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68 Cards in this Set

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Organs divide into what 2 groups?
Alimentary Canal
Accessory digestive Organs
6 steps to digestion process
Mechanical digestion
chemical digestion
Where does Ingestion occur?
What is Propulsion in Digestive Process?
movement of food
What happens during Mechanical digestion is digestion process?
prepares food for chemical digestion
What happens during chemical digestion in the digestive process?
complex molecules broken down to chemical components
What occurs during absorption of the digestive process?
transport of digested nutrients
What occurs during Defection?
eliminates indigestible substances as feces
Function of Peristalsis?
involved with propulsion
What is rythmic contractions of the intestine & its purpose?
& to mix food with digestive juices
What are the four layers of Alimentary Canal Wall?
The mucosa
The submucosa
The muscularis externa
The serosa
What is the innermost layer of the Alimentary Canal WAll?
The mucosa
What does the submucosa contain?
blood and lymphatic vessels, nerve fibers
Two layers of te muscularis externa?
Circular muscularis (inner layer)
Longitudinal muscularis (outer layer)
What is the outer most layer of the Alimentary Canal WAll?
The serosa
Where is smooth muscle found in the digestive system?
primarily found in walls of viscera
Smooth Muscle is grouped into two sheets?
Longitudinal layer
& Circular Layer
Smooth Muscle Contractions opperate how?
by interaction with cytoskeleton
Dense bodies of Smooth Mucle Contract how?
correspond to Z-discs of skeletal muscle
What is innercation of Smooth Muscle?
Innercated by ANS
Smooth muscle contracts as a unit excpet for where? (2 spots)
iris of eye
& arrector pili muscles in skin
What nerve plexus lies between circular and longitudinal muscularis?
Myenteric nerve plexus
What does Myeneric nerve plexus control?
peristalsis and segmentation
What nerve plexus lies in submucosa?
Submucolsal nerve plexus
What is the function of the submucosal nerv plexus?
signal glands to secrete
What kind of membrane is the peritoneum?
two kinds of peritoneum?
visceral and parietal
what is the peritoneal cavity?
a slit like potential space
What is a double layer of peritoneum?
Function of Mesentery?
hold organs in place

site of fat storage

provides route for crculatory cessels and nerves.
What is found behind the peritoneum?
retroperitoneal organs
What digestive organs keep their mesentery?
peritoneal organs
mesentaries attatch to what?
posterior abdominal wall
The lips and cheeks are formed from waht?
the orbicularis oris and buccinator muscles
The labial frenulum connects to what to what?
lips to gum
The palate forms what?
the roof of the mouth
What muscles are found within and external of the tongue?
intrinsic muscles
extinsic muscles
What secure tongue to floor of mouth?
lingual frenulum
3 toungue papillae?
filiform papillae

fungiform papillae

circumvallate papillae
What papillae has no taste buds?
Filiform papillae
What marks the border between mouth and pharynx?
sulcus Terminalis
1/3 of tongue is found where?
3 glands that makes up the salvary glands?
paratoid glands

submandibular glans

sublingual glands
where is parotid gland/duct found?
parallil to zygomatic arch
where is submandibular gland?
medial surface to mandible
where is sublingual gland found?
floor of oral cavity
two types of pharynx?
oropharunx and laryngopharynx
What is a contunuation of the pharyn?
the esophagus
Where does the esophagus join the stomach?
inferior to the diaphragm
Def. Cardiac sphincter
closes lumen to prevent stomach acid from entering esophagus
gland of the esphagus?
tubulgalveolar glands
Muscle structure of esphagus?
skeletal muscle
What is the most external layer of the esophagus?
In stomach what begins protein digestion?
secretion of pepsin
3 muscle layers of stomach?
circuar, longitudinal, and oblique
Glands of stomach?
gastric gland
Three cells of the stomach?
mucous neck cell

perietal cells

cheif cells
three cells of intestine walls?
absorptive cells

goblet cells

enterpendocrine cells
What recieves digestive enzymes and bile?
three subdivisions of small intestine?


function of large intestine?
digest residue
absorb water and electrolytes
Large intestine is subdivides into g things?
cecum, vermiform appendix, colon, rectum, anal canal
3 special feature of large intestine?
teniae coli


What is the beginning of the large intestine called?
what contains lymphoid tissues and neutralizes pathogens?
vermiform appendix
colon is divided into 4 segments?
ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid colon
What descends along the inferior half of the sacrum?
the rectum
The last subdivision of the large intestine
anal canal