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17 Cards in this Set

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Black Codes
Southern laws that severely limited the rights of African Americans after the Civil war.
Uncomplimentary nickname for a northerner who went to the south after the Civil War.
During reconstruction, white southerners who resisted change.
Fifteenth Amendment
An 1869 amendment to the United States Constitution that forbids any state to deny African Americans the right to vote.
Fourteenth Amendment
An 1869 amendment to the United States Constitution that guarantees equal protection of the laws.
men and women who had been slaves before the Civil War.
Grandfather Clause
a law that excused a voter from a literacy test if his father or grandfather had been eligible to vote on January 1
Ku Klux Klan
a secret society organized in the south after the Civil War to reassert white supremacy by means of violence.
Literacy Test
examination to see if a person can read and write
Jim Crow Laws
laws that separated people of different races in public places in the south.
"New South"
Term to describe the south in the late 1800's when efforts were made to expand the economy by building up industry.
Plessy V. Furguson
An 1896 court case in which the supreme court ruled that segregation in public facilities were legal as long as the facilities were equal.
Poll Tax
Tax required before a person can vote.
White southerner who supported the Republicans during reconstruction.
Legal separation of people based on racial, ethnic, or other diffrences.
Person who rents a plot of land from another person and farms in it in exchange for a share of the crop.
Thirteenth Amendment
An 1865 amendment to the United States Constitution that bans slavery throughout the nation