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13 Cards in this Set

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The poet Du Fu complained that “Men of China are able to face the stiffest battle, but their officers drive them like chickens and dogs.” Was Tang China a violent place? Describe the social structure during the Tang age? What role did poets, such as Du Fu and Li Bo, play in recording the life of the average Chinese peasant?
Tang china was not a violent dynasty, people were treated equally, and most were happy. There was unusual stability.During this age, there were three major polocies,- The equal field System, Bureacracy of Merit, and the transportation and Communication systems.Some of the poets works lamentated the chaos of the late eighth Century. They calmed paesants. and told it how it was.
The Arab merchant Suleiman noted that in the ninth century, “No one in China is treated unjustly.” Was he exaggerating? Why did China always look so impressive to foreign visitors?
The merchant was exaggerating because there were always people higher than others, and always ones who deserved no respect, such as prisoners. China seemed impressive to others because of its stable economy, flourishing, land, and vast area of communication
Compare and contrast the Tang and Song bureaucratic brilliance to other societies studied so far. Why was the Chinese system so stable for so long?
The tang and Song Bureacratic brilliance was like the Romans because it had one ruler with many outskirts However, The tang and song had things based on merit. Many things were throughout families
How is the rise of neo-Confucianism related to the increasing popularity of Buddhism? Can you think of other examples from the course where one philosophy developed in opposition to another?
Neo Confucianism gave rol to buddhism because they had many of the same beliefs. Neo confucianism having taking many of them from buddhists beliefs accepted buddhism as a religion. PEople were less afraid of being buddhist.
Discuss the role played by Tang Taizong in the rise of the Tang dynasty. What were the foundations of Tang success?
Tang Taizong built the empire up to be spectacular. THE FOundations of Tang sucess were through
Examine the spread of Buddhism into China. How did Buddhist thought influence China? How did China influence Buddhism?
Buddhism influenced China because it shaped neo-confucianism and other religions. China did not accept Buddhism but they adopted many of its beliefs. China influence Buddhism to create Chan-Buddhism which took many beliefs from Daoism and Confucianism.
Discuss the role of trade in Tang and Song China. Examine the growing market economy. How did trade influence the development of financial instruments?
Trade was important in Tang and Song China. It brought influences, ideas and goods from far and wide. It made a stabler economy and it made the empire prosper. Trade created financial instruments like credit and paper money because it was more convenient and there was not enough coin money.
Examine the evolution of early Japanese society. How were the Japanese influenced by China? In what ways was Japan unique?
Japan was highly influenced by China. Japan had dynasties of empires like China. It was unique because of its eventual decentralized government and less trade
Examine the rise of the early Korean and Vietnamese societies. How were the Koreans and Vietnamese influenced by China? In what ways were they different?
Koreans and Vietnamese were influenced by china in the fact that they borrowed some of the chinese political and cultural traditions and used them as their own. The koreans differed from china as they used aristocrats and royal houses to dominate the society. The Vietnamese people were different because they retained indigenous religions in preference to Chinese cultural traditions. Women played a more prominant role.
Examine the technological innovations of the Tang and Song periods. How did these innovations change the shape of Chinese history?
Porcelain, Metallurgy, Gunpowder, Printig, Nava Technology, and paper money changed the chape of chinese History. Most of them created larger income of money for the Chinese. Gunpowder gave the chinese somewhat of a strong military advantage. Printing made it able to mass produce. Paper money sometimes wass more like an I O U. It did not change china in a positive way. Tensions came up between people because of this.
Compare the role that China played in the development of Korea, Vietnam, and Japan to the role played by Greece and Rome in the Mediterranean basin and the role played by Byzantium in eastern Europe and Russia.
While Chinese influences were mostly political and religious, the Greece and Rome influences were more architectural. Byzantium influences were more political.
Compare the spread of Buddhism into China to the spread of Christianity and Islam discussed in earlier chapters. What are the common themes?
Buddhism in china came about because of the borrowing of ideas. as it did in Christianity and Islam. People first rejected, but eventually, they became the strongest religions.
Compare and contrast the Korean, Vietnamese, and Japanese response to the Chinese. Which society copied the Chinese most completely?
The Koreans, vietnamese, and japanese all copied the chinese. The Koreans taking political ideas, vietnamese taking agricultural methods, and the japanese taking political and cultrual developmental ideas. Japan was the society copying most completely.