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12 Cards in this Set

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Identify the location of the receptors for each of the five senses and how the brain interprets that stimulus for each sense
The eye is the organ of VISION and is located in a ball-shaped cavity of the skull called an orbit. the receptors of the eye are in the RETINA. HEARING, the receptors for hearing are in the Organ of Conti; TASTE, receptors for taste are on the tongue and are called taste buds. SMELL receptors for smell are in the upper nasal cavity in the olfactory epithelial tissue. TOUCH receptors found mostly in the skin; TACTILE STIMULI is internal like position of the body in space=proprioception.
Describe the major structure of the eye and the function of each
The eye is the organ of vision and lies in the orbit. EYELIDS are the retractable covers for the eye's anterior surface. The lacrimal glands produce tears and keeps the surface lubricated. EYEBALL is a hollow sphere that consists of three layers of tissue: SCLERA, tough protective outer layer. cornea, transparent but tough section that permits light rays to enter the front of the eye. CHOROID layer is the middle layer and is vascular and bring nutrients and oxygen to the eye. Over the front of the eyeball the choroid develops into a pigmented section called the IRIS (determines eye color). PUPIL is the black center opening in the center of the eye and regulates the amount of light that enters the eye. RETINA is the where the receptors of the optic nerve are located.
Differentiate between acqueous humor and vitreous humor
ACQUEOUS HUMOR is secreted by the ciliary body which flows through the anterior chamber of the eye in the space between the cornea and the lens. Its purpose is to maintain intraocular pressure and provides nutrients and oxygen to avascular lens (those w/o blood vessles) VITREOUS HUMOR is located in a space behind the lens and is a transparent gelatin like material. Function is to help maintian the eyeball's shape; loss of this causes blindness.
Identify which cranial nerves are responsible for the blink reflex, pupillary changes, visualization, and pain sensation in the eye.
BLINK REFLEX-Facial carnial nerve; PUPILLARY CHANGES-Oculomotor cranial nerve; VISUAL-Optic; PAIN-Trigeminal cranial nerve
Differentiate between myopia and hyperopia.
MYOPIA is nearsightedness and HYPEROPIA is farsightedness.
Identify the anatomic landmarks that divide the outer ear from the middle ear and the middle ear from the inner ear.
The TYMPANIC membrane separates the external ear from the middle ear. The division of the middle ear from the inner ear is by OVAL WINDOW.
Trace the path of light rays as they enter the eye and focus on the retina.
cornea>anterior chamber and aqueous humor > pupil> lens > Vitreous chamber and vitreous humor > retina (rods and cones) > central fovea (light rays that focus on sharpest vision) > OPTIC NERVE PATHWAY
Optic disk > optic nerve > optic chiasm > thalamus > cerebral cortex (interprets impulses)
Trace the path of sound waves through the external, the middle, and the inner ear. Describe the amplification of sound waves.
Sound travels from the external environment >external auditory canal > tympanic membrane (where vibrations begin) > The vibrations travel through the middle ear > oval window into the inner ear (where they travel through the cochlear fluid 'perilymph and endolymph') > receptors (hair cells) of organ of Corti.

From here, the vibrations are transmitted to auditory nerve fibers > vestibuloccochlear nerve > cerebral cortex (where they are interpreted)
Explain how cerumen, the ossicles, and the eustachian tubes work, in protecting the ear.
CERUMEN protects the ear from foreign objects; OSSICLES (malleus, incus, stapes and collectivley this is OSSICLES) protect by stoping vibrations to protect the vital internal organs of the middle and inner ear from injury. EUSTACHIAN TUBE equalizes pressure in the middle ear with atmospheric pressure to make sure hearing is not impaired.
Discuss how the organs of the inner ear work to provide a sense of balance.
The inner ear is a set of chambers called labyrinth (bony and membranous) that contain fluid; this fluid must stay balanced; of the fluid is imbalanced a person's equilibrium is off.

there are three sections to the inner ear: cochlea, vestibule (utricle and saccule=maintain balance while at rest), and semicircular canals (maintain balance while moving).
Identify the location of each type of taste bud on the tongue.
BITTER taste are sensed at the back; SOUR on both sides; SALTY on the sides and the tip; and SWEET at the tip (apex).

Two cranial nerves carry the sensation of the taste to the brain: facial nerve (carnial nerve VII) and glossopharyngeal nerve (cranial nerve IX)
Describe six effects of aging on the sensory system.
EYE depth and peripheral vision decreases: (1) difficulty judging height of curbs and (2) driving may be dangerous

Fluid circulation in eye decreases: (3) increased risk of glaucoma

EAR: (4) increased buildup of cerumen results in hearing loss (5) dizziness in change of positions
TASTE: (6) decreased appetite; taste sensation decreases and may add too much salt which will aggravate diabetes or hypertension.
SMELL perception decreases; may not smell smoke