____




the mucosa of the bladder wall is ___ ___( aka ____) which changes as stored urine volume ____. it also contains ___

transitional epithelium; urothelium



the muscularis of the urinary bladder includes ___ ____ which contracts to expel urine.

note: micturition involves both ___ ___ ___ (involuntary) and ___ ___ ___ (voluntary) of urethra must be relaxed

- the micturition reflex is associated with ___ ___ contraction + ___ ___ ___ relaxation

detrusor muscle;

internal urethral sphincter;

external urethral sphincter

detrusor muscle contraction; internal urethral sphincter relaxation t

the adventitia of the urinary bladder involves the ___, ___ ___ covering top of bladder

serosa; visceral peritoneum

a ____ is an endoscopic exam of urethra and bladder, which is used to assess ___ and ___ (biopsy of abnormal tissue).

it can be used to remove ___ in ____.

it is used to evaluate obstruction due to ___ ___ ____


cancer; infection

calculi; urolithiasis;

benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate)

urinary retention is the failure to void completely, which leads to ___, and possible ___ and ____

this occurs in BPH or bladder atony

stasis; cystitis (inflammation of bladder); pyelonephritis (scarring of kidney)

urinary incontinence is lack of voluntary control over ___


stress incontinence represents a weak ____ ____ ____

external urethral sphincter

overflow incontinence occurs when continuous ___ of urine is released from ____ bladder

dribble; over-full

urgency incontinence is failure to restrain ___ __, despite desire to do so

urine discharge

functional incontinence is when a person recognizes the need to urinate but is ________

unable to get to the otilet t

total incontinence is a return to the _____ ____ ____

return to pre-potty training state

the urethra is a tube from urinary bladder to ___ ___ ____

external urethral orifice

gender differences

female: external urethral orifice is between ___ and ___

male: external urethral orifice opens at tip of ___ ___

clitoris; vagina;

glans penis

in the male, there are 3 segments to the urethra:

prostatic urethra, intermediate (membranous) urethra, spongy urethra which passes through penis within corpus spongiosum

the mucosa of the urethra is ___ ___,

___ ___ or ____ ___ ___ and _____ ___ ___ ___

transitional epithlelium

stratified columnar/psuedostratified columnar epithelium

non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium

the muscularis of the urethra is ____ ____ (inner ___ and outer ____ ___)

smooth muscle; circularis; longitudinal muscle

the adventitia of the urethra is ___ ___

areolar C.T.