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32 Cards in this Set

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Represents the Promotion, encompassing advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, and online marketing
The message originates from the sender, who must clearly be identified to the intended audience
The intermediary that the sender works with to develop marketing communications
Converting the senders ideas into a message
Communication channel
The medium- print, broadcast, the internet- that carries the message
The receiver
The person who reads, hears, or sees and processes the information contained in the message and/or advertisement
Refers to the process by which the receiver interprets the sender's message
Any interference that stems from competing messages, a lack of clarity in the message, or a flaw in the medium
Feedback loop
Allows the receiver to communicate with the sender and thereby informs the sender whether the message was received and decoded properly
AIDA moedel
Awareness lead to Interest, which leads to Desire, which leads to Action
Brand Awareness
Refers to a potential customer's ability to recognize or recall that the brand name is a particular type of retailer or product/service
Aided recall
When a consumer indicates that they know the brand when the name is presented to them
Top-of-mind awareness
The highest level of awareness, is when consumers mention a specific brand name first when they are asked about a product or service
Lagged effect
A delayed response to a marketing communication campaign
Entails the placement of announcements and persuasive messages in time or space purchases in any of the mass media by business firms, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and individuals who seek to inform and persuade members of a particular target market or audience about their products, services, organizations, or ideas
Public relations
Manages the firm's communications to achieve a variety of objective, including building and maintaining a positive image, handling or heading off unfavorable stories or events, and maintaining positive relationships with the media
Sales promotions
Special incentives or excitement-building programs that encourage the purchase of a product or service, such as coupons, rebates, contests, free samples, and point-of-purchase displays
Personal selling
The two-way flow of communication between a buyer and a seller that is designed to influence the buyer's purchase decisions
Direct marketing
Marketing that communicates directly with target customers to generate a response or transaction
Mobile Marketing
Marketing through wireless handheld devices, such as cellular telephones
Social Media
Content distributed through social interactions, such as youtube, facebook, and twitter
Objective-and-task method
Determines the budget required to undertake specific tasks to accomplish communication objectives
Competitive Parity
The communication budget is set so that the firm's share of communication expenses equals its share of the market
The communication budget is a fixed percentage of forecasted sales
Available budget
The money available after operating costs and profits have been budgeted
How often the audience is exposed to a communication within a specified period of time
Describes the percentage of the target population exposed to a specific marketing communication, such as an advertisement, at least once
Gross rating points (GRP)
Reach multiplied by frequency
The number of times the ad appears in front of the user
Click-through rate
The number of times a user clicks on an ad divided by the number of impressions
Describes how useful an ad message is to the consumer doing the search
Return on Investment (ROI)
(Sales Revenue- advertising costs) / Advertising costs