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27 Cards in this Set

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What is a community?
A community is several different populations living and interacting in a particular area.
What is a biosphere?
A biosphere is the part of the Earth where life exists.
What is a spider that feeds on a live insect an example of?
A spider feeding on a live insect is an example of a predator.
What is ecology?
Ecology is the study of interactions between living things and their environment.
Rocks, temperature, and water are what part of the environment?
When a bird eats a worm, who is the predator?
The bird is the predator.
What are producers?
Producers are organisms that can make their own food from sunlight.
What word describes the mammals, fish, birds, and plants that live in an environment?
What is the largest population an environment can support?
The largest population an environment can support is carrying capacity.
What is a population?
A population is members of the same species in one area.
What are the five levels of organization in the environment from 1st to 5th?
What is water flooding an area an example of?
This is an example of an abiotic element changing an area.
In which type of symbiosis do organisms help each other?
Organisms help each other in mutualism.
In which type of symbiosis do organisms help each other?
Organisms help each other in mutualism.
Herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores are all examples of what?
They are examples of consumers.
What is an ecosystem?
An ecosystem is a community of organisms and their environment.
What is grass that gains energy from the sun an example of?
This is an example of a producer.
What do arrows pointing in just one direction on a food web show?
They show how energy goes to the animal that is eating.
What happens to an ecosystem when one species disappears?
The other species in the ecosystem are thrown out of balance.
When is food a limiting factor?
Food is a limiting factor when a population is large.
When a parasitic worm invades an animal, who is the host?
The host is the producer.
When two lionesses fight over the same fresh kill, what type of competition is this?
This is competition within a population.
One type of competition involves individuals competing for resources. The other involves competition between what?
It involves competition between populations.
Why do limiting factors determine an area's carrying capacity?
Limiting factors determine an area's carrying capacity because animals need resources to survive.
If scientists study egrets, herons, marsh crabs, and cordgrass, what level of organization is being studied?
The level of organization being studied is community.
What is an animal that catches another animal called?
It is called a predator.
What are animals that eat a variety of meats, fruits and vegetables called?
They are called omnivores.