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10 Cards in this Set

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Explain the idea of leadership
Leadership not the same thing as power
Leaders expected to persuade, inspire, not coerce or manipulate
Leadership is distinct from authority
Authority produces obedience because legitimated to make certain decisions
Leadership vs. management
Leaders think long-term, look outside as well as in, influence beyond their formal jurisdiction, have political skills, emphasize vision and renewal,
The context of leadership.
Leaders make things happen, but things also make leaders happen
Leadership is a relationship, a subtle process of mutual influence
Leadership is distinct from position – you can lead from anywhere
What is the one-best-way theory?
Good leaders have certain characteristics in common
Vision and focus
Image of future
Standards for performance
Clear direction
Deep personal, emotional commitment to the work and the people who do it
Ability to inspire trust and build relationships
Honesty is the trait followers say they admire most in a leader
Describe the contingency theories.
Leadership varies by situation, but there is no consensus on the nature of the key situational variables and how they influence leadership
Hersey/Blanchard “Situational Leadership” model is popular, but research support is weak
Why the glass ceiling?
Stereotypes linking leadership to maleness
Women walk tightrope of conflicting expectations
Women pay a higher price
Women may put higher premium on balancing work and family
Women still do majority of housework and child-rearing in dual-career families
Fast-track women less likely to marry, more likely to divorce than similar men
What is the common characteristics of effective structural leaders?
Do their homework
Rethink relationship of strategy, structure, environment
Focus on implementation
Experiment, evaluate, adapt
What is the common characteristics of effective HR leaders?
Believe in people and communicate that belief
Are visible and accessible
Empower others
What is the common characteristics of effective political leaders?
Are clear about what they want and what they can get
Assess distribution of power and interests
Build linkages to key stakeholders
Persuade first, negotiate second, and coerce only if necessary
What is the common characteristics of effective symbolic leaders?
Lead by example
Use symbols to capture attention
Frame experience
Communicate a vision
Tell stories
Study and use history
What is the trick?
Managers need to combine multiple frames into a comprehensive approach to leadership