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19 Cards in this Set

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Collection of dried serum and cellular debris.

A scab is a crust. It forms from the drying of a body exudate as in eczema, impetigo, and seborrhea.
Thick-walled, closed sac or pouch containing fluid or semisolid material.
Wearing away or loss of epidermis.

Erosions do not penetrate below the dermoepidermal junction. They occur as a result of inflammation or injury and heal without scarring.
Groove or crack-like sore.

An anal fissure is a break in the skin lining of the anal canal.
Discolored (often reddened) flat lesion.

Freckles, tatoo marks, and flat moles are examples.
solid, elevated lesion more than 1 cm in diameter.

An enlarged lymph node is an example. A large nodule is a tomor.
Small (less than 1 cm in diameter.) solid elevation of the skin.

Pimples are examples of papules. Papules may become confluent (run together)and form plaques.
Mushrooms-like growth extending on a stalk from the surface of mucous membrane.

Polyps are commonly found in the nose and sinuses,urninary bladder, and uterus.
Small elevation of the skin containing pus.

A pustule is a small abscess (collection of puss) on the skin.
Open sore on the skin or mucous membrane.

Decubitus ulcers (bedsores)are caused by pressure that results from lying in one position.

Pressure ulcers usually involve loss of tissue substance and pus or exudate formation.
Small collection of clear fluid (serum); blister.

vesicles are found in burns, allergies, and dermatitis, Bullae (singular;bulla) are large vesicles.
Smooth, slightly elevatedm edematous (swollen) area that is redder or paler than the surrounding skin.

Wheals are often accompanied by itching and are seen in hives,anaphylaxis, and insect bites.
Absence of hair from areas where it normaly grows.

-may be hereditary or may be caused by disease,injury or treatment (chemo) or in old age.

Alopecia areate- is a idiopathic condition in which hair falls out in patches.

ecchyomses (plural)
bluish-black mark (macule) on the skin; black and blue mark

Ecchymoses are caused by hemorrhages into the skin from injury or spontaneous leaking of blood from vessels.

petechiae (plural)
A small, pinpoint hemorrhage.

Petechiae are smaller versions of ecchymoses.

Pruritus is a symptom associated with most forms of dermatitis and with other conditions as well. It arises as a result of stimulation of nerves in the skin by substances released in allergic reactions or by irritation caused by substances in the blood or by foreign bodies.
Merging ecchymoses and petechiae over any part of the body.
urticaria (hives)
Acute allergic reaction in which red, round wheals develop on the skin.
Acne (Abnormal condition)
Acne vulgaris is caused by the buildup of sebum and deratin n the pores of the skin.

Blackhead- (comedo) (plural-comedones)is a sebum plug partially blocking the pore.

If the pore becomes completely blocked, a whitehead forms.