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24 Cards in this Set

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Surface ozone is produced:
A. when sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen dissolve inw ater droplets in the atmosphere.
B. by nuclear fission reactors
C. by atmospheric inversion
D. when sunlight reacts with automobile exhaust
D. when sunlight reacts with automobile exhaust.
The Earth's atmosphere 4.6 billion years ago was mainly composed of __ and __.
A. hydrogen, helium
B. helium, carbon dioxide
C. carbon dioxide, oxygen
D. nitrogen, helium
A. hydrogen, helium
The layer of air closest to the Earth is the __.
A. tropopause
B. troposphere
C. mesosphere
D. stratosphere
B. troposphere
the modern concentration of 21 percent molecular oxygen in our atmosphere resulted largely from:
A. meteroite impacts
B. non-biological activity
C. biologic activity
D. the big bang theory
biologic activity
Solar energy breaks oxygen molecules apart in the stratosphere, releasing ___, which combines with additional oxygen molecules to form ___.
A. oxygen atoms, carbon dioxide
B. ozone, CFCs
C. ozone, oxygen atoms
D. oxygen atoms, ozone
D. oxygen atoms, ozone
A/An __ is used to measure air pressure.
A. anemometer
B. thermometer
C. compass
D. barometer
D. barometer
the earth's modern atmosphere
A. is composed of 78 percent nitrogen
B. does not filter high-energy ultraviolet rays
C. is similar to that found on Venus
D. is composed of 80 percent oxygen
A. is composed of 78 percent nitrogen.
as early mulitcellular organisms evolved, they released more_ into the atmosphere.
A. hydrogen
B. oxygen
C. nitrogen
D. argon
B. oxygen
the highest portion of the atmosphere that absorbs high-energy radiation is the:
A. hydrosphere
B. troposphere
C. mesosphere
D. thermosphere
D. thermosphere
A.are beneficial for the environment
B. combine with dust particles to form aerosols that cool the Earth.
C. react to destroy ozone.
D. react to produce ozone.
C. react to destroy ozone
What is the basis for having different layers in our atmosphere?
A. changes in pressure
b. changes in temperature
c. changes in radiation forms
d. changes in weather patterns.
A. Changes in pressure
The result of the Clean Air Act has resulted in all of the following,except:
A. the air is cleaner, but factories are no longer required to enforce pollution controls to help stimulate the economy and keep costs down for businesses.
B. the air is cleaner, but not perfect yet.
C. some factories are still in operation without pollution controls in the U.S.
D. levels of acid precipitation have dropped over most of the U.S. including Michigan
A. the air is cleaner, but factories are no longer required to enforce pollution controls to help stimulate the economy and keep costs down for businesses.
During photosynthesis, plants covert__ and __ to organic sugars and oxygen.
A. carbon dioxide, water
B. nitrogen, water
C. methane, carbon dioxide
D. nitrogen, methane
A. carbon dioxide, water
Acidic precipitation is produced:
A. when sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen dissolve in water droplets in the atmosphere.
B. by nuclear fission reactors
C. by atmospheric inversion
D. when sunlight reacts with autombible exhaust
A. when sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen dissolve in water droplets in the atmosphere.
If pure coal burned ompletely, it would produce:
A. carbon dioxide and water.
B. benzene and toxic volatiles.
C. carbon dioxide, soot, and fly ash.
D. oxygen and water
c. carbon dioxide, soot, and fly ash.
The most abundant constituent of our atmosphere is__.
A. nitrogen
B. oxygen
C. helium
D. ozone
A. nitrogen
Which pollutant has decreased the most since the enactment of the Clean Air Act?
A. SOx
B. NOx
In the _ temperature increases with altitude, because ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation.
A. troposphere.
B. stratosphere
C. mesosphere
D. thermosphere
D. thermosphere
The atmosphere:
A. becomes less dense with increasing altitude
B. becomes more dense with increasing altitude
C. remains at constant density with increasing altitude
D. becomes less dense throughout the troposphere and then more dense in the stratosphere
D. becomes less dense thoughout the troposphere and then more dense in the stratosphere
which of the following orders of the layers of the atmosphere is correct? (start with the lowest layer)
a. thermosphere < stratosphere <troposphere < mesophere
b. troposphere < mesosphere <stratosphere <thermosphere
c. stratosphere <troposphere < mesosphere< thermosphere
d. troposhere < stratosphere < mesosphere < thermosphere
d. tropshere < stratosphere < mesosphere <thermosphere
if the air pressure is rising, an air mass must be dooing what?
A. rising
b. sinking
c. staying the same
d. rising and falling
b. sinking
the largest source of air pollutants in the united states is/are __
A. power plants
b. transportation
c. factories
d. wood-burning stoves
b. transportation
Natural rain is slightly _, with a pH average of __
A. acidic, 7
b. acidic,5.7
c. alkaline; 7
d. alkaline; 5.7
b. acidic; 5.7
in which atmosphereic layer is 99.9% of our weather found?
A. mesosphere
B. stratosphere
D. troposphere
D. troposphere