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58 Cards in this Set

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What are the components of the urinary system?
kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra
List the six functions of the kidney
Waste removal
formation of calcitriol
production and release of erythropoietin
regulation of ion levels and acid-base balance
regulation of blood pressure
potential to engage in gluconeogenesis
What triggers the secretion of erythropoietin?
Low blood oxygen levels detected by the kidneys.
What ions do the kidneys regulate
Inorganic ions such as Na+, K+, Ca2+, and PO4(3-)
What two ions do the kidneys regulate in order to maintain acid-base balance?
H+ ions and HCO3- ions
(hydrogen and bicarbonate ions)
Which enzyme is released by the kidneys to produce angiotensin II?
Where the blood vessels, nerves, and ureter connect to the kidney
The _____ (right/left) kidney is 2cm inferior to the other.
Why is the right kidney 2cm lower than the left kidney?
to accomodate the large size of the liver
The kidneys are located in the _______ space
The two distinct regions of the kidney are:
renal medulla, renal cortex
How many renal pyramids does the typical adult kidney have?
the tip of the renal pyramids is called the
renal papilla
This space serves as the urine drainage area of the kidney
renal sinus
The _____ merges at the medial edge of the kidney with the ureter
the renal pelvis
The microscopic, functional filtration unit of the kidney
The nephron
Nephrons consist of two major structures:
renal corpuscle and renal tubule
Is the renal corpuscle housed in the renal medulla or renal cortex?
What two structures make up the renal corpuscle?
glomerulus and glomerular capsule
What is the glomerulus?
thick tangle of capillary loops called the glomerular capillaries
Blood enters the glomerulus by the ______ and exits by the _____.
afferent arteriole; efferent arteriole
(hint: Exit:Efferent)
What is the other name for the glomerular capsule?
Bowman's capsule
What are the three parts of the renal tubule?
proximal convoluted tubule, loop of henle, distal convoluted tubule
Where does the distal convoluted tubule end?
Collecting tubule
What is excretion?
The separation of body wastes from body fluids
What other systems besides urinary participate in excretion?
Respiratory system, digestion, integumentary system
what does the renal system excrete?
metabolic wastes
Functions of the kidney
1 - regulate the volume and composition of extracellular fluid
2 - Ridding the body of metabolic waste
3 - Ridding the body of chemicals
4 - Long term blood pressure control
5 - Production of erythropoietin
6 - Vitamin D metabolism (produces the active form of VD)
7 - Gluconeogenesis (only under starvation conditions)
8 - pH regulation
Urea is the end product of _____ ______
Uric acid is the end product of _____ ______
Creatinine is the end product of _____ ______
nitrogen metabolism;
nucleotide metabolism;
creatine metabolism
path of urine in the kidney:
from nephron to minor calix to major calix to pelvis, to ureter
How many nephrons are there per kidney?
~1.3 million
Tuft of capillaries:
the capsule around the glomerulus and the glomerular capsule
renal corpuscle
This is where fluid is pressed out of the blood and results in filtrate
renal corpuscle
Nephrons dump into the _______
collecting ducts
What do granular cells of the afferent arteriole secrete?
What is glomerular filtrate?
The fluid that is pressed out from the glomerulus into the PCT
We only use the word filtrate at the _____ ____ and use tubular filtrate when we are along the _____ ______, ______, and ________
early PCT;
latter PCT, loop of Henle, and DCT
When is tubular filtrate called urine?
At the collecting duct
Voiding the bladder is called _____
when urine is produced, there are 3 processes involved:
1 - filtration
2 - reabsorption
3 - secretion
Reabsorption takes something from where to where?
From the tubule into the blood
Filtration means what?
You're going to filter something out of the blood and into somewhere else
Secretion is from where to where?
blood to tubule
Regarding filtration, how many layers must filtrate pass?
3 layers:
1 -Capillary endothelium
2 - basement membrane (meshwork of glycoproteins and mucopolysaccharides) This is negatively charged
3 - visceral surface of bowman's capsule
If someone has high blood pressure, what happens to urine formation?
Increase urine formation
The rate at which the volume of filtrate is formed is called:
Glomerular filtration rate
Define GFR
The rate at which the volume of filtrate is formed
What are three things GFR depends on?
NFR, surface area, permeability
What hormone is released by the kidney under sympathetic stimulation?
What is the effect of angiotensin II at the kidney?
vasoconstriction at the afferent arteriole and contraction of the mesangial tissue, which decreases surface area, which decreases Kf, and decreases GFR
What percent of filtrate is reabsorbed?
White drives everything in the PCT?
_____ is an osmotic diuretic. What does this mean?
Water follows it
At the tubules, from blood to tubule is _____, from tubule to blood is _____.
secretion, reabsorption.
_____% of filtrate is reabsorbed at the PCT
At the PCT, how does sodium move into the tubular cell?
Facilitated diffusion
Four facts about the Loop of Henle
1 - Actively resorbs sodium in the ALH (K+ and Cl- will follow)
2 - Water permeability is low in ALH
3 - With salt movement, interstitium becomes concentrated
4 - HIgh water permeability in the descending Loop of Henle