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50 Cards in this Set

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________________ Deals with real human experiences, and as a result, understanding your emotional reactions is equally important in the journey to cultural competence.
What four assertions about multicultural counseling did the Professor in Chapter two make in response to his Latin American Student's observations?
1. Standards of practice and codes of ethics have been developed over time to apply equally to all groups
2. Just because a group might value one way of doing things does not make it healthy or right.
3. Good counseling is good counseling.
4. Everyone has experiences bias, discrimination, and stereotyping.
etic vs. emic
etic (culturally universal)
emic (culturally specific)
Etic or emic?

Disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, and sociopathic bahaviors appear in all cultures.
Etic or emic?

Minimal modification of depression, schisophrenia, and sociopathic diagnoses is required.
Etic or emic?

Western concepts of normality and abnormality can be considered universal and equally applicable accross cultures
Etic or emic?

The view that lifestyles, cultural values, and worldviews affect the expression and determination of deviant behavior.
Etic or Emic?

The idea that all theories of human development arise from a cultural context and that using the Euro-American value of independence as healthy development may constitute bias.
True or false?

To a large degree, the code of ethics and standards of practice in counseling, psychotherapy, social work, and other mental health specialties assumes universality.
What is the view held by the camp of thinkers in opposition to the following view?

Origin, process, and manifestion of disorders are similar across cultures and guidelines and strategies for treatment is appropriate in application to all groups.
The opposing view is that life experiences affect the expression of deviant behavior and the use of cultural specific strategies is more desirable in counseling and therapy.
True or false?

Cultural Universality has no validity, as cultural relativism is the superior theory.
False. Both theories have validity.
Proponents of cultural universality focus on 1.____________ and minimize 2._________________.
1. disorders and their consequent treatments
2. cultural factors
Proponents of cultural relativism focus on 1.______________
and how the disorder is 2._________________
1. the culture
2. manifested and treated within the culture
What two questions are fruitful approaches to the opposing views of cultural universality and cultural relativism?
a. What is universal in human behavior that is also relevant to counseling and therapy?

b. What is the relationship between cultural norms, values, and attitudes, on the one hand, and the manifestation of behavior disorders and their treatments on the other?
What are two contributing factors to the tug-of-war discussion of race in the therapeutic practice?
1. Differences in definitions
2. Hot buttons being pushed in participants (emotional responses)
What tactics do people sometimes use when deflecting issues from the importance of race?
1. Diluting the importance of race by using and abstract and universal statement, like "there is only one race. The Human Race!"
2. Shifting the dialogue to discussion of other group differences, like gender, sexual orientation, disability, and class.
What three factors lead to resistance in including other groups (apart from racial minorities) in the multicultural dialogue?
1. Many races feel that including other groups in the dialogue will enable people who are uncomfortable with confronting their own biases to avoid dealing with the hard issues related to race and racism.
2. Saying that all counseling is multicultural makes the concept meaningless because the ultimate extension equates all differences with individual differences.
3. There are philosophical disagreements among professionals over whether gender and sexual orientation, for example, constitute distinct overall cultures.
In the imbalance of power and power oppression, those in power are in a position to define and enforce _____________.
When might mental healthy practitioners unwittingly be engaging in Cultural Oppression?
When they impose standards derived from a predominantly Euro-American perspective without regard for differences in race, culture, gender, and sexual orientation.
What four things have counseling and psychotherapy done to cause great harm to culturally diverse groups?
1. Invalidating their life experiences
2. Defining their cultural values or differences as deviant and pathological
3. denying them culturally appropriate care
4. imposing the values of a dominant culture upon them.
According to Sue, which is superordinate? Cultural competence or counseling competence?
Cultural Competence
Four unflattering terms used by multicultural specialists to describe the profession and mental health professionals:
1. they are insensitive to the needs of their culturally diverse clients; they do not accept respect, and understand cultural differences; they are arrogant and contemptuous, and have little understanding of their prejudices.
2. Clients of color, women, and gays and lesbians frequently complain that they feel abused, intimidated, and harassed by non-minority personnel
3. Discriminatory practices in mental health delivery systems are deeply embedded in the ways in which the services are organized and in how they are delivered to minority populations and are reflected in biased diagnoses and treatment, in indicators of dangerousness, and in the type of personnel occupying decisions making roles.
4. Mental health professionals continue to be trained in programs in which the issues of ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation are ignore, regarded as deficiencies, portrayed in stereotypical ways, or included as an afterthought.
True or False

Our profession advocated moving into the realm of evidence-based practice (EBP)
True or False

A review of studies on EBP reveals many studies on racial minority populations.
False. There are few, if any, which renders assumptions of external validity questionable when applied to people of color.
True or False

The benefit with traditional definitions of counseling, therapy, and mental health practice is that they arose from a culture rich with diversity.
The problem with traditional definitions of counseling is that they arose from monocultural and ethnocentric norms that excluded other cultural groups.
Which of the following is true?

1. All individuals are in many respects like no other individuals
2. All individuals are in many respects like some individuals
3. All individuals are in many respects like all other indivuduals
All three are true. Some experiences are unique to each person, and some experiences we all share, universally, such as birth, growth, and death.
Research indicates that psychological characteristics, behavior, and mental disorders are more affected by which of the following:
Experiences specific to a child

Shared experiences
Experiences specific to a child
By virtue of social, cultural, and political distinctions made in our society, _____________ ____________ _____________ exerts a powerful influence over how society views sociodemographic groups and over how its members view themselves and others.
Perceived group membership

Examples are race and gender (relatively stable and less subject to change) and education, socioeconomic status, marital status, and geographic location (more fluid and changeable)
What are universal commonalities?
a) biological and physical similarities
b) Common life experiences (birth, death, love, sadness)
c) self-awareness
d) the ability to use symbols, such as language
Psychology and mental health in general tend to focus either on the individual or the universal levels of identity. Which level have they placed less importance on?
The Group Level
What are the three reasons Sue gives for mental health failing to focus on the group level?
1. Our society arose from the concept of the rugged individual and we have traditionally valued autonomy, independence, and uniqueness.
2. The universal level is consistent with the tradition and history of psychology, which has historically sought universal facts, principles, and laws in explaining human behavior.
3. We have historically neglected the study of identity at the group level for sociopolitical and normative reasons (hot button topics).
Racial/Ethnic differences have frequently been interpreted from a 1.___________ perspective and have been equated with being 2.___________ or 3.________________
1. deficit
2. abnormal
3. pathological
True or False

If a client views his or her uniqueness as important in one part of the session, this uniqueness is not salient and must be the focus of the session.

A client might view his or her uniqueness as important at one point in the session and stress commonalities of the human condition in another.
Considering that race, ethnicity, and culture are powerful variables in influencing how people think, make decision, behave, and define events suggest that such forces may also affect how different groups define a _______________
Helping relationship
Multicultural Counseling
both a helping role and a process that uses modalities and defines goals consistent with the life experiences and cultural values of clients; recognizes client identities to include individual, group, and universal dimensions; advocates the use of universal and culture-specific strategies and roles in the healing process; and balances the importance of individualism and collectivism in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of client and client systems.
The helping role and process of MCT isn't limited to a passive and objective stance. It also includes:
teaching, consulting, and advocacy to supplement the conventional counselor or therapist role
Research seems to support the belief that 1.______________ and _____________ are more responsive to directive/active approaches and that 2._______________ appreciate helpers who are authentic in their self-disclosure.
1. Asian Americans and Latino/a Americans
2. African Americans
MCT assumes a dual role in helping clients. It is important to focus on individual clients and to encourage them to achieve insights and learn new behaviors, but when the problems reside in problems of prejudice, the focus must change or shift to ___________________
altering client systems rather than individual clients
What three things must a counselor do to be culturally competent?
1. Continue to be actively in the process of becoming aware of his or her own assumptions about human behavior, values, biases, preconceived notions, personal limitations, and so forth.
2. actively attempt to understand the worldview of his or her culturally different client.
3. actively develop and practice appropriate, relevant, and sensitive intervention strategies and skills in working with his or her culturally different client.
_________________, as distinct from active empathy, may be used for a White therapist who cannot think, feel, and react as a racial minority individual.
Cognitive Empathy
Studies reveal that economically and educationally marginalized clients may not be oriented towards ______________________
Talk therapy
Studies reveal that self-disclosure may be incompatible with the cultural values of ______________, ________________, and _________________
Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans
Studies reveal that the sociopolitical atmosphere may dictate against self disclosure from _________________ and __________________
racial minorities and gays and lesbians
Studies reveal that the ambiguous nature of counseling may be antagonistic to life values of _______________
certain diverse groups
Studies reveal that many minority clients prefer an __________________________ approach over an __________________________ on in treatment
they prefer an active/directive approach over an inactive/non-directive one
Cultural competence is:
the ability to engage in actions or create conditions that maximize the optimal development of client and client systems.
Cultural competence can be seen as residing in which three major domains? (Box 2.1
1. attitudes/beliefs component (understanding of one's own cultural conditioning)
2. knowledge component (understanding of knowledge of the worldviews of culturally diverse individuals and groups)
3. skills component (an ability to determine and use culturally appropriate intervention strategies)
What are the two levels of cultural competence?
organizational/system level
Cultural competence speaks strongly to the development of alternative helping roles, rather than just involving one-on-one therapy, including:
system intervention, consultant, change agent, teacher, advocate.
The Multidimensional Model of Cultural Competence in Counseling incorporates which three features?
1. the need to consider specific cultural group worldviews associated with race, gender, sexual orientation, and so on.
2. components of cultural competence (awareness, knowledge, and skills)
3. Foci of cultural competence