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33 Cards in this Set

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which state's proposal embodied a principle of representing state in congress according to their population?


An amendment to the u.s consititution may be proposed in which of the following ways?

two-thirds vote in both houses of congress

an important issue dividing Federalists and Antifederalists was the treat of tyranny, meaning

Generally, unjust rule by the group in power, from the antidederalists' perspective, the fear of an aristocracy, from the federalists perspective, rule by the passions of the majority.. ALL OF THE ABOVE

. The first continental Congress met in 1774. Which of the following actions did the delegates at the congress take?

they called for a total boycott of british goods

The Virginia Plan was favored by

Large states, since it emphasized the importance of population

The constitution's framers places _______ ahead of all other politcal values

individual liberty

in the Revolutionary struggles, which of the following groups was allied with the New England merchants?

Southern Planters

Which of the following statements is true about the Three-Fifths compromise?

Under this compromise, five slaves would count as three free persons in apportioning seats in the House Of Representatives

The Declaration of the Independence and the Articles of Confederation were not sufficient to hold the news nation together as an independent and effective nation-state. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

Many of the pre- and post- revolutionary radicals, small farmers, artisans, and shopkeepers wanted a strong national government to protect their economic interests.

Under the Great Compromise, small states were given an advantage in the


Which of the following concepts best explains the underlying reason for the Bill of Rights

Limited Government

By dumping the East India Company's tea into the Boston Harbor in the famous Boston Tea Party event, Samuel Adams and his follwers succeeded in

Goading the British into taking actions that would alternate it's remaining colonial supporters and pave the way for a rebellion

The three-Fifths compromise dealt primarily with what issue?

A salve would count as three-fifths of a person when determining population

Shay's Rebellion was significant in that it

Demostrated the weakness of government under the Articles of Confederation.

Between 1789 and 1996, more than 11,000 amendments were formally offered in Congress. Of these, only ____ were finally ratified by that states.


In general, it was ____ vision of the United Stated that triumphed


According to your textbook, which of the following statements best articulates the motives of the framers at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia?

The framers' interests were reinforced by their principles

what mechanism was institued in guard against "excessive democracy"?

Bicameralism, staggered Seante terms, appointment to senators for long terms... ALL OF THE ABOVE

the power of judicial review

was assumed by the Supreme Court

Which of the following was NOT a reason that the Articles of Confederation seemed to weak?

The impending "tyranny of the states"

How did the British attempt to raise revenue in the North American colonies?

Taxes on commerce

_____ is a system of government in which power is divided by a consititution between a central government and regional governments


Under the original, unamended Constitution, the only person(S) elected directly by the people was/were

members of the House of Representatives

The first written constitution of the United States was

The articles of confederation

when was our current constitution written?


The amendment route to social change

is, and always will be, extremely limited

antifederalists wanted

a more decentralized government

prior to the twentieth century, most governments relies on ____ for revenue.

tariffs, duties, and dother taxes of commerce

The connecticut Compromise provided for which of the following?

a house of representatives apportioned by the number of inhabitants and a senate consisting of two members from each state selected by state legislatures

which of the following statements is true about the constitutional ratification process?

The struggle for ratification was carried out in 13 seperate campaigns

most of the constitutional amendments ratified since the Bill of Rights in 1791 have been directly or indirectly concerned with

structure of compostition of government

when governing body was in charge of executing and enforcing laws under the articles of confederation

the state

__ is a system of governemnt in which states retain sovereign authority expect for th pwers expressly delegated to the national governments.

a confederation