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68 Cards in this Set

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Who were the first Europeans to voyage into unknown waters?
What were the early explorers driven by?
religious aims
economic aims
Who was called the Navigator?
Prince Henry of Portugal
Why did Portugal want to explore?
Prince Henry wanted gold and to start a Crusade against Muslims in Africa and join forces with priest and King Prester John
What did Prince Henry start to help accomplish his goals?
Founded a school of sailing and navigation at Sagres--some historians dispute the existance of the school
What did Bartholomeu Dias do?
Sailed around the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa-- he found the route to the Indian Ocean
What did Vasco de Gama do?
He sailed beyond the Cape of Good Hope east to the Indian Ocean --landed in India--next trip returned with spices and jewels
Da Gama's success resulted in
They could bring back rich cargoes from Asia
direct ocean route saved $-bought goods directly from Asia not Arab or Italian middle men
ship was cheeper to carry cargo long distances than animal wagons
no tolls to pay
Who ruled Spain and sent Christoper Columbus to explore?
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
What inspired Columbus to sail west instead of going around tip of africa?
Inspired by Marco Polo
Infuenced by Ptolemy's theory earth is round
thought it would by quicker to go west to Asia
Where did Columbus set sail from?
Palos, Spain
Columbus's 3 ships
Santa Maria
What date did Columbus set sail?
Oct. 12, 1492
Where did Columbus land?
Small fleet islands Columbus named San Salador
What did Columbus believe he discovered for the rest of his life?
He thought he had landed off the coast of Asia
Why did Columbus call the inhabitants Indians?
He thought he was on the east coast of India and called the islands the Indies
What was really discovered by Columbus?
The Americas known as West Indies today
What was Columbian Exchange?
Years after Columbus's Voyages a massive interaction between the New World and Old World
What did the Exchange include?
Moved products, plants, animals,diseases
gold and silver
What helped Spain to become a world power?
American precious metals
How did interchange between Americas and Old World affect the way people lived?
diet changed in Europe
horses and cattle brought to Americas
smallpox and diseases carried west
What almost destroyed native population ?
How did they settle conflicts when 2 countries claimed the same new lands?
Pope Alexander VI edict--a line on the map drawn down the middle of Atlantic Ocean
Spain -west side
Portugal -east side
No country to occupy lands claimed by Christian ruler
What did the Treaty of Tordesillas say?
moved the line on the map west --the treaty was between Spain and Portugal
What did Pedro Cabral discover?
Reached east coast of South America by accident in 1500--he was blown off coarse and reached Brazil and claimed it for Portugal because of Treaty of Tordesillas
Spain controlled most of
Central America
South America
Portugal controlled most of
territory of Brizillian coast
both east and west coast of Africa and Asia
East Indies
How did America the New World get its name?
Amerigo Vespucci frome Florence was convienced that the land was a New World not part of Asia--
A German mapmaker called it America after Vespucci's first name in latin Americus
What did Vasco Nunez de Balboa do?
Discovered South Sea claimed it for Spain (Pacific Ocean)
New World was a distinct landmass separate from Asia
Ferdinand Magellan discovered and named what?
Pacific Ocean--Balboa's South Sea
Who completed first round world voyage?
Magellans crew
Who led Magellans crew ?
Juan Sebastian de Elcano
What happened to Megellan?
He died in fight with the islanders of the Phillippines after claiming it for Spain
The port where the Portuguese made their administrative center?
A group of islands Europeans called the Spice Islands that Portugal conquered?
Moluccas Islands
Why was it benificial to the Portuguese to take control of the island of Ceylon(Sri Lanka)adding it to their chain of trading bases?
It helped dominate trade with the East Indies-its key location between Goa and Malacca
Malacca was also a
conquest of the Portuguese on the southwest coast of the Malay Peninsula
Where did Portugal have a large colony in the Americas?
What did the colony of Brazil do for Portugal?
It established enormous agriculture estates that grew sugar for export
Relationship between Portugal and African King at first was?
Portugal went to Africa as Christian missionaries to convert
friendly relations
King of Kongo accepted baptism and sent envoys from Kongo back to Europe
What caused relationship to colasp between the Portuguese and the African Kongo?
economic interest of Portugal traders that centered on slavery
The the slave trade began when Portugal set up
the sugar plantations off the coast of West Central Africa that required a large number of slaves
Where did they get the slaves?
from the African mainland
As plantation agriculture spread to Brizil and the Caribbean islands the demand for slaves
The slave trade served as the chief purpose of
European relations with Africa
Who annexed Portugal?
Who emerged as the leading naval power and became active in the slave trade?
The Dutch also took over some of whose colonies?
Portugal's East Indies
Later who became involved in slave trade?
English and French
a system of trade involving 3 stages one of which was the transatlantic slave trade
trianglular trade
In the first stage of the triangular trade merchants shipped
Cotton goods, weapons, liquor to Africa in exchange for slaves or gold
The second stage of trianglualr trade was the
Middle Passage
The Middle Passage was the
shipment of slaves across the Atlantic to the Americas
In the Americas the traders sold slaves for
produce from the plantations
To complete the triangle merchants sent the plantations products to
Europe where they were used to buy manufactured products to be sold in the Americas
Conditions of Middle Passage were
chained slaves in overcrowded hold of ship-preventing jumping overboard or organizing rebellion
little food, water or sanitation(bathroom)
Many died before they got there
About how many slaves were carried on European slave ships?
60,0000 each year
How many African survived the journey to become slaves in the Americas?
10 million
How many died during Middle Passage?
1.5 million
What caused Africa's population not to increase during 1650-1800(150 years)when Europe's population grew rapidly?
Africans died in slave trade many died during process of enslavement by fellow Africans and hard trip from interior of Africa to coast
Who profited in West Africa from the slave trade?
Asante group
Benin and Dahomey Kingdoms
Many African societies pracitced slavery before the arrival of the Europeans--they were obtained though
war or in raids
Difference in African slavery was
Africans preferred women and children for labor
killed males because they caused trouble or escaped
allowed slaves to buy back freedom
treated slaves as a role in society
European thoughts on slaves was
males were preferred because of the manual labor work on the plantations
they considered slaves as property
What help did Africans give Europeans in slave trade?
Gather and transportion
Africans willing joined to obtain arms and goods from Europe
some had to participate or become victims
What had a disastrous effect on the future of the continent of Africa?
The demand for slaves led to increase slave raiding
What let to Portuga's decline?
Shakey financial base
drain on population
Spain annexed Portugal
What 2 colonies continued to serve as major Portuguese colonies?