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37 Cards in this Set

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Family Policy

- Defines families, their form and which family members are entitled to government support/amounts and type of support

- Comprised of rules and programs

When did mothers get assistance for maternity leave for government?

1971 - gov't didn't seen it as their responsibility

When did adoptive parents begin getting benefits?


What were the maternity leave stipulations originally and what were the following changes?

- Originally 15 wks of paid leave at 67% of your pay; optional 2 wk unpaid

- 1990 federal govt added 10 weeks to maternal leave; could be taken by either parent but only 55% of pay, max $413 a week and based upon hours worked vs. weeks

What did Gauthier's research show of Canada's maternity leave?

Found Canada to be among the lowest of 22 industrialized countries in pay/leave

What occurred in 2001 with the federal gov't and maternity leave?

- Doubled number of weeks for leave from 25 to a max of 50

In 2012, what was the maximum leave?

- 45,900$, 35 wks at 55% of insurable earnings

- Mothers can add parental leave to maternity leave (50wks of paid leave) or could take maternity leave (15), return to employment, and father could take residing 35wk parental leave

What did the pilot programs include?

- Pilot programs put out to be tested and found to be successful

- E.g. can work up to 50$ a wk or 25% of weekly benefits while on maternity leave without penalization or 40% of benefits for eligible families

What're the reasons fathers still choose not to take parental leave?

1) family choice

2) difficulty taking time off

3) financial issues

- Along with cultural expectations and insufficient benefits

Who are birth benefits restricted to?

- Employed women who have worked a minimum of 600 hours

- Leaves many excluded

What is fathers involvement in children's upbringing positively correlated with?

- Cognitive development

- Educational attainment

- Social functioning

3% to 29.7% increase in fathers taking parental leave between 2001-2010

Since when has the Canadian government been supportive regarding social assistance?

1918 when Child Tax Exemption was introduced

What was Child Tax Exemption?

Allowed breadwinners an annual tax deduction on their income taxes (universal)

1945's Family Allowance Program

- Paid to women with children at home

- Universal, paid directly to mothers

- For many, it was their only source of income

What were the child poverty percentages in late 1980s?

From 15.7% to 20.6%

- House of Commons created goal of eradicating child poverty by 2000

What are impoverished children seen as vs. impoverished adults on social assistance?

Child seen as the undeserving poor and adults on social assistance seem suspect

What occurred in 1993 for social assistance involving children?

Abolished Family Allowances and introduced Child Tax Benefit (CTB)

- Paid low income families an annual amount for each child, an additional supplement for each child under 7

- Targeted benefits replaced universal programs

What was introduced in 1998?

- Created National Child Tax Benefit (NCB) which included Canada Tax Benefit and National Child Benefit Supplement

- Annual amount of $1405 per child to families whose net income did not exceed $42,707

- Additional supplement of $249 per child under 7

What reiterated the idea of the deserving and underserving poor with social assistance?

NCBS may be fully or partially taken back if family is on social assistance (welfare) by gov't

- "claw back"

- recently lowering/eradicating clawback so children of low income families receive entire NCBS

E.g. $2,127 for first child and $1926 for 2nd

What number of children are in foster care?

- 47,885 children in foster care

- Majority under age 14

- Average 40% in foster care are aboriginal

What is true regarding parental rights of foster children?

1/3 of foster children's parent's rights have been taking away by gov't thus making them eligible for adoption

- less than 13% are adopted by their foster families

What do foster parents receive?

- Monthly fee for maintenance per diem from provincial govt to help with cost of caring

- Cost includes: food, clothing, personal care items, toiletries, spending allowance, gifts

- Can collect skill fees to compensate them for their skills in child care

- Additional rates for children with special needs

- Amounts vary per province

What're the rates of post secondary and high school drop outs for foster children?

- Only 21% pursue post-secondary compared to 40%

- High school graduation rate of 44% vs. 81% of general population

Modern day, how many children remain in poverty?

1 in 10 children remain in poverty

- Poverty rates remained higher than 1989 until 2003

- Canada in bottom third tier in relation to other industrialized worlds

What're factors that aggravate adult poverty?

1) Declining welfare incomes

2) low wage wall (jobs with long hours, low pay, little opportunity)

3) Inadequate housing

4) Reduced access to EI

5) Lack of quality, affordable child care

What are the poverty rates for dual parent income vs. single parent income?

- 10% for dual income

- 22.2% of father headed lone income; 52.1 for female headed households

- 1 in 4 aboriginal children are living in poverty

- 1 in 3 of all children living in poverty live with a parent employed full time all year

What family dynamic do the largest percentage of children live in?

Two parent homes (54%)

40% lived in single mother households

In 2002, what did the UN assembly sign?

- "World Fit For Children"

- Healthy lives, quality education, exploitation and violence eradicated

What are the poverty statistics as of 2009?

- 3.2 Canadians live in poverty (1 million children)

- 1 in 3 Canadian children experience poverty for at least one year

- 1 in 4 workers are in low wage employment

- Aboriginals, visible minorities 2x the average for poverty rates

What percentage of raising children goes to child care?

33% of cost of raising children goes to childcare compared to 23% to provide shelter

What did OECD's 2004 study say about Canada's child care plan?

- No goals

- Underfunded

- Many childcare workers under trained

- Pay more for child care than other countries

- Less than 20% of children have a place in a regulated child care facility (very low)

- Suggested gov't pay 40% of daycare cost , double budget and better training

Quebec's Pro-Natal Policy

-A reaction to Quebec revolution, secularized Quebecois society (generated liberal values, advanced language, education for both sexes)

- 1960s, noticed increase in divorce and decrease in births and introduced monetary incentive program to elevate fertility among women

- Allowances for babies e.g. $500 for first birth, $1000 for second birth, etc.

What changes were introduced in Quebec in 1997?

1) Created Ministry of Families and Children, 500 million dollar budget

2) Established unified child allowance program for low income families

3) implemented maternity/parental leave

4) Provided gov't funded (5-7$/day) child care; parents who qualified paid 2$/day

Who does Quebec's family allowance plan target?

- Low income families with children under 18

- More adults in the house, receive less benefits

- Lone parents receive most tax/benefits

- Taxes rose 40% since program paid for by tax revenues

- Regulated child care facilities went from 78,388 to 368,909

What did Harper introduce in 2011?

-"Helping Families in Need Act"

- Parental leave for children's illness, child death or disappearance, compassionate care benefits, modify E.I., parental benefits for military

- Not integrated with family policy

Individual Responsibility Model

Views mother/fathers equally responsible for family economic well-being/providing care

- State responsibility only arise when parents can't fulfill theirs/are absent

Social Responsibility Model

- Minimizing gender stratification without privileging marriage over relationships

- Parents bear responsibility for children living with them or not

- Caring for children is society's job as well