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86 Cards in this Set

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Wife of Tymdareus - Kng of Sparta
King of Sparta, husband of Leda
Leda & The Swan
Zeus appears to Leda disguised as a swan. He lays 2 eggs and from them 4 children are born. Polydeuces, Helen, Castor, Clytemnestra
4 Children from Zeus' swan eggs...
Polydeuces (Pollux), Helen, Castor, Clytemnestra
Polydeuces' Roman name
"The Dioscuri"
"Sons of Zeus"
Immortal, son of Zeus, famous for being a boxer
Mortal, son of Tyndareus, famous for Taming horses
Castor dies...
In fight against a violent storm. Flames flickered from both he and his brothers heads and the storm stoped
St Elmos Fire
The flames from Castor and Polydeuces' heads during the violent storm
Polydeuces saves his brother by...
Sharing his immortality with him
Most beautiful woman, wanted by all men
Odysseus' deal with all th suiters
1. Must respect Tyndareus' decision of who Helen wll marry, 2. Must all vow to protect and rescue her if she needs it
King of Sparta, chosen by Tyndareus to marry to Helen.
Peleus & Thetis
Get married, but didnt invite Eris!
"Discord" Wasnt invited to Peleus & Thetis' wedding so o stir things up she throws a golden apple into the middle of the party that says "to the fairest"
Hera, Athena, Aphrodite
All claimed they should recieve the "fairest" apple
Judge of the 'beauty contest' between Hera, Athena and Aphrodite.
AKA. Paris, son of Priam, King of Troy, judge of 'beauty contest'
Hecubas Dream
Hecuba is the mother of Paris, she dreamt she would give birth to a fireband that destroys Troy so when she had Paris she left him on mt Ida and he was raised by shepards
Hecubas Greek Name
Bribe of Hera
Offers Paris World Dominatin to chose her as the most beautiful
Bribe of Athena
Offers Paris Military Victory to chose her as most beautiful
Bribe of Aphrodite
Offers Paris Helen (to be his wife) to chose her as most beautiful
Paris choosesss....
Aphrodite, duh, he wants to marry Helen
Odysseus goes crazy
When he finds out about Aphrodites bribe, he goes nuts. He calls all the Greek heroes together and plows field with ox& ass and sows field with salt
Son of Odysseus and Penelope
____ places ____ before plow
Palamedes, Telemachus
Seer who accompanies Armada and prophesys "Troy cannot be taken w/o Achilles"
Child of Peleus & Thetis and is destined to be a child greater than his father
Thetis(Mommy) tries to make Achillies Immortal
1. Burns away mortal bits and annoints him with ambrosia but Peleus (Daddy) stops him before he is finished
2. Dips him into the River Styx but is holding him by his heel and therefore his heel is still mortal
Achilles mentor, he is wise centaur
Achilles best friend
Mt. Pelion
The mountain where Chrion, Patroclus and Achilles train
Achilles fate
Either to live a long inglorious life, or a short glorious life
Where Thetis hides Achilles dressed up as a girl to try to save him from having to go to war
Daughter of Lycomedes that Achilles meets while hiding out from war, falls inlove with her and has a baby
Son of Achilles and Deidamia
Alternate name for the son of Achilles and Deidamia
Blows Achilles cover by tempting him with armour and weapons
Daughter of Agamemnon who must be scarifced in order to appease Artemis, gain favorable wind and make their way to Troy. Alternate version is Artemis saves her at the last minutee and takes her to Taurians
Bitten in the foot by a snake, the wound makes a powerful stenct so he is abandoned on Lemnos, left with Heracles' bows and arrows because he had lit Heracles funeral pyre earlier
Priams son, prophesies that they only way to win the battle of Troy is with Heracles bow and arrow, so the Greeks go back and rescue Philocretes and the bow and then killed Paris, a strong Trojan champion
How many years in the Trojan war?
10 years of Fighting and Skirmishing
Priest of Apollo
Daughter of Chryses
"Honour" or "face"
Chryses wants to ransom his daughter, Agamemnon wont let him, Chryses prays to ___ and __ happens
Prays to Apollo to send a plague, and Apollo does
Calchas' Prophecy about Chryseis
Chryseis is to be returned w/o ransom, which leaves Agamemnon wirth nothing so he takes Achillies girlfriend Briseis, Achillies wants to kill Agamemnon, Athena intervines and stops him, Achillies withdraws
Achilles girlfriend, who is stolen by Agamemnon but then rescued
Achillies Prophecy
"You will tear your heart, angry that you didnt not honour the best of the Achaeans"
Thetis obtains oath from Zeus that Achillies...
will be honoured
Greatest of Trojan heroes, brother of Paris
Wife of Hector, Mother of Astyanax
Child of Hector and Andromache
Andromache says "Hector please dont...."
"Fight Achilles, its a death wish and that will leave your wife a widow and your son an orphan"
Agamemnon tries to appease Achilles with lots of gifts as an appology for stealing Briseis, his girlfriend...
Sent Odysseus, Phoenix and Ajax to tell him this
Odysseus' speech is ...
appeals Achilles wounded pride and shows that he is more than amply compensated, mentions that above and beyond the gifts he will also receive Briseis again and she is untouched by Agamemnon, but Achilles doesn't accept the bribe
Achilles refuses...
All three speaches and will not take their gifts or bribes
Patroclus dons Achillies armour
But Achillies warns him not to try and figh Hector
Hector burns Greek ships...
Achillies still refuses to fight
Patroclus fights Hector...
And dies, and Hector steals Achillies armour
After Patroclus dies, Achilles ...
agrees to come to terms with Agamemnon and return to battle.
Makes Achilles new armour
Hector vs Achilles one on one
Hector chickens out, run around the walls of Troy 3x, but Achilles shows no mercy and slaughters Hector. He then brings his corpse to his tent
12 trojan youths and games in Patroclus' honour
The funeral and sacrifice of Patoclus
Thetis tells Achilles that Zeus says he has to relent
Priam sneaks into camp, gets Hectors body, gives him a proper funeral
Queen of the Amazons, Achilles kills her, strips her of her armour, but also falls in love with her
Says Achilles isthe ugliest man in Troy, so Achilles kills him, withdraws to Lesbos and is purified by Odysseus
Paris kills Achilles...
By wounding him in the ankle, with the help of Apollo
Achilles dead body is recovered by...
Ajax. AKA. Ajax the greater, son of Telamon, Telamonian Ajax
Daughter of Priam and Hecuba. Achilles ghost demamds her soul.
Odysseus vs Ajax
Each claims Achilles' armour for themselves, Athena becomes judge and Odysseus receives the armour because Trojan prisoners claim that Odysses was a more intimdating foe
Ajax goes crazy over the armour...
Slaughters a flock of sheep and then kills himself by falling on his own sword. From his blood springs a flower called "Ai Ai"
3 conditions for the Fall of Troy according to Helenus
1. Neoptolemus - son of Achilles, brutally slaughters Priam
2. The Palladium - Statue of Athena, "protectress of the city"
3. Bow of Heracles - Philoctetes from Lemnos
The Trojan Horse
Built by Epeus, holds all the Greeks, fake offering to Athena
Human sacrifice for the Trojan horse, the Greeks preted to sail away and act as if Sinon has escaped, he presents the Trojan horse as a sacrifce to Athena
Cassandra Prophecy
Doomed to failure, but it was never believed
Priest of Apollo, says Sinon is a liar and throws a spear at the side of the horse. 2 sea serpents attack and kil Laocoon and his two sons
Son of Aphrodie and Anchises, the founder of the Roman people
Ajax the lesser
Son of Oileus, rapes Cassandra at the temple of Athena, Athena kills him on his way home
Agamemnon's girlfriend, raped by Ajax the lesser
Trojan Women
Hecuba, Cassandra, Andromache. Powerful anti- war tragedy.
Odysseus hurls Astyanax to his death
Throws him off the wall of Troy infront of his mother. "Only a fool kills father and allows son to live"