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7 Cards in this Set

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What role did each of the following play in the congressional assumption of control over Reconstruction policy? y: Black Codes, Southern election of former Confederates, President Johnson’s personality and actions?

Black Codes: The Black Codes were a series of laws that restricted freedmen from activity. These laws assured the whites a labor force which would be he “freedmen”. Many states made the African Americans sign annual labor contracts in order for the African Americans to work. The Black Codes pretty much brought slavery back.Southern election of former Confederates: This made the Congress assume the control of the Reconstruction because they did not want any old Confederate leader to be in control again. The Congress did not want the men who had originally dismembered the Union. Congress believed that instead of helping they would eliminate the U. S.President Johnson’s personality and actions: Johnson’s personalities and actions made the Congress assume the reconstruction because Johnson was racist. Johnson was trying to help the whites more than the African Americans and he did not want slavery to end because he was a slaveowner himself and he undermined congress

Why was President Johnson Impeached? Why didn't the Senate convict him of “high crimes and misdemeanors”? What do you think his conviction in the Senate might have meant for our system of government?

Thesis: President Lincoln was impeached for violating the Tenure of Office Act and because Congress just wanted any excuse to get rid of him.Andrew Johnson was the first president to be impeached. In 1868, the House of Representatives had brought forward eleven articles of impeachment toward Johnson. It is speculated that Johnson's impeachment was made by Congress only because they needed an excuse for removing him from presidency. Congress felt that Johnson was uncooperative to the U.S. In 1867 the Reconstructional Act had been passed by Congress. This act would be enforced by Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton. Johnson not only vetoed the act but also removed Stanton. This action made by Johnson violated the Tenure of Office Act because Stanton was appointed by Lincoln and the Senate had no consent of Stanton being removed. In 1868 the votes were off by one and Johnson was not removed and congress also considered that his action was not enough of a crime to be punished with impeachment. Johnson’s conviction of the senate might have meant to our system of government that Congress was more powerful that the president.

How did freed slaves respond to Reconstruction? How did freedom affect the economic, social, and political life of former slaves?

Thesis: Freed slaves did not believe they were free so they tested their freedom by going out and freedom affected all of the life of former slaves.In the beginning many freed African Americans did not think they were free so to find out they would test it by going out to the streets or things like that. In the social aspect of life of the African Americans, freedom helped them receive education(Freedmen's Bureau), churches were made, and many of the African Americans changed their names and wanted to be called Mr. , Mrs. or things like that. In their economic aspect of life, freedom helped them but also harmed them. Freedom was positive at first because the Freedmen’s Bureau and this helped the freed African Americans get food, clothing, and an education: this organization helped a massive number of African Americans how to read and write. Although it was positive it wa also negative because now the Black Codes were made and these basically assured the Whites a labor force which would be the African Americans and this practically started slavery all over again. In the political aspect of life, freedom granted the African Americans suffrage, if hey were born here they were given citizenship, and they also had equal protection of the law. These things were granted to them thanks to the 14TH Amendment. African American also could not make laws based on a race, gender, or sexual orientation.

Assess the achievements and shortcomings of “radical” regimes in the South. what did they do that is worth admiring and worth condemning? What else might they have done to better achieve their goals?

Thesis: The three main “radical” regimes in the South was KKK, Freedmen’s Bureau, and the Radical Republicans.The Freedmen’s Bureau was an organization lead by Oliver O. Howard and they would provide food, clothing, medical care , and an education for African Americans who were free. What this bureau did what was good was that it helped many African Americans receive an education , it taught them how to read and write which is crucial. The bad part of this bureau was that no land was given to the African Americans and the bureau also did not help them obtain land. The KKK was a group of white men who were against African American freedom and empowerment. This organization did not do any good, they would only assassinate blacks and lynch them. The Radical Republicans were for the African Americans. They helped them and also protected their rights. The negative they did was only negative for the white people because it did not affect the African Americans. The Radical Republicans were biased to the whites who were wealthy. In order for these regimes to achieve their goals, they would have not have to be so violent like the KKK and just obtain more governmental support for the Freedmen’s Bureau and Radical Republicans.

Compare and contrast Lincoln’s, Johnson’s, and Congress’s plans for reconstruction. Cite what was omitted. Which program do you think was the best? Why?

Thesis: The reconstruction plan for Lincoln, Johnson, and Congress were all unique; each plan identified itself with its owner.Lincoln's plan was called the ten percent plan. Lincoln was more focused in putting the union back together and so his plan for reconstruction was more for that purpose. This plan included that ten percent of the voters who had voted in the election of 1860 had to swear an oath of allegiance back to the Union. It also required for them to accept emancipation with the Thirteenth Amendment.Congress's plan was different because they had another vision. The Radical Republicans in Congress said that they were under the command of the Congress not the president. They also believed that Lincoln's plan was too lenient and so they enacted the Wade Davis Bill in 1864. This plan said that the confederate states needed to be ruled by a military governor and they needed 50% so swear on the oath of allegiance. This plan was probably the best for the free men. The requirement were not too mild and would not anger the Southern states so that later all the rights given to them would be taken away again Johnson's reconstruction plan was also based on a plan approved by Lincoln. But Johnson's plan required all Southern citizens to swear the loyalty oath before being pardoned. This plan also banned many of the former Southern leaders in participating in the new government.

It has been wryly observed that “the North won the Civil War, but the South won Reconstruction?

Thesis: The north won the Civil war because the won the war but the South won reconstruction because they were not as controlled as they needed.

The Fourteenth Amendment is commonly referred to as one of the most important additions to the Constitution. Why?

Thesis: The Fourteenth Amendment is commonly referred to as one of the most important additions to the Constitution because it gave rights to slaves and the effect of this amendment are seen today.The Fourteenth Amendment was passed in July 9, 1868. It is considered one of the Reconstruction Amendments and this amendment brought a lot of benefits for African Americans. This amendment stated that everyone born in the U.S. has citizenship rights and is equally protected under the law. This amendment gave the African American suffrage and considered them citizens. Therefore, the decision in the Dred Scott case was overruled. The Dred Scott case ruled that slaves were never to be considered citizens. They were only property and therefore could not sue in federal courts like Scott had done so. Chief Justice Roger Taney also ruled that African Americans could never be citizens of the U.S. The Fourteenth Amendment also helped the Fifteenth Amendment come forward which was also important for African Americans. This addition to the Constitution has to be considered one of the most important because this amendment helps many immigrant families make a better future for their children. Many U.S. citizens are against this amendment because they say that immigrant mothers take advantage of this law just to make a bunch of babies in the U.S. and have them be citizens but the truth is that many immigrant kids who did not have the opportunity to be born in the U.S. struggle more U.S. born babies.