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41 Cards in this Set

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What is taxonomy?
Biological classification
Taxonomy consists of 3 parts. What are they?
1. Classification
2. Nomenclature
3. Identification
How does "natural" classification work? What is a drawback?
Arranged into groups by characteristics
Does not provide info on evolutionary relatedness
What are some characteristics of phenetic classification?
1. Grouped by similar phenotypes
2. Reveals evolutionary relationships
What is phylogeny?
Evolutionary development of a species
How do we asses evolutionary relatedness in organisms?
By looking at the SSU's rRNA nucleotide sequences (phylogenetic classification)
What is genotypic classification?
Comparing the genetic similarity between organisms (either induvidual genes or whole genomes)
Taxonomic ranking use "levels". Each level ______ a common feature
What is the highest taxonomic rank?
Bacteria and Archae (microbes only)
Eukarya (microbes AND macroorganisms)
What "levels" are found after the domain?
In 2005, the International Society of Protistologist proposed what?
To give a higher-level classification of the eucarya domain
The five kingdom system is no longer accepted. What are the reasons?
1. Little distinction between archaea and bacteria
2. Kingdom Protista is too diverse
3. Certain boundaries were ill-defined
What is the definition of a microbe species?
Strains that share many properties and differ significantly from other strains (can also share same housekeeping gene sequences)
A strain descends from what?
A single, PURE microbial culture
Explain biovars, morphovars and serovars
Biovars: differ biochemically and physiologically
Morphovars: differ morphologically
Serovars : differ in antigens
What is genus?
A defined group of one or more strains
Taxonomists sometimes disagree about what ______ should be assigned to a ______.
species, genus
Binomial nomenclature is made up of what?
Genus Name, Species epithet
Give an example of binomial nomenclature.
Escherichia coli (E.coli)
Can abbreviate after the first use
What kind of characteristics do we look at when determining taxonomy and phylogney?
1. Morphological
2. Physiological
3. Biochemical
4. Ecological
5. Genetic
Name three morphological features used in classification
1. Cell shape
2. Cell size
3. Straining behavior
See Slide 16 for more
Name three physiological characteristics in classification
1. Energy sources
2. Luminescence
3. Oxygen relationships
See slide 17 for more
Name several ecological characteristics in classification
1. Life-cycle patterns
2. Symbiotic relationships
3. Ability to cause disease
4. Habitat preferences
5. Growth requirements
Name several molecular characteristics
1. NA base composition
2. NA hybridization
3. NA sequencing
4. Genomic sequencing
5. Amino acid sequencing
Study slides 21 thru 25
Study slides 21 thru 25
The evolution of organelles came about through what?
How did organelles come about?
Ancestral eukaryotic cells lost their walls. Organelles were "swallowed" by the cell
Mitochondria and chloroplasts believed to be descended from what?
Rickettsiea and Prochlorococcus
What is the first hypothesis of eukaryotic nucleus evolution?
Clip pic slide 29
Archaean and bacterium fused
Evolution of organelles included nucleous
What is the second hypothesis of eukaryotic nucleous evolution?
Clip pic slide 29
Archaean engulfed bacterium
Organelles evolve
Term: ecotype
a population of microbes that is genetically very similar but ecologically distinct from others of the same taxon
Term: endosymbiotic hypothesis
that mitochondria and choloroplasts arose when bacteria established an endoysmiotic relationship with ancestral cells and then evolved into organelles
Term: G + C content
the percent of an orgtanisms genome that consists of guanine and cytosine: used in taxonomic analysis
Term: monophyletic
refers to organisms that arose from a singel common ancestor
Term: natural classificaiton
a classification system that arranges organisms into groups whose members wshare many characteristics
Term: oligonucleotide signature sequences
short, conserved nucleotide sequences that are specific for a phylogenetically defined group of organisms
Term: phenetic system
a classification system that groups organisms together based on the similarity of their observabel characteristics
Term: phylogenetic or phyletic classification
system based on evolutionary relationships, rather than the general similarity of characteristics
Term: phylogenetic tree
shows phylogenetic and evolutionary relationships between groups of organisms
Term: polyphasic taxonomy
where taxonomic schemes are developed using a wide range of phenotypic and genotypic info
Term: strain
microbes that are descendants of a singel, pure microbial culture. a single species may have several strains