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50 Cards in this Set

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Describe the law of superposition.
The layers of sediment were layered ontop of each other, by wind or water. The lower level is old, top layer is younger.
Three types of fossils
Difference between relative and absolute age.
Relative - Only knowing if the fossil is younger or old than other fossils.
Absolute - This is done by radioactive dating. Finding the exact age.
Who though that trait acquired by one generation were passed onto the next generation.
Process that drives evolution.
Natural selection.
Change in the genetic makeup of a population
Single organisms genetic contribution to the next generation.
Features that have the same function in different species but come from different part of the embryo during development.
Features that may have different functions in defferent species but come from the same part of the embryo during development. They share a common ancestor.
Features that are apparently useless, but were once useful in an ancestor.
Type of evoltuion where related species become increasing different. Adaptive radiation of Darwins finches is an example.
Type of evolution where unrelated species become increasingly similar. Dolphins and sharks are an example.
Type of evoltuion where one species evolves in response to the other.
All living things come from other living things.
Bio genesis.
Theory that living things could arise form nonliving things.
Spontangeous Genertion
Spallanzani's experiment.
Meat in the jar with cloth over it.
Redi's Experiment
He used curved neck flasks but not open neck which prevented microorganisms from entering.
What life like properties do coacervates and microspheres possess?
They can take up certain substances from their soundings, coavercates can grow, microspoheres can bud from smaller microspheres.
The form of RNA that acts like an enzyme is called a _____
Population genetics
Study of evolution from a genetic point of view.
Bell Curve
Shows how there is less extream traits and more average.
Phenotype Frequency
Ratio stating the number of times a specific phenotype occurs in a population in a single generation.
Hardy-Weinberg Genetic equilibrium
The stability of gene frequencies across generations.
5 steps to Hardy Weinberg Genetic Equilibrium
1. No net mutations occur
2. Individuals neither enter nor leave the popuation.
3. The population is large.
4. Individuals mate randomly.
5. Selection does not occur.
The movement of individuals into a population.
The movement of individuals out of a population.
Gene Flow
Movement of genes from one population to another.
Genetic Drift
Is when allele frequencies change to random events.
Random Mating
Mating occurring without genetic make up.
Associative mating
Mating is based on similarities of characteristics.
Stabilizing selection
Individual with the average form of a trait have the highest fitness.
Directional selection
The display of a more extreame form of a trait have greater fitness that individuals with an average form of the trait.
Sexual Selection
Choosing a mate based on certain traits.
The process of species formation
The internal and external structure and appearance of an organism.
Biological species concept
The principles that defines a species as those organisms that can produce offspring together.
Geographic isolation
Physical separation of members of a population.
Reproductive isolation
The inability of formerly interbreeding organisms to produce offspring.
Punctuated equilibrium
A theory that specifies occurs durning brief periods of rapid genetic change.
Radioactive Dating
A method of determining the age of an object by measuring the amount of specific radioactive isotope it contains.
Acquired trait
One that is not determined by genes.
Mutually benifically relationship between one organism and another that lives within it.
Desent with modification
States that newer forms appearing in the fossil record are acturally the modified desendants of older speices.
Natural selection
Organisms best suited to their environment reproduce more successfully than other organism.
Bell Curve
Shows how there is less extream traits and more average.
Punctuated equilibrium
A theory that specifies occurs durning brief periods of rapid genetic change.
Miller and Urey Apparatus
Modeled the atomoshpheric and temperature conditions of early earth. Produced a variety of organic compounds.
Geological strcutre of Earth resulted from cycle of observable processes and these continue through time.
Sphereical in shape and are composed of proteins
Collections of droplets that are composed of molecules of different types including amino acids and sugars.